

  • That is awesome!!!! And you'll find once you get going that the time commitment is really minimal. So rock on and good luck!!!
  • I was able to find this on a website: Calories Zumba workouts can vary in intensity, and calorie burn depends on an individual's weight, fitness level and muscle composition. During an hour long session you can burn anywhere from 500 to 800 calories. On average, a 150-lb. person can expect to burn 536 calories during an…
  • Ah yes - the token government response. I just love (sarcastically) when someone can take a simple post and turn it political. What the hell does McDonald's have to do with the government???
  • I think I pulled something just opening the box. :)
  • And the timing of them is impecible. Always seem to be right whenb you're the hungriest. HAHA...Just got home from work, just woke up in the morning, right after working out (I get hungry when I work out), etc...
  • That is so awesome!!! I love when people put before and after pics up. They are very motivating and show that it CAN be done. A big congratulations to you!!!
  • Finding that right support is very difficult to do. I haven't read through all of these replies so someone may have already said this same thing, but if there is any way to possibly get him involved in joining you in getting in shape, that is huge. My fiance is in pretty good shape so I had to find a way to get her to join…
  • I have to agree with this for sure. I've heard of people dropping double digits quickly but never in 2 days but I suppose it is possible. Just be safe with it and assure you're still getting a safe number of calories.
  • I've got the same thing coming up next week. I've been pounding on my body for the past month or 2 to get ready and I'm at the point I want to be (with some additional muscle to add) and will be at an all-inclusive in Jamaica for a week. Which I'm sure will result in more pounding of the body to get back to where I was…
  • I would like to throw in one more twist...I am adding a lot more weight lifting now to gain muscle size. Are the foods that are being suggested the same foods I should also be eating for that?
  • That is excellent for an example. Very simple!!! That you!!!
  • Awesome stuff gang!!! You guys all rock and why I will never part with MFP even being at my target weight. Way too much info on here to pass up on a daily basis. Thanks again everyone. Time to hit the grocery store. :)
  • Ahh....good point. I didn't think of it that way. So that makes more sense in regards to the suggested calories. I still don't know how I'm going to get them though. :)
  • At your current height and weight - you're smack dab in the middle of where you should be for BMI so don't panic. :) I would look at the P90 as something to tone up with based on your current "set-up". As you continue with the workout and the right eating, the "extra" pounds will just naturally come off. But like a ton…
  • Typical weekend of eating too much or not eating well. But that's what my Monday "kick my *kitten*" workout is for I suppose. :)
  • I'm 41 and do the typical winter weight gain every year. (I live in Wisconsin so there's not much to do but eat and drink beer in the winter). But - I've always managed to get the weight off by the first day of Spring every year. It does take a little more work and paying a LOT of attention to the calorie intake once you…
  • Welcome!! The Android app is excellent. My daily lifeline. LOL
    in New guy Comment by dcrabill10 March 2011
  • As long as you don't "ruin" the coffee with creamers, you're only going to get around 4-5 calories anyway. I drink Carribou Blend from my Keurig which is only 4 calories.
  • I have used Oxy ElitePro from GNC in the past. They seem to do the trick for a quick few pounds and some fat burn, but as many people have mentioned, its very easy to gain it back. Especially if you only rely on the pills to do the job. I may get attacked for saying this, but I do continue to use them in a small amount…
  • Thanks for the tips. The hard part really has been to avoid the crappy snacks just to get some extra calories. I apparently must now run to the store and buy some nuts to keep in my office. :) I suppose being UNDER calories is not the worst thing in the world, but I do want to make sure I'm maintaining a healthy amount at…
  • My fiancée and I are both very active and athletic. However, once we moved in with each other, although still staying active in sports, our eating habits suddenly changed. We began eating more fast food, and overall unhealthy foods even at home. I got up to my highest weight in nearly 8 years and she has hit her highest…