

  • Oh. In that case I would put the wedding on hold for the time being. If you stumbled upon it then it 'may' have been going on longer than you know about. I only found out about the 'no strings' sites because he got lazy and forgot to get rid of the evidence. Trust is important in any relationship. While I'm not sure that…
  • It's usually Maccy D's large fries for me but I always resist. I'm one of the lucky ones in that I never get PMT or anything - I just get a bit dafter than normal
  • Feel free to add me. Don't have kids and a bit late to start now but happy to chat :o)
  • Add me :o)
  • Good luck :o)
  • Is the wedding soon? I'm not making excuses for him, but maybe the pressure is taking its toll on him? Maybe by paying the women on webcams to do what he wants is his way of getting some control back? Has this only be a recent thing closer to the actual wedding? If the answer is yes to any of these, you still have a…
  • I think the key would first to not let unhealthy food into the house in the first place - that way you can eat but only good things :o) Let pain guide you. If it starts to hurt - stop. Start with gentle exercise to build back up and increase it daily but stay comfortable.
  • I used to love fishing but I haven't really done it since I was a kid. Kept trying to get me then fiancé to go and do it together but he was always too busy doing overtime with work. My brother has part ownership of a lease at a lake not far from where I live so when he's there I go and see him - sadly he only seems to…
  • Good luck hun x
  • Best of luck :o)
  • Hiya, I dropped nearly two stone in just over a month, but it was a drastic plan. Basically I ate nothing but carrots for a week or so, then started introducing small other things, like a tin of sardines, a small slice of cheese. I walked for up to four hours a day, then did an aerobics DVD for 1 hour 45 minutes. I also…
  • Feel free to add me too. I'm a veggie because I don't like meat - eugh! Fed too much belly pork by mum as a kid... I'm on anti depressants at the moment and going for counselling soon, so have an idea where you're coming from
  • It's not technically cheating, its more like buying porn but a specific type, and there's probably a thrill from the person being local and the possibility of being caught (the thrill is often better than the reality). But based on my own personal experience I would be very worried. My ex was looking at 'no strings' sites…
  • Thanks :o)
    in Hey there Comment by BaldyLover May 2012
  • What are planks? Not very good on push ups but I manage to do 10 in the morning and 10 at night, and do about 30 against the wall. Think I'll pass on the spare kids :oP
  • Ha ha ha, not sure I want to resort to childbirth to get rid of bingo wings! Unfortunately there's nothing in my budget for heavier weights :o(
  • I'm always a bit torn on skin treatments. On the one hand your skin is waterproof so all the claims that they really soak in aren't really true. Most of them just seem to fluff out your top layer of skin making it look better but thats only temporary. Keeping the wrinkles at bay is always better. As people have said, use a…
  • Liked the dog fart one best but they were all really funny!
  • The key is to not focus on losing weight but losing inches. The more you exercise the more muscle you build. Muscle weighs more than fat so while the scales might not be going down, the inches will be. However I dropped a lot of weight recently by restricting my diet severely, and daily diet consists of 1 tin sardines, 1…
  • I use Kirsty Gallachers Body Sculpting DVD and getting some great results. There are three levels of workout and three blast sessions - each focus on lower body, upper body and abs. There's also nutrition info but I haven't used that much. I've lost 1 stone 9 lb since using this as well as altering my diet and looking…
  • As well as calorie intake are you looking at fat content? Mainly on processed foods I mean. For instance a lot of 'low cal' ready meals are high in fat. And a lot of 'low fat' ready meals are high in calories (they add sugar to flavour it which isn't counted as fat oddly). Also look at eating more vegetables. Carrots are…
  • Cheese for me. Odd because I thought it would be chocolate but not touched any for two weeks now and not bothered. I just have a thin slice of cheese half way through the day and I'm good :)
  • I was always told that you shouldn't exercise straight after eating because you can get really bad cramps. In the case of swimming this is particularly true (I've suffered it a few times). If you're just walking after then that would be fine, but strenuous activity after eating I would avoid generally. Plus for the hour…
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