Quest Bars



  • marcolbmp
    marcolbmp Posts: 92 Member
    the smores are my go to for a quick hit, they're addictive.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited March 2015
    Eat a banana instead, or an apple, or some piece of fruit - I'll bet it costs less than the bar and they travel just as well (well most fruit does).
    How does this make sense when one banana only contains between 1.1 gram and 1.66 grams of protein, depending on its size.
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    I keep 2 in a large eyeglass case in my purse and they don't get smashed.
    I love all the flavors except Lemon.
  • pawp11
    pawp11 Posts: 16 Member
    edited March 2015
    I found them at GNC. They were even on sale buy 2 get 1. I bought one bar of every flavor they had and am keeping a tally of what I like. So far, I've found they are all okay. (But I have been trying the ones that sound the yummiest to me! LOL) When I figure out what I really like, I will order a box or two!
  • KatyLBC
    KatyLBC Posts: 354 Member
    I love them! I eat one after a lifting session at the gym! I love the ones with more of a texture; smores, cookies and cream, white raspberry...YYYYYUM!!
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I finally bought some today and got the flavors I see most often mentioned as good. The s'mores one was sooooo good. I stayed full for a couple hours too while I shopped. The rest I'll try as the days go on. Yummy!
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    My body doesn't like quest bars... They make me constipated so I stopped eating them. I have 2 left, cookie dough and choc chunk. I will eat them at some point but space them out a week or so lol

    Ugh me too. I just tried them this week and am so disappointed. I've never had this problem before with other foods! I might eat the rest like 1/3 at a time?

  • verapal
    verapal Posts: 38 Member
    Love quest bars:) Double chocolate chunk is my absolutely favorite. I eat one quest bar every day with a cup of coffee about an hour after my workout. So good.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I don't care for the taste of them.
  • nickatine
    nickatine Posts: 451 Member
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    hesn92 wrote: »
    My body doesn't like quest bars... They make me constipated so I stopped eating them. I have 2 left, cookie dough and choc chunk. I will eat them at some point but space them out a week or so lol

    Ugh me too. I just tried them this week and am so disappointed. I've never had this problem before with other foods! I might eat the rest like 1/3 at a time?

    I drink a 500 ml water bottle everytime I have a quest bar, and they definitely don't slow down my transit time. I almost didn't make it back to my hotel room last week after having a cookies and cream one.
  • kruuTahn
    kruuTahn Posts: 55 Member
    Set an alert on Slickdeals, and you'll be able to get them every now and then for $1.50/bar.
  • ruter1pa
    ruter1pa Posts: 11
    hesn92 wrote: »
    My body doesn't like quest bars... They make me constipated so I stopped eating them. I have 2 left, cookie dough and choc chunk. I will eat them at some point but space them out a week or so lol

    I have the opposite effect... :neutral_face:

  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    I just finished mine of Cookies and Cream, because if you're not on a Quest what are you on? haha

    Buy a box and enjoy! Thanks for the heads up on Slickdeals, wow that would be awesome, my $1.82 pales on that there $1.50
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I'm just the opposite of many - I HATE them! Them have absolutely no texture and it's like a piece of sticky taffy shaped into a bar (and they all seem to be the same). I bought 6, ate 3 and tossed the other 3. I think there are many bars on the market with comparable nutrients that taste so much better. I like some of the Atkins bars, a couple of the pure protein bars, etc. We each have different tastes - try a few bars until you find the ones you really like. A protein bar doesn't make the best meal - but it beats the alternative when time is short.
  • kickassketo
    kickassketo Posts: 42 Member
    I stopped eating them when it was revealed that the nutrition info is not what they claim. The issue was with carb and fiber count and apparently was found to be more carby and have less fiber than stated on the packaging. That's a deal breaker for me since I do keto and have to 'spend' my carbs sparingly.
  • lauriemorgan54
    lauriemorgan54 Posts: 1 Member
    My trainer told me to eat 1/2 a Quest bar in between meals or a whole one when I'm out and about and can't get a meal. I try to get the less "desserty" flavors so my brain thinks they're NOT a treat! lol
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I love them, especially the chocolate chip cookie dough and the cookies and cream. I eat them with yogurt for breakfast sometimes, or for an evening snack. It helps me to reach my fiber and protein macros.
  • bluehonda2012
    bluehonda2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Tried one (cashew coconut flavor) and found that it made me extra hungry an hour or two later. I have that reaction sometimes to food that contains non-natural sweeteners. That's why I can't drink diet soda. I'm not sure if it is the sugar alcohol or the stevia that does it, I know that technically they are not considered artificial sweeteners, but one or the other seems to act like an appetite stimulant for me. Wondering if anyone else has this issue? Might give them another chance but right now experimenting with more natural bars like Rise that don't have man-made sweeteners.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    I pretty much have one a day to help supplement protein.

    Contrary to most, I didn't care too much for Smores flavor, and I'm not a huge fan of the coconut, choc peanut butter, or banana flavors. The rest are good though. There hasn't been one where I said completely "yuck" tho.

    They do get hard if you get them too cold...about broke my teeth on a cookie dough one that I left in my car while I was in the gym (it was about 10 degrees out).

    Funny story - my grocery store carries them (yay!). Last time I stocked up the checkout lady commented that she loved eating them...she was pretty sure she was building all kinds of muscle eating them and was worried if she stopped eating them she was going to get all flabby again. I just rolled my eyes when she looked away and kept my mouth shut...not worth it. Mind you, she appeared to be about 80lbs overweight (and not from muscle).
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    GNC Gold Card for $15 ... save $10 on a case. It comes out to $25 a case then, and I'll be buying another case next payday. :P

    Favorites so far are Double Chocolate Chunk and Coconut Cashew.