To those trying to lose 10-20 pounds...

Please feel free to add me or respond to this post, are you trying to lose 10-20 pounds or in the process / have had success with doing so? What has helped you? Would love new friends to help motivate one another!!


  • caytee118
    caytee118 Posts: 55
    my main thing is I want to lose the last 10 pounds, but I haven't been able to get out of this plateau for awhile now. So I'm switching, or at least trying to, my workouts. I do the thirty day shred every day but I will either do kickboxing, running, biking, or elliptical also :D I feel like it's starting to work. However, I can't be sure because I don't have a scale on campus.

    Another thing I have been doing is drinking TONS of water!
  • indiepops
    indiepops Posts: 96
    im losing 10lbs hun, 1.4 down after a week so im guessing 4-5 more weeks will get me there. you dont look like you need to lose any from your pics though hun x
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I'm in my last 11.5! :)
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm down to about my last 20 and it's so freaking hard! I was trying carb cycling for a minute before I got sick and it seems like it was going to work. Basically I just scaled my carbs way back for 3 days - like 100 grams a day or so - and then on the 4th day eat high carbs (all healthy, good carbs of course and still staying within my calorie goal). I read it was good for busting plateaus and since I'm kind of desperate at this point I thought I'd give it a go. On low carb days I still ate cereal in the morning and just kind of tapered the carbs off as the day went on. Focused more on eating lean meats and veggies. Lots of salads with chicken, feta, and avocado. I munched on cucumbers with vinegar or celery with cream cheese. I eat 5 times a day too and I always eat breakfast. Seems to work best for me to keep my metabolism going. And I try to eat at my BMR (1600 cals) plus I eat back my exercise cals. Results are still kind of inclunclusive but that's what I'm trying. I'd love to hear what others are trying as well. The last bit of weight is always the hardest to lose!
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 167 Member
    When I started MFP a few months ago my goal was to lose 19 pounds to get to my ideal weight. I have lost 5 so far! Feel free to add me!
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I decided to loose another 10-15lbs to bring my BMI down. I just adjusted my goals. I realized they were too low and that is why I am not loosing. MFP had me lower than my BMR. I set my goal 200 calories higher than my BMR and then I will eat back my exercise. I saw movement this past week and lost 2lbs. We will see how it goes. Feel free to add me.
  • AMWoody3
    AMWoody3 Posts: 6
    I'm looking to drop about 12 more pounds. I've been trying to eat better and I started UFC Personal Trainer a couple weeks ago.
  • final10
    final10 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in those final 10 always. :) Add me please.
  • BaldyLover
    The key is to not focus on losing weight but losing inches. The more you exercise the more muscle you build. Muscle weighs more than fat so while the scales might not be going down, the inches will be.

    However I dropped a lot of weight recently by restricting my diet severely, and daily diet consists of 1 tin sardines, 1 cadburys flake, 1 boiled egg and 2 raw whole carrots. I found when I was exercising I was getting tired easily, so losing weight fast reduced that and I could exercise for longer. Once I get to my target weight I will start gradually introducing more foods into my diet.
  • Huggenkiss27
    I'm also on the last lucky 13! Could use as much support as I can get!
  • laflaca141
    I have been VERY diligent with MFP, I've done it for the last 3 months, exercising in different ways to lose 500 cal/day and staying close to my allowed calorie intake, but nothing happens :(. I will keep doing the right things because is a healthy way to live but sometimes I get disappointed.
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm going to send you a friend request, I"m in the same boat. My goal is 20lbs, but I'd be estatic if I could lose 25! I just started my journey a week ago and have been pretty good about watching what I eat, but I need to be better about exercise and finding that oh so careful balance between eating just enough to get me through to the next meal and be stark raving HUNGRY! It's a very fine line. I have 2 small kids and am married, working part time and trying to fit in all in a 24 hour day. Some days are easier than others. It's hardest for me to find the time to exercise, and so far, I've been doing it after the kids go to bed, so 8-9pm. I'm just not a morning person so getting up early (I already get up at 6) isn't something I really want to do. So, good luck to all. Hope to meet some great new friends here. :)
  • keacey
    keacey Posts: 16 Member
    I too have a goal of 15lbs.. Add me.