Do you eat any foods as long as it's in your calorie limit



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yes. I try to hit my macros first but I can usually hit them in the first 1200-1300 calories of my day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Absolutely! I love pasta and am going to eat it. The zoodles are good but it's not pasta.... I don't see food as being "bad". It's food.... Some have more nutritional values but life is too short to not indulge.

    Another thing is that it's kind of odd to look at foods as if they weren't part of a whole meal. Eating plain pasta is going to mostly contribute energy (not that there's anything wrong with that), but typically it's part of an overall meal that includes protein and veggies. At least that's how I make my pasta. I often use whole wheat pasta since I like it with some of the sauces I make, but if someone prefers white pasta as a vehicle for their veggies and protein, it seems silly to me to say that makes it unhealthy.

    That's how I make my pasta as well. And I choose high quality pasta.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I have only been a member for a couple of weeks but am struggling to find likeminded people. Most diaries I look at are attrotious! Not all calories have the same nutritional value. You can eat your allowance in *kitten* food and from what I see a lot of people do that.

    There are some open diaries where you can go back for weeks without finding a plant food. And those same folks regularly state that they meet their macros/micros. I don't see how without any vegetables and fruits.

    There are some diaries on here with virtually no fiber. Again, I can think of a few users with such diaries who claim they meet all their macros and micros. With maybe 5 grams of fiber in their diaries.

    These are often folks who claim to be doing it RIGHT.

    And then there are many who eat nutrient dense, whole foods. Plant heavy. Some open, some closed, of course, and some (like me) don't log consistently, or at all.

    If you're here a while, you'll meet lots of like minded folks.
    Perhaps one of the groups would be a good place to start?

    The problem is that no one knows what she means by "attrotious" since her own diary isn't open and her goals are not stated. Making general claims like that is something that's not particularly helpful, especially since people are focused on different things and for some the diary entries she is judging may be an improvement or part of a process or may represent a bad day or week. (I suspect most don't go back a month.)

    As it is, she's just insulted people as a group.

    Lots of people here are interested in nutrition, and I haven't found that that's particularly limited to those who choose to label themselves clean eaters and hang out in clean eating groups.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have only been a member for a couple of weeks but am struggling to find likeminded people. Most diaries I look at are attrotious! Not all calories have the same nutritional value. You can eat your allowance in *kitten* food and from what I see a lot of people do that.

    I was thinking the same thing, but I probably would have just thought it, not wrote it. People have commented that she is judging. But, if she is looking for likeminded people, she has to "judge" in order to discriminate in her search. Judging is functional in surrounding ourselves with who we want.

    We all judge. But I guess advertising that you're judging puts a bulls-eye on your back.

    since we don't know what she means by "atrocious" and what she is labeling as "*kitten* food" the it is impossible to know. Is someone eating ice cream every day and filling it in with chicken, rice, vegetables, etc...? < Is that "atrocious"...???
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Do you eat all types of food as long as they are within your calorie limit? I was wondering do you try and stay away from the white foods that we hear
    about like Rice..flour...sugar and breads. I have lost a nice amount of weight since Jan 5 but I have noticed the scale isn't moving as much as it was. I was just wondering if I should be cutting out certain foods.

    why are we avoiding white foods? are we racist?

    I'm confused.

    And no- I eat all the things. And sometimes I don't even stay in my calorie goal <gasp>
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Or is it that she's decided that potatoes (white food, you know) are unhealthy?

    Or is she one of the anti grains people and judging stuff like oatmeal.

    I think it's funny that some of the judgiest here would have diaries that would upset someone like Walter Willett or other nutrition establishment types, given the amount of sat fat they eat.

    Or perhaps she's coming from the other end of the spectrum (one of the people who are convinced that Americans get too much fat and protein, as the Freelees of the world argue). If so, my diary of a few weeks ago could be meant--it was filled with whole foods and veggies, but also lots of meat, including red meat.

    Given the variety of different ideas about nutrition, there's really no way to know. That's one reason why I have my own ideas that I try to live by, but I don't claim that someone who eats foods I don't (fake meats, say, or lots of fiber supplements or diet-y foods) doesn't care about nutrition. I just expect they have different ideas or have drawn different conclusions from the limited evidence.

    Also, people don't always eat precisely the way they think they should, and honesty is important to this process. I had a less than stellar day yesterday, but eh. At least I don't say stuff about other people's diaries while hiding my own.
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Absolutely! I love pasta and am going to eat it. The zoodles are good but it's not pasta.... I don't see food as being "bad". It's food.... Some have more nutritional values but life is too short to not indulge.

    Another thing is that it's kind of odd to look at foods as if they weren't part of a whole meal. Eating plain pasta is going to mostly contribute energy (not that there's anything wrong with that), but typically it's part of an overall meal that includes protein and veggies. At least that's how I make my pasta. I often use whole wheat pasta since I like it with some of the sauces I make, but if someone prefers white pasta as a vehicle for their veggies and protein, it seems silly to me to say that makes it unhealthy.

    Oh yeah. I normally will eat half a serving of pasta but bulk it up with roasted veggies such as zucchini, tomatoes, etc. and chicken. I just see so many people rule pasta out totally due to carbs. I say enjoy in moderation.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    Nothing is off limits. If it fits I'm eating it. For the most part my diet is full of protein and veggies. I can get goodies into my diet too. I plan my day ahead. I do not track as I consume...can you say recipie for disaster? If I can plan in goodies it gives me something to look fwd to.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited March 2015

    Had a 1/2 serving of 2 layer white chocolate cake with raspberry buttercream this morning. Made it last weekend, served it this weekend, and five people ate < 1/2 of the cake so lots left over. I'm doing my part to see that it doesn't go to waste :smile:

    That said, the rest of the day is planned out, and will be veg, lean meat, cheese & fruit. Basically, I just moved dessert to breakfast. Nice to have a carb hit after a run.

    I still have about 100 cals wiggle room at the end of the day.

    Edit: posted too soon.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    Absolutely. Been doing so for over three years, reached goal weight and have kept it off. I cruise through the holidays, vacations, birthdays, etc without fear of gaining or falling off some imaginary wagon because I still enjoy all the foods I like. Heck I ate pie and lots of it, washed it down with cocktails on Saturday for my friend's Pi Day birthday celebration, and I had beer and pizza yesterday at my in-laws. Scale did not explode under my weight this morning, I can still wear all the clothes in my closet. :smiley:

    Calories in, calories out, and making it work for life. There's no way I'm giving up pizza, burgers, alcohol, ice cream, pie, etc for the rest of my life, so I learned how to make it work, which basically means knowing my BMR and TDEE and eating in between those numbers.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    You should definitely check out flexible dieting. Krissy Mae Cagney has a great book out about counting your macros. You essentially can eat whatever you want as long as it fits within your daily macros (carbs, protein and fat).

    So in short you can't eat what ever you want

    You can eat whatever you want.

    You can't necessarily eat as much of it as you want, and you can't necessarily eat it whenever you want. But you don't have to cut any food out of your diet if you put in the effort to work it in.
  • chetvr
    chetvr Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, but some days are about making the best healthy choices and other are just staying within my calorie intake while living life.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Not always. Somedays life gets in the way, or chickenwings, or beer, or whatever else is on the go. Most days I aim to meet my nutrients (still working on it) and stick to my calories.
    Some days I nail it, other days I'm off. I don't fret it, I just try.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I don't put restrictions on what I can and can't eat. I even allow myself to bust my calorie goal a few times a month. However, I do make a conscious effort to reach for more whole/natural/organic foods. I've been slowly switching "go-to" items in my life for quite some time. Like I now eat organic yogurt with all natural honey instead of artificially flavored yogurt. Ironically for the same amount of calories! I also switched from cow milk to almond and am thinking about going to coconut. Yes, I do still eat junk and I will always eat some sort of junk. The frequency is going down though. I truly do believe it is crap you are putting into your system. Personally I feel and perform better on non-processed foods. So for me personally, I am trying to eliminate a large percentage of processed foods out of my diet. I could care less what other people eat or think about the subject. Everyone is entitled to their own eating decisions. CI < CO = Weight Loss.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I have only been a member for a couple of weeks but am struggling to find likeminded people. Most diaries I look at are attrotious! Not all calories have the same nutritional value. You can eat your allowance in *kitten* food and from what I see a lot of people do that.

    I was thinking the same thing, but I probably would have just thought it, not wrote it. People have commented that she is judging. But, if she is looking for likeminded people, she has to "judge" in order to discriminate in her search. Judging is functional in surrounding ourselves with who we want.

    We all judge. But I guess advertising that you're judging puts a bulls-eye on your back.

    She can judge all she wants. I have no problem with it.

    But there's no need to insult everyone with pejorative words like 'atrocious'.

    OP couldn't have said that she just couldn't find a diary that matched her goals? Still judging, not insulting.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I do, absolutely.

    Unless, Ive decided to make a commitment to never eat a certain type of food again, I have no intention of banning it from my choices. Barring a medical condition that requires it (which I dont have) I dont see myself ever giving up any type of food for the rest of my life.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I first work on staying in my calorie limit for the day. The second number I watch is my protein. I get dairy, vegetables, and fruit every day. Then whatever's left, there is no bad food.

    OP, if you have stopped losing weight and are eating more than 1200 calories daily, try changing something up, like dropping your allowance by 100 calories a day.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Absolutely! This is a lifestyle - not a deprivation camp! Bottom line - it's all about CICO. With that said - I do watch the nutritional value of my choices - so it's not a burger and fries everyday!
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    I eat what I want within reason. I stay away from sweets altogether but I've never really liked them to begin with and they pack such a high calorie punch that they aren't worth it. I like to feel full so of course it's more beneficial to eat more lower calorie foods than smaller portions of higher calorie foods but if I want something like a burger, I eat it but I work it into my day.
  • transparentenigma
    transparentenigma Posts: 565 Member
    AmyRhubarb wrote: »
    Calories in, calories out, and making it work for life. There's no way I'm giving up pizza, burgers, alcohol, ice cream, pie, etc for the rest of my life, so I learned how to make it work, which basically means knowing my BMR and TDEE and eating in between those numbers.

    I agree with the above poster. I am not saying that I gobble on these foods regularly, but I do have them, just not all at the same time, same day, same meal.

    For example, if I know I am going out with family later on that night for dinner, breakfast would be something simple as plain oats or a green smoothie and lunch a garden salad with vinaigrette dressing, dinner would be whatever I want, maybe not as much as want, but whatever I feel like eating.

    The key is balance. So you want that chocolate fudge triple swirl ice-cream. you can have it. it just means that the rest of day may call for salads and water to balance for that one treat. I find that denial makes you give up from frustration. I lost over 40 pounds at one point eating fast food just about everyday, I just balanced it with smaller portioned fast food and cleaner eating for the other two meals. It worked.