I cried at bootcamp today



  • shootergirlnc
    shootergirlnc Posts: 50 Member
    I don't think it gets easier, you just get stronger! Keep at it! How awesome that your 7-year-old can see you push through something and not give up. Just think about the great example you are setting!
  • CarolElaine25
    No one just starts in shape. Even the most incredible boot campers were beginners once. Keep it up and you will succeed.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    Please don't quit! I go to boot camp too and trust me it's the same way for everyone. Boot camp is not easy but it is worth it. Keep with it and you will notice changes in everything from the way your clothes fit to your endurance. Keep your head up!
  • BoudyGirl
    BoudyGirl Posts: 13 Member
    Who cares if you cried at bootcamp. YOU WENT TO bootcamp. That's the important thing.

    I have gone to a couple classes with my ultrafit SIL and want to cry through the whole thing not only cause it hurt but because I look over and wish I could do it as easy as she is. But I go and I try and I have to stop (a lot) and next time I just try to go a little longer before stopping.

    Good Job today!!!
  • weese17
    weese17 Posts: 236 Member
    I started bootcamp with a bunch of 40 year old moms 6 weeks ago, when I was laid off. They have all been doing it for a year, so I try not to compare myself, but I absolutely am so out of shape and am embarrassed that I cried today. I know how to modify the workout to my level and I am ok with that, but during the first 5 minutes I want to run out the door because I am out of breath and the lactic acid is burning my thighs already! My friend drives me, so I am thankfully stuck. I think I eat well enough, sleep enough, drink enough etc. Will it ever get easier? Sometimes I feel like I am just not ever going to be THAT person who finally can make it through without having to stop. I have always been a little chubby, so I NEED cardio, and I NEED someone to drag me because I come up with a million excuses. Is there anyone out there who one day said 'Hey, this isn't so bad after all?' How do I stay motivated? I want it to be a way of life for me.

    Just go. Don't question yourself - just go.

    I started a mommy boot camp when my youngest kid was 10 weeks old. I was SO thankful for his frequent need to nurse, because it meant I had an excuse to take a breather. :D

    I maybe did 50% of the first class, and stood in the very back row of the class. Within 7 months, I had shed 35 pounds, gained muscle, moved to the front of the class, and started heavy lifting. Within a couple more months, I'd lost an additional 10 of fat, gained a ton of muscle, and left the boot camp class because it was too easy. :D

    You got this.
  • katerbees
    katerbees Posts: 11
    Keep it up! I cried at my first fitness class when I started working out again. It was so hard and everyone else there was amazing and knew what they were doing and I was just standing there all sweaty and pant-y and my clothes were super tight because even though I had gotten fatter I was still shoving myself into the same size work out clothes I had worn 30 pound lighter and my whale tale kept trying to come out during squats and I felt really fat and nasty and uncomfortable.
    But...I stuck with it. And slowly over a few months it got less challenging to do the basic moves and I was able to up my weights, hold a plank, and start doing some push ups. Stick with it and you will amaze yourself and have something to be very proud of :)
  • LadyQue25
    LadyQue25 Posts: 24 Member
    Always keep in mind your ultimate goal. Every workout means you are one step closer to the fabulous and fit you!! Celebrate even the little achievements....you making it through 10 minutes, then 15, then 20 until you can get through the whole thing without stopping. Celebrate the loss of inches, the times you didn't cry, your clothes fitting better, you sleeping better, not being as irritable, eating better....these are all signs of change and progress! Don't give up! Stay with the Fight!! (in my Combat voice)
  • blackgibb
    blackgibb Posts: 1
    I too started a bootcamp in October 2012, overweight and my only exercise was 1 game of hockey each week (obviously not enough activity). The first time out, I thought that I was going to die. I hated every second as I was going through the routine because I was so out of breath! Once I got through though, I was so proud of myself for having finished. I didn't do every repetition of every exercise but I did give it my all. The best part was...everyone in the class had been there at one point in time. There was no judgement; only encouragement. I joined with 2 other friends and we pushed each other to go every Monday and Wednesday night. It is now June 2013 and I am 35lbs lighter, in the best shape I've been in since my early 30's (I'm now pushing 50) and I have taken up jogging and weight training to build/tone my muscles. I've never approached dieting in a hard-core manner, I just watch what I eat and try to take in more natural foods. I never feel guilty if I have pizza or cookies. If I totally deprive myself of the things I love, I will be demotivated and will not succeed. I have 25lbs more to go and bootcamp is what kick started my road to better health. Don't give up as it is so worth it in the end.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I felt the same way the first time 3 years ago. I thought I was going to die when we skipped rope for 2 minutes, let alone flip a tire. Despite being one of the larger ladies in the class, I absolutely refused to give up. Each week I started talking to the experienced boot campers and each one added valuable insight, which in turn helped me. You have to have iron will and determination to see boot camp or any fitness activities through. Each boot camp class will be different and your feelings will also. Unfortunately, many of us make the mistake of comparing ourselves with others which can discourage you immediately.

    Keep in mind those 40 year old mom's had to start at the beginning also.

    Hang in there. I promise you in a few months you will not even recall this day of sad tears.
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    I love going to boot camp, but if you are new to exercising and feel like you can never keep up with others in the class, it's probably not the best place to start.

    When I started boot camp, I had been fairly active for several years and taken numerous strength training and cardio classes, and it was still a challenge. But I can't imagine trying to do boot camp if I didn't already have a good base of physical fitness.

    Are there any other classes going on at the gym where your friend takes you that might be more suited to your current fitness level?

    My advice is to find a less intense exercise class that you really enjoy and build up your strength. Boot camp will always be there when you are ready for it!
  • jennalee85251
    You can do it. Dont worry about them and what they can do... This is you.. You got this! :) You can & you will! Dont be discouraged!!!
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    You can do it. Dont worry about them and what they can do... This is you.. You got this! :) You can & you will! Dont be discouraged!!!

    Jennalee85251, the OP is already at the point of crying. Why not encourage her to take a class that is more appropriate for her current fitness level instead of suggesting that she stay with something that is making her miserable?

    Telling someone that's new to exercising to start with boot camp is just like telling someone that's new to running to enter a marathon!
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    Dont quit!! You can do this. And believe me it will get easier. When I first started my bootcamp I could barely make it through the warmup without dying!! I tried not to breath hard b/c no one else was and I was embarrassed. But I realized that everyone is at a different level and you know what it is what it is (I hate that saying) right now and you can only go up from here!! Keep your head up!!! I believe in you!! :)
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    Dont quit!! You can do this. And believe me it will get easier. When I first started my bootcamp I could barely make it through the warmup without dying!! I tried not to breath hard b/c no one else was and I was embarrassed. But I realized that everyone is at a different level and you know what it is what it is (I hate that saying) right now and you can only go up from here!! Keep your head up!!! I believe in you!! :)

    Carakit, Taking less intense fitness classes until she gets her strength up is NOT quitting! It is going about things in a sensible, reasonable way.

    I've been going to boot camp class for about 6 months now, and while the coaches were great about helping people that were not very fit make modifications, none of them stayed for more than a few weeks because they felt totally out of place.

    It's a much better approach to find a fitness class you really enjoy where some people are ahead of you and some people are behind you in fitness level, and work your way up from there.

    THAT is the best way to keep working towards your goals without getting discouraged and feeling miserable!
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    Find something you actually like! Working out should make you feel strong, capable, and in control. If you feel the need to flee your workout, you need a different workout.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I started bootcamp with a bunch of 40 year old moms 6 weeks ago, when I was laid off. They have all been doing it for a year, so I try not to compare myself, but I absolutely am so out of shape and am embarrassed that I cried today. I know how to modify the workout to my level and I am ok with that, but during the first 5 minutes I want to run out the door because I am out of breath and the lactic acid is burning my thighs already! My friend drives me, so I am thankfully stuck. I think I eat well enough, sleep enough, drink enough etc. Will it ever get easier? Sometimes I feel like I am just not ever going to be THAT person who finally can make it through without having to stop. I have always been a little chubby, so I NEED cardio, and I NEED someone to drag me because I come up with a million excuses. Is there anyone out there who one day said 'Hey, this isn't so bad after all?' How do I stay motivated? I want it to be a way of life for me.

    don't give up and don't quit! the worst thing you can do is compare yourself to others that have been doing bootcamp for a lot longer than you. first of all A BIG CONGRATULATIONS on joining bootcamp - i've never done it. my cardio is running and let me tell you every time i start out i think UGH!!!!! but after the first mile i think well i did one i'll do another and so on. i started in 2011 and june 1st i ran my first half marathon. does it get easier some days yes and other days nope (yesterday i ran 2 miles and didn't think i could do THAT). will you feel AWESOME and AMAZING after you finish your workout HELL YES!

    give yourself time you'll get there. each day you go reflect back on what you did, what you just accomplished and be proud of yourself. also if you decide bootcamp isn't right for you give yourself permission to try something different. :)
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I started bootcamp with a bunch of 40 year old moms 6 weeks ago, when I was laid off. They have all been doing it for a year, so I try not to compare myself, but I absolutely am so out of shape and am embarrassed that I cried today. I know how to modify the workout to my level and I am ok with that, but during the first 5 minutes I want to run out the door because I am out of breath and the lactic acid is burning my thighs already! My friend drives me, so I am thankfully stuck. I think I eat well enough, sleep enough, drink enough etc. Will it ever get easier? Sometimes I feel like I am just not ever going to be THAT person who finally can make it through without having to stop. I have always been a little chubby, so I NEED cardio, and I NEED someone to drag me because I come up with a million excuses. Is there anyone out there who one day said 'Hey, this isn't so bad after all?' How do I stay motivated? I want it to be a way of life for me.


    EVERYONE starts at the "beginning". None of those ladies were born Olympic. Just keep at it. Before you know it, they will be eating your dust.


    Everyday you are one day closer to your goal.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Do what you can with what you have.
    I know the feeling, I've been there. Heck, I still feel the same way sometimes. You just have to remember that you should never compare yourself to someone else. Each time you workout, compete with yourself only. Try to beat your time, increase the mileage, your number of reps, the weight you are lifting. And even if there is no increase for a while, it is okay. Slow progress is still progress. Never forget that you are still lapping everyone sitting on the couch.
    I am very proud of you. You are capable of so much more than you think you can.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,533 Member
    Thank you for your service :flowerforyou:
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    What if you found a workout that you loved?