say_pocket Member


  • Like Mamasmaltz3 said, it's different for everyone! I maintain on 1600 a day, plus calories gained back from exercise. MFP's automatic settings based on weight and loss goal is pretty accurate. But if you want, check out this TDEE calculator: Just make sure you're honest with whatever…
  • A lot of big chain places have nutritional information online, so I always check the restaurant's website first for a nutrition pdf. Otherwise... If it's obvious what is in the food I'm eating, I log each individual part. Like, if I have a reuben, I log two slices of rye, estimate the oz of corned beef, the cheese, etc.…
  • Now I'm no expert, but if I understand correctly, the "fat burning zone" is only called that because as far as calorie burn goes, you are burning a higher percentage of stored fat calories than calories from the food you've eaten. But workouts with higher intensities (and therefore ones that raise your heart rate up…
  • Feel free to add me! I log daily and am trying to become more active on my newsfeed.
  • I do a whole "cheat day" once a week, usually on a Saturday. I don't go out of my way to eat crazy stuff, but I do eat whatever I want. My boyfriend and I usually eat two meals out at a restaurant on those days and there is often ice cream or gelato at the end of the day. We split meals when we eat out, though, because…
    in Cheating Comment by say_pocket June 2014
  • Bump. Just bought some and definitely need ideas.
  • Oh man. What are you eating? I can never seem to hit my protein macro without a supplement.
  • I'm Hypo. The only symptom I really ever notice is a numbness in my hands and feet, so I'm not much help. If you're interested in talking to more MFPers with thyroid issues, we have a MFP group:
  • A lot of people seem to hit a plateau in weight loss. But you've lost 18lbs! And that's amazing! The scale will start dropping again soon. Keep it up!
  • In general, to gain muscle, you need to eat as much as you burn and do weight training. I've heard it said, "Cardio gives you a smaller version of the body you have. Weight training gives you the body you want." If you're working out to build muscle but still losing weight, you need to eat more. I count calories and wear a…
  • Everyone can add me! 24 years old. On a 81 day logging streak. Trying to be more active and supportive on my news feed.
  • All of the above sounds like good advice. I just wanted to add that I'm on Week 4 Day 2, and Week 4 Day 1 was the first time I really ever felt like I wasn't dying. And I'm sure I'm going to eat those words during tonight's run, when my boyfriend is running with me and really pushing me. I have never been a runner and the…
  • I do the 30DS 3x a week. It's my favorite workout video so far, but I'm starting Body Revolution soon so we'll see how that goes. Just started the C25k yesterday and definitely looking for some fellow beginner runners!
  • I'm not sure which boat you're looking for friends in. I'm working toward weight maintenance and fitness, so we're not in the same goal boat. But I'm 23 and in the striving toward a healthier lifestyle boat! And it can be tough. One of my coworkers brought in Taco Bell Breakfast Waffle Tacos for everyone the other…
  • I second 86sarahb's recommendation. I love the 30 Day Shred and it only takes about 30 mins. Kicks my butt and burns an average of ~250 calories for me according to my HRM. And you can watch level one on YouTube for free!
  • Congrats on your weight loss to date! Sending you a friend request! Anyone else looking for MFP friends, feel free to add me too!
  • My name is Pistachio. I was 18 lbs when I weighed in in the fall, but as of last week, I'm down to 16.6 lbs! Mom has me on a raw food diet only feeds me twice a day. What a rip-off. I deserve to eat nonstop 24/7.
  • Welcome to the community and good luck with you new goals! You'll find the MFP forums to be a very supportive place.
  • 23/USA but an older soul. And out of school and working a desk job, which really affects eating and exercise habits.
  • Maybe 1400 really isn't enough food for you. I work out for 30 mins 6 days a week and am 124lbs. My maintenance calories are 1670 AND I try to eat back the calories I work off. And my body fat levels are STILL dropping. I've even lost a couple pounds since I started maintenance. On top of all of that, you are younger than…
  • Yes! Just had this with turkey meatballs for lunch today! I put garlic powder in mine. Mmmmm gotta love that mashed cauliflower.
  • Before I started trying to eat healthier, I never thought I would be a good cook. Before I started working out regularly, I never thought I would enjoy having sore muscles. I've been thinking about trying the Couch to 5K but I'm SO not a runner (or jogger). Has it really made you a running convert?
  • You can add me! I log every day and am pretty active on my newsfeed. (And now this comment will bump your post so more people see it.)
  • Any and all bread I buy goes moldy before I can eat all of it. They need to sell half loaves. Q_Q I'm another vote for you to try Kale chips. I buy a package of that ranch powder stuff and add a tsp or two of that to my kale when I'm mixing in the oil. They don't taste ranch-y in the end, but they're nice and salty and…
  • I didn't have any huge weight loss goals when I started MFP, either. I used it to help me drop those pesky last 10 lbs that seem to be the hardest to get rid of. (They really stick to you, don't they?) And now that they're gone, I'm hooked on using MFP to maintain my new healthier self. Welcome to the community!
  • I work out 6 days a week and eat at least 1600 calories. I've been trying to add more friends and be a more active MFP member. I don't ride horses, though. But if that's not a deal-breaker, you should add me! Good luck on getting back into the healthy lifestyle saddle! (I promise only like 50% of my jokes are usually that…
  • Good luck with your weight loss goals! Feel free to add me, I'm on here every day.
  • You can add me! I'm 23 and looking to build my strength too. Honestly, I've had MFP set at maintaining weight for a month now, and I'm still slowly losing weight, so dont be afraid to set yours to weight maintaining levels. Especially if you're working out a lot.