

  • This. Seriously, if you have the time and energy to hate on someone because they don't fit your idea of what someone should look like, you either have a very boring life or some mental issues that need to be addressed.
  • One thing I've noticed as I've continued along my journey: when I'm amongst a large group of others who are also working out, no one really is looking at anyone else. I've recently started the Zombies, Run 5K training. I do most of my training at the Rose Bowl (there's a 5K track that surrounds the Rose Bowl and…
  • Watermelon has a ton of potassium. Potassium is very necessary to health and most people have a potassium deficiency. Eat and drink your watermelon (watermelon agua fresca is soooo good) and enjoy!
  • I've had plantar fasciitis for about a year as well. It's getting better (slowly), but I think one of the best things I bought for myself were slippers designed to help those with PF ( I have shoes that help with arch support, but the minute I get home from…
  • I would've just put it in the bag anyway with a raised eyebrow and sly smile. Then again, I'm at the age where I don't work customer service any longer because I don't have the patience for rude people. These days I'm much more likely to tell the person what to do with their receipt and phone in no uncertain (and probably…
  • Bumping for later. My Gawd, this looks amazing.
  • You mean this house? So very awesome! I'm very, very happy that DOMA has been gutted and Prop H8 is saying bye bye (I'm a California girl). Equality for everyone!
  • Watermelon and orange juice are great for potassium. Here's a pretty comprehensive list:
  • I was eating Trader Joe's prepackaged frozen meals for lunch for awhile, and, while I love them (as frozen meals go, Trader Joe's definitely has some of the better ingredients), I wasn't happy with how much sodium I was getting. I now prefer Trader Joe's microwaveable veggies in the refrigerated section (the asparagus and…
  • This. I haven't read all of the comments on this thread because, frankly, most of y'all seem to lack basic compassion. Y'all also don't seem to know a damn thing about clinical depression, which is what the guy in the video obviously suffers from. I do feel sorry for him - not because he's obese but because he has not yet…
  • This is a good idea. I like to track my water because, even though I love water, I'm not always good about drinking enough. However, my water bottle at work is 30oz, which doesn't work well translating to cups on MFP.
  • I have a friend like this. She's a lovely woman who is all about being active and eating healthfully, but she's suffered from EDs and low self-esteem in the past, so weighing herself at all can be a trigger for behaviors she's worked hard to overcome. I have no problem weighing myself daily (and I pretty much do), but for…
  • Many moons ago I tried Zantrex. The first day I was mildly uncomfortable. The second day I felt a little bit worse. The third day I suffered from cramping so bad that I had to call a friend to pick me up from work (which, luckily, was a part-time clerk gig for a small local paper) because I was completely incapacitated AND…
  • I used to put my phone (LG myTouch - in my bra while working out, but the sweat seeped into some of the buttons and now they don't work quite as well. Now I use an old fashioned cell phone carrying case clipped to my workout pants (Cellet Bergamo Case -…
  • Gene Wilder, always and forever. However, the remake did have Christopher Lee in it. I've been a Christopher Lee fan since I was 5, so I can't really hate it. (I wouldn't hate it anyway - I like it more than most people. But not more than the original.)
  • I can't remember the medical name, but basically it's a badly torn calf muscle. I got one while bowling a couple of years ago (more specifically, doing a little victory dance when I got a strike). It felt like someone had lobbed a bowling ball at my calf. Didn't hurt at first, but within seconds, I couldn't put any weight…
  • :smile: BTW, love your nick and your ticker.
  • Just update your weight when there's a definite change. Weekly should be fine, since you don't want to count in water weight. mkakids, that's what I was thinking, too. The elliptical usually says I burn about 300+ calories in 35 minutes. As much as I wish that were true, I highly doubt it, even though I do work hard.
  • Look at all this water!
  • I've had my Polar FT7 for almost a year and I love it. Pretty easy to use. As MissMaryMac says, update your personal settings - also, remember to change the weight when your weight changes so it can stay accurate. Between my FT7 and my Fitbit One, I feel like I'm a fitness powerhouse! (BTW, am I the only person whose HRM…
  • This would be my first instinct. Unfortunately the law frowns on throat punching except in clear cases of self-defense. So do the second part (fire the trainer) and get someone who helps you achieve your goals in a professional way. Without causing you physical pain that lasts a week (see your doctor to make sure you're…
  • That was my end of April/beginning of May. Lots of various celebrations and not much time to fit in exercise. I easily gained 2 lbs (though maybe more - my water weight was all over the place). I've been working hard and I've gotten 1/2 a pound under where I was before the celebrations started. I've no doubt that you can,…
  • I work out in our work's basement gym during lunch (the only time I really have during the week to workout), so I keep a small towel, baby wipes, deodorant and baby powder in my gym bag for use after I workout. It's not ideal, but I feel (and smell) much, much better than I would if I didn't. I also have underwear that I…
  • Just one thing to keep in mind: you may not look as strange in the wedding party as you think you will. And you're probably much lovelier than you think. About seven years ago I was a bridesmaid in my sister's wedding. She's quite thin and I'm not. I was easily the largest woman in the bridal party. The rather attractive…
  • I'm not looking to garner a large friend list. Most of my friends on my (small) list are friends in real life, so I really don't want their posts/comments to get lost in the signal noise on the news feed. I have occasionally sent out a friend request when I've read something on the forums or blogs that resonated with me.…
  • Sounds like your doctor feels he's superior because he's an *kitten*, not because he's a vegetarian. *kitten* will act as if they're superior no matter what their preferred diet is (paleo, macrobiotic, vegan, Atkins, etc.) This vegetarian salutes your decision to not get the surgery. Obviously what you're doing is working…
  • Or maybe they're just super shy. My boyfriend (a naturally nice guy with a naughty edge) is also very shy. He doesn't feel comfortable in most social situations and doesn't like to take the risk of offending those he might be interested in, as he knows he's not the most socially adjusted person. As a result, I ended up…
  • Bumping for later...
  • This. I went vegetarian in one day in the mid 90s because I just couldn't stand meat any longer, though I had been cutting down of it for several years without realizing it. But not everyone can do that. If you feel great and you're not craving meat at the end of your meatless day, you'll probably have no problem…