too much veg ?

So here's the deal every night I'm eating a bit of lean meat w hich is hard considering I'm not a big meat eater anyways I'm always bulking my plate with loads of brocolli Brussels sprouts and carrots a can you have too much veg in your meals ?


  • cdlee05
    cdlee05 Posts: 718 Member
    are you asking or just bragging? ha, I say NO - keep it up!
  • cdlee05 wrote: »
    are you asking or just bragging? ha, I say NO - keep it up!

    Bragging is not my style ha see i was a vegeterian until about 2 years ago but still didn't eat a lot of meat of veggies for that fact lol I only started eating vegies this Xmas just passed lol but thank you for replying I just didn't know if I could put on weight with too much veggies lol
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Only if it takes you over your calorie goal - hard but not impossible.
  • Only if it takes you over your calorie goal - hard but not impossible.

    I'm consuming 6 bits of brocolli around 8 or 9 sprouts and half a big carrot chopped up does that sound like I'm going over ? Or if its not enough x
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Only if it takes you over your calorie goal - hard but not impossible.

    I'm consuming 6 bits of brocolli around 8 or 9 sprouts and half a big carrot chopped up does that sound like I'm going over ? Or if its not enough x

    That sounds quite reasonable for dinner and I'm guessing around 100 cals, only way to know is to weigh and log your food.

    But I wouldn't worry if your weight is doing what you want it to do.
  • cdlee05
    cdlee05 Posts: 718 Member
    I think it sounds totally fine, veggies are soooo low calorie. I think fruit is trickier just cause of the amount of sugar you can take in. My diet is not 100% perfect and I'm not a nutritionist but I say if it grows from the ground it's A-Okay.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Only if it takes you over your calorie goal - hard but not impossible.

    I'm consuming 6 bits of brocolli around 8 or 9 sprouts and half a big carrot chopped up does that sound like I'm going over ? Or if its not enough x

    You're logging it all, right? Because if you're logging it then you'll know whether or not you're over your calorie goals.

  • superraachel
    superraachel Posts: 106 Member
    Depends, how are they prepared? Steamed, roasted in oil, sauteed in butter? Makes a big difference calorie wise. Generally, I love mass amounts of vegetables! Most are really low cal, so you get a lot!
  • cdlee05 wrote: »
    I think it sounds totally fine, veggies are soooo low calorie. I think fruit is trickier just cause of the amount of sugar you can take in. My diet is not 100% perfect and I'm not a nutritionist but I say if it grows from the ground it's A-Okay.

    I'm not a big fruit fan lol unless its watermelon :D or some grapes but my diet is still less than perfect too my big downfall is coffee I've cut out my suger though lol I'm close to my target weight though just getting rid of couple pregnancy pounds couple more pounds and toning is what I need how about you ?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited March 2015
    Unless you have digestive issues or an intolerance, no, I don't see a problem with eating a lot of veggies. Just make sure you are near your calorie goals and getting enough of your other macros and micros as well to make sure that the overall day ends up somewhat balanced.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    As long as you are meeting all your macros (and your protein is set high enough) I wouldn't worry about how you're getting it.
  • cdlee05
    cdlee05 Posts: 718 Member
    I decided on new year's that my resolution is to get as cut and shredded as I possibly could by this summer. I kind of want to have a physique like Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth in the movies. I've got a ways to go before I get there but what the heck, I'm trying and getting closer every day : )
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I think the US recommendation is like 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies per day. That would be 3.5-4.5 cups. I'm a big eater (reason I ended up in this situation), so to get/stay full I eat lots of veggies (often times the whole bag of frozen veggies) and usually 3 or so cups of fresh veggies.

    Can you eat too much? Yes, if it puts you over your calorie goal. Which would be difficult to do unless you are cooking/eating them with oils, butter, etc.
  • Only if it takes you over your calorie goal - hard but not impossible.

    I'm consuming 6 bits of brocolli around 8 or 9 sprouts and half a big carrot chopped up does that sound like I'm going over ? Or if its not enough x

    You're logging it all, right? Because if you're logging it then you'll know whether or not you're over your calorie goals.

    I have just started here but have ordered scales to start tracking it but my problem is I eat to little and not to much but I have started eating a bit more and my stone that I put on in my second pregnancy just fell of just got another couple of pounds and toning to loose but will start logging Monday
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    edited March 2015
    the veggies themselves sound fine - it depends on what you cook them with - oil/butter/cheese. etc. Those can rack up calories quickly
  • Depends, how are they prepared? Steamed, roasted in oil, sauteed in butter? Makes a big difference calorie wise. Generally, I love mass amounts of vegetables! Most are really low cal, so you get a lot!

    Boiled lol I add nothing to them x
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    It doesn't really sound like a lot of veggies. That 6 bits broccoli serving is only about 25 calories, unless you add butter or cheese or something. But do make sure you're getting enough protein. If you don't like meat, eat greek yogurt.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Only if it takes you over your calorie goal - hard but not impossible.

    I'm consuming 6 bits of brocolli around 8 or 9 sprouts and half a big carrot chopped up does that sound like I'm going over ? Or if its not enough x

    You're logging it all, right? Because if you're logging it then you'll know whether or not you're over your calorie goals.

    I have just started here but have ordered scales to start tracking it but my problem is I eat to little and not to much but I have started eating a bit more and my stone that I put on in my second pregnancy just fell of just got another couple of pounds and toning to loose but will start logging Monday

    Tracking your foods will be a great place to start! Once you've started logging you'll be able to see a little more objectively whether or not you're eating too much or not enough of anything. Sounds like you're headed in the right direction.

  • cdlee05 wrote: »
    I decided on new year's that my resolution is to get as cut and shredded as I possibly could by this summer. I kind of want to have a physique like Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth in the movies. I've got a ways to go before I get there but what the heck, I'm trying and getting closer every day : )

    See I want to get back to my toned physique before I had my second child I'm a bit like Beyonce with the curves just smaller framed its the curves that annoy me as that's where my weight goes bum hips thighs lol but once its toned it looks excellent I'm trying 30 day shred my brother was trying to get me to do insanity but heck no lol you seen it before :) maybe you can be my shredding buddy haha
  • cdlee05
    cdlee05 Posts: 718 Member
    absolutely! I've done Insanity before and it was awesome, I literally drank so much of my own sweat it was gross. And curves are not a bad thing!