I said Jennifer before I saw your screen name under your picture! but if I had to go with a second choice it would be Dawn :)
Yes.... more love, less hate...we all need this! keep on keeping on lil lady :)
Jody (this is for the blonde like 4 up) but this picture is hard to tell :) maybe Albert or Alberta:) ? :)
^^^This :) I love this...what a great reminder for us wives, thank you :)
Thanks everyone, I am super excited to kick this off tonight!!! For those that did it were you happy with your results? Would you mind sharing them? Thanks again!!!!
I added as circuit training too
enell sports bras....awesome!
I have a steady 4-5 pound gain EVERY time TOM arrives and usually stays for 4-5 days....ughhhhhhh :)
you Go Girl!!!!!! what an awesome testimony and what a great accomplishment!!!! you look amazing!!!!
Thankyou!!! I will try it today for my 5 o clock run!!!!:) how exciting!
I saw this app onmy exactly does it work...sounds like fun! and I would love some help/encouragement as I am running :)
WTG lady!!!! you look amazing and I love your smile in your most recent pics!!!!!
it is a beautiful thing! getting to nourish our sweet little babies how God intended (nothing against bottle fed AT ALL- I was only able to nurse my first born for 7 weeks:() but society has made it an unnatural thing and sexualized it.... it is simple...your sweet baby is hungry and so you feed them... I always kept them…
If anyone happens to drop before you start or even closely after please let me in:)!!!! this looks SO awesome!!!!!!!
Thank you ladies for your input, I am going to check those out :)
I think the level 2 is the hardest of the three...get it girl!!! I just completed this a few weeks ago and lost 12 inches!
nope, no such thing as a platonic friendship between a man and a woman... because if there were the opportunity for one of them to be with the other if something happened with thier current relationship they would take that of the 2 would always take that chance... (please note there are situations where this…
What does that mean, I am just curious?
Where were the pictures of the before and after you saw, I would love to see it? ..and I am in!! Lets DO this!!!!!!
^ The pretty girl from Jungle book, Moglie loved her and my daughter wants to be her:)
Exercise.... you have to get active (stay active) or (up the activity) with cardio and strength training..... it is most beneficial for your weight loss but also your mind and soul:) I hadnt been active (like I had always been) for 5 years - got married and had 3 babies :) was my fault I didnt stay active not the…
- Soda - Candy - Dessert - late night snack :) - JUNK!!!
to be specific: abortion and our system regarding how they can/cannot go about getting information out of someone who has hurt a child or person for that matter that could bring them home or get closure...those get me going:)
I work FT and a mommy to 3 and it is super hard, but I saw a post on here a while ago..if there is a will there is a way...we got this ladies...and any little step we take to making healthier choices is a WIN!!!
I am breastfeeding my 6 momth old and I feel like I could eat all day long....ughhhhh but as soon as I stop breastfeeding my appetite goes back to normal.... I am hoping to bf him until he is 6 months:) until then I am trying really hard to fight the cravings :)
I have that too and should be doing Day 2 today:)