Can't seem lose anymore weight! Ugh.........HELP!!!!!!

I have been at the same weight or I have gained weight for the past two weeks. I get on the scale yesterday and see I had gained 5 pounds, which of course that makes me want to give up. I was thinking about doing WW again, but than got to thinking that is money that I could be saving. I just need some encouragement I guess. I just don't know what to do. Plus I have been trying to lose weight now for 49 days and I have only lost 15, plus gained 5, so really I've only lost 10. Someone please help before I just say forget it!!!!!!


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Water fluctuations. A net 10 pounds in 7 weeks is over a pound a week. This is reasonable.

    Be realistic and patient.

    I have nothing significant to add to this post. Patience and consistency will take you far.
  • shelbyrhatton
    shelbyrhatton Posts: 14 Member
    You do have a point....I do need to be realistic and patient. Thank you!
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Water fluctuations. A net 10 pounds in 7 weeks is over a pound a week. This is reasonable.

    Be realistic and patient.

    This! It doesn't come off overnight! Based on your goals a one pound per week loss is right on target. You are doing fantastic!

  • altogirl2
    altogirl2 Posts: 105 Member
    A pound a week is outstanding! Keep at it!
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    You sound stressed. Sometimes that can be a barrier. Is there anything that you can do differently? Sometimes just one small change can help. Are you staying under your calories? What about your macros? Are you consuming enough calories? Sometimes eating too little can mess you up too. Are you skipping meals? Are you working out? Just try one small change... If you are doing all of these things just tweak one of them. Don't give up. Good luck on your journey.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Water fluctuations. A net 10 pounds in 7 weeks is over a pound a week. This is reasonable.

    Be realistic and patient.

    Yep. Weight loss is not linear. Give it another week or two and if you aren't seeing a downward trend, look at your logging to see if there's anything that can be changed.
  • shelbyrhatton
    shelbyrhatton Posts: 14 Member
    I guess I didn't think about the almost over a pound a week thing. I guess I am expecting it too all fall off in one day...I know that's not going to happen.
  • shelbyrhatton
    shelbyrhatton Posts: 14 Member
    altogirl2 wrote: »
    A pound a week is outstanding! Keep at it!
    Thank you!

  • shelbyrhatton
    shelbyrhatton Posts: 14 Member
    You sound stressed. Sometimes that can be a barrier. Is there anything that you can do differently? Sometimes just one small change can help. Are you staying under your calories? What about your macros? Are you consuming enough calories? Sometimes eating too little can mess you up too. Are you skipping meals? Are you working out? Just try one small change... If you are doing all of these things just tweak one of them. Don't give up. Good luck on your journey.
    Thank you for this advice! I will have to go back and look. I know today I have been really good on eating and I have exercised some today. I just need to be patient.

  • shelbyrhatton
    shelbyrhatton Posts: 14 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I guess I didn't think about the almost over a pound a week thing. I guess I am expecting it too all fall off in one day...I know that's not going to happen.

    No, but time will pass regardless of what you do and you are 10 pounds lighter than 7 weeks ago. In another 7 you may be 17-20 lighter, and so on.
    That is so true....I didn't think of it that way!
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    I have been at the same weight or I have gained weight for the past two weeks. I get on the scale yesterday and see I had gained 5 pounds, which of course that makes me want to give up. I was thinking about doing WW again, but than got to thinking that is money that I could be saving. I just need some encouragement I guess. I just don't know what to do. Plus I have been trying to lose weight now for 49 days and I have only lost 15, plus gained 5, so really I've only lost 10. Someone please help before I just say forget it!!!!!!

    'of course that makes me want to give up'

    Why of course? This site is full of people who've had far greater struggles than this and not felt like giving up. But you're not even struggling, losing 0.5 lbs a week would be a great rate to lose at. You're losing more than that. It's not a race to see how much you can lose in the shortest amount of time available. You're not planning on dying anytime soon, are you? Take your time.

  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Are you weighing at the same day and time? For some people, weighing every day at the same time is best; others feel better if they weigh just once a week.

    There's a ton of stuff that can affect your weight - time of the month and water retention are two that I see posted here often.

    10 pounds lost in 49 days is great! You won't always be lucky enough to see a weight drop off every week, and that's OK. It's the trend that counts. If you consistently climb for a while (4-6 weeks), then something's not right. Maybe you aren't logging as accurately or eating back too many exercise calories. But seeing gains over the course of 2 weeks isn't anything to worry about - just something you should be aware of and keep on going!

    I started using to record my weight so I can see that downward trend - it's helped a lot with keeping me from being too discouraged when I see the number on the scale go up a little :)


  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited March 2015
    10 lbs in 50 days is great. You're doing fine! It's frustrating when your weight goes up, but it will come back off again.

    Take a look at these:

    ETA: A plateau is usually defined as several weeks, at least 4 if not more. 2 weeks is not really a plateau. In fact as a woman it's normal for 1 week in 4 to be bad due to TOM. I have quite irregular TOM due to my birth control, but I can predict it very accurately 5 days in advance using my weight...... Sorry if TMI!
  • jporter1183
    jporter1183 Posts: 43 Member
    My weight stalled for 3 months, and then suddenly started dropping off again. Don't worry, I know it can be discouraging to not see the move on the scale but just stick with it.
  • shelbyrhatton
    shelbyrhatton Posts: 14 Member
    I have been at the same weight or I have gained weight for the past two weeks. I get on the scale yesterday and see I had gained 5 pounds, which of course that makes me want to give up. I was thinking about doing WW again, but than got to thinking that is money that I could be saving. I just need some encouragement I guess. I just don't know what to do. Plus I have been trying to lose weight now for 49 days and I have only lost 15, plus gained 5, so really I've only lost 10. Someone please help before I just say forget it!!!!!!

    'of course that makes me want to give up'

    Why of course? This site is full of people who've had far greater struggles than this and not felt like giving up. But you're not even struggling, losing 0.5 lbs a week would be a great rate to lose at. You're losing more than that. It's not a race to see how much you can lose in the shortest amount of time available. You're not planning on dying anytime soon, are you? Take your time.

    LOL Thanks! I actually cracked up at the end!
  • shelbyrhatton
    shelbyrhatton Posts: 14 Member
    I thank all yall for helping me! I have actually done really good today and I am only going to weigh once a week...weighing almost every day is not a good thing for me to do.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    It's really harsh sometimes, especially when you've been on a good steady roll and things seem like they're coming to a grinding halt (like me right now...UGH) but just remember that weightloss isn't linear and as long as you're on your game regarding calories, macros and a little movement, you'll see the scale move again.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    yes, you're doing great! And it's going to take a LOT of 50 days, so just stick with it.