MFP take #2 - Restarting today

jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
Previously went from 220+ to 191 using MFP in 2010.

Weighed 231.0 yesterday. All time high.

Starting over today.


  • BaldyLover
    BaldyLover Posts: 26
    Best of luck :o)
  • Tangerine16
    Tangerine16 Posts: 44 Member
    You can do it!
  • Welcome back!! :0) This is certainly not an easy road but one that is worth the effort!!! Keep Your Head UP!!
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    Good luck! I know what starting over is like!
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
    Welcome back! It is not easy but you can do it!
  • I rededicated myself to this same journey yesterday!

    I'm trying not to dwell on my past mistakes, but learn from them.

    Wishing you the best, you are worth the effort.
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    all the best James. It's good you came back to give it another crack.
    I will add you as MFP friend if you like
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    Congrats for starting over again ! You know you can do it because you have done it already once before. =) Says a lot about your determination that you came back here to get the job done.
    I have only been on here for 3 moths, but it has changed me for the better in so many ways. Little things, too~ like being able to walk the entire Cincinnati Zoo without getting winded, and enjoying the exercise !
    If you need support, please feel free to add me. I do log in everyday to chart and cheer others on.
    Good Luck to you !!
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    All the best!!...Feel free to add as a supporting friend if you'd like! :)
  • catbarber
    catbarber Posts: 15 Member
    Hi James Welcome back to us!! lol

    Why is it so easy to put on , but so hard to get off!! Guess its here to challenge us!! So all i can say is BRING IT ON !!
    Good Luck
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome Back! I have joined and quit too. I went from 348 to 200 then down to 138....back up to 180. now down to 160..... yeah its journey alright!! Add to it I quit smoking 8 days ago and tryin not to eat the entire grocery store is a challenge!!!

    You will do it....
    feel free to friend me....

    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    :wink: Welcome back! We all doin this worries
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Glad to see you here. I'm so excited when I see people who have lost weight and had a struggle and returned for the good fight. That may sound silly, but you know exactly where we're all coming from. You aren't losing a tad here and a bit there... you're a man on a mission! Good luck to ya :flowerforyou:
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Welcome back, you know you can do it. What do you think led to the weight going back on again? If it is something you can share, please do, so we can learn how to maintain our weight loss.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome back!
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    It's great that you're back here. I, too, started back a couple of months ago and I'm glad I did. Nice to see other people who are struggling with the same issues to be healthier and there's good support and ideas here.

    Kick some butt buddy!!
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    I greatly appreciate the kind comments and words of support. I have no doubt that I can get back to 191 like I did before and probably in pretty short order (reducing sugar and soda alone was all I really had to do the first time). Best of luck to everyone else on the weight loss journey.
  • scorpia1977
    scorpia1977 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi and welcome back! There is nothing wrong with starting over. Always know that starting over can be a good thing. We are all here to support one another.

    Feel free to add me. :)