simplydelish2 Member


  • After being on this journey for awhile, I'm really good at judging most things. Since I use the same bowls/plates, I pretty much can eyeball it. However, just to keep my skills sharp every once in awhile I'll eyeball it and then weigh/measure it to make sure I'm on track. Note - weighing and measuring everything stresses…
  • Absolutely! This is a lifestyle - not a deprivation camp! Bottom line - it's all about CICO. With that said - I do watch the nutritional value of my choices - so it's not a burger and fries everyday!
  • My coffee is a big part of my lifestyle. My protein shake even has espresso in it. As long as your coffee (no matter how you take it) fits into your calories...drink up!
  • This! I eat a banana almost everyday - because I like them and I like the potassium. I still have to have a calorie deficit or the weight creeps up! This is just another silly thing that keeps people fat.
  • To get some solid advice we need to see your food diary. Most likely water retention. Not enough time to show significant muscle increase. But from what you said you may be eating too little - you didn't say if the 500 calories under where part of your exercise calories or not.
  • Congrats on the loss and most importantly doing it in a sustainable way.
  • Lots of opinions here. Before any one can help, or even come close to correctly answering your question, the cause of your iron deficiency needs to be ascertained. If it has been caused strictly by your diet - then eating more iron rich foods may help. If it has an origin outside your diet - then what you eat most likely…
  • GNC has them. If you don't have one in your area - you can order them online. If you haven't had them before - don't buy too many. I find them absolutely disgusting. They are like this sticky substance that has been extruded into a bar shape. By the time I ate my third one they all tasted alike as they have no…
  • No way to guesstimate that one. I wear a larger size button-up shirt since I'm busty, unlike many I wear a smaller pant than shirt size, and for a dress - it just depends. Wait and buy clothes that fit - you'll be much happier. The other issue is when the US did away with standardized sizing - all bets went out the window!
  • Water pills are to lose water weight - you have that part right. Most water pills will make you lose too much water and you will gain at least a major portion of that "weight" back after you stop taking them. I think that answers your question.
  • Living in Utah, the MLM capital of the world, I've seen lots of companies come and go. HerbaLife has managed to stay around awhile - at least long enough to build a huge fancy headquarters. Like most MLM's the goal is to sell products through distributors and get those distributors to recruit others to sell products. I've…
  • That gives you a -1250 net calories a day...that can't be healthy.
  • Take it off for 1 day or keep it off? At your weight, MFP will suggest .5 lbs per week to lose. Even if you lose at twice that rate - that would be 10 lbs in 10 weeks. Sorry, it's not going to happen in a healthy way.
  • Best advice - get out of junk food h*ll and eat some real food. Weigh and measure that food accurately. If you are at a deficit you will lose...and since you don't have a lot to lose expect a 1/2 lb. to a pound a week.
  • This! It doesn't come off overnight! Based on your goals a one pound per week loss is right on target. You are doing fantastic!
  • Sorry darlin' this looks like a spam ad. 47 pounds in two months is NOT healthy.
  • I'm with most of the rest of the responses. I have one for breakfast almost every morning (I use one with espresso in it). It gets me out the door fast and keeps me full until lunch. Plus, it gives me more calories for the rest of my day!
  • I'm just the opposite of many - I HATE them! Them have absolutely no texture and it's like a piece of sticky taffy shaped into a bar (and they all seem to be the same). I bought 6, ate 3 and tossed the other 3. I think there are many bars on the market with comparable nutrients that taste so much better. I like some of the…
  • Net carbs are basically carbs - fiber = net carbs. I try and stay under 60 net carbs per day. I log full carbs and at the end of the day subtract the fiber to hit my goal. I'm not a student of IIFYM so I'm not sure what they recommend. -
  • I take gummies - my doc swears they absorb better. I feel great so no arguments.
  • Protein and fats have satiety value. The yolk contains most of the fat and most of the nutrition. If you have the calories - eat the yolks! If you don't maybe do 1 whole egg and a couple of egg whites.
  • Most food scales weight to the 100th of an ounce - so you'll have about the same accuracy as grams. Every nutritionist I've ever had has recommended you weight the food in the state you eat it (pasta being the exception) to get the most accurate calorie content. Many brands of chicken in the US have up to 15% liquid…
  • My best suggestion - weigh-in once a week at the same time (I like the first thing in the a.m. after I've pottied and right before I shower). This will give you the most accurate and consistent readings. Weighing every day can be extremely frustrating due to differences in water weight, etc. I used to be a weigh every day…
  • I think the US recommendation is like 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies per day. That would be 3.5-4.5 cups. I'm a big eater (reason I ended up in this situation), so to get/stay full I eat lots of veggies (often times the whole bag of frozen veggies) and usually 3 or so cups of fresh veggies. Can you eat too much? Yes,…
  • Interestingly enough, the closer you eat to what MFP gives you as a calorie goal - the more people seem to lose. You have to fuel your body!
  • Why pay for WW when you can use MFP for free?
  • Fourteen pounds in seven weeks is actually an excellent and healthy loss. I've lost 13 pounds in eight weeks and am over the moon happy. I agree with the above - focus on long-term lifestyle changes. Unless you are going to turn into a pumpkin on August 19 if you haven't lost the weight - don't worry about it! You can't…
  • Losing or gaining weight is all about CICO. I have a protein shake almost every morning and it fits into my calorie allotment and helps me meet my protein goal.
  • You are confusing weights and measures...they are totally different.
  • Each of us have our own goals. I agree with you, I want to be (stay) healthy. I don't believe you have to be a size 4 to do that. With that said, my goal is still in the "overweight" BMI (general) scale. I'm okay with that. I'm a woman, I want curves, I want to be happy, and most of all I want to be healthy.