Looking to add "friends" in the same boat!

I'm Sam

22. Trying desperately to make a new lifestyle for myself. Looking for people who are in the Same boat as me. Maybe looking for support, motivation, or someone to rant to when life gets tough... Or when someone brings in cupcakes to work!!


SW: 204
CW: 198
GW: 140


Please share your story or something that's challenging you today!


  • MonicaF44
    MonicaF44 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Sam!

    I am 23 and getting married in a year and half. I am looking at it as starting a new life. It is hard for me to keep motivated sometimes and I have fell off the bandwagon plenty of times. This past year(2013) I broke 200lbs and I know that I can't keep gaining. So I am looking for someone to cheer me on when I do well and someone to inspire me on down days! Feel free to add me :)

    - Monica

    Current: 215
    Goal: 145 by June 13th 2015 (wedding day!)
  • Sjarkey15
    Sjarkey15 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey Monica, I added you! Congrats on your wedding! Every time my boyfriend brings up setting a date I want to cry! I want to have the perfect dress in the perfect size. You can do it!
  • MonicaF44
    MonicaF44 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks Sam! Glad to have a new friend and your status updates are already entertaining me and keeping me on track. Congrats of the loss today!

    I have tried on dresses once and while it was sort of fun it was also hard to see myself that size in the mirror.

    So I will keep on trucking! We can do it! and then one day we will both have our dream dress (and dream dress size)
  • say_pocket
    say_pocket Posts: 54 Member
    I'm not sure which boat you're looking for friends in. I'm working toward weight maintenance and fitness, so we're not in the same goal boat. But I'm 23 and in the striving toward a healthier lifestyle boat! And it can be tough. One of my coworkers brought in Taco Bell Breakfast Waffle Tacos for everyone the other morning... How do you say no to waffle tacos?!
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I have a private group set up just for us, women who are trying to better their lives. All ages & lifestyles welcome. Don't hesitate to PM me if you wish to join.

    Tryxx :flowerforyou:
  • c410
    c410 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Sam! I already added you, but wanted to say hi on here. I'm Chelsea, 23, currently living in PA, but I've moved around a couple of times. I'm trying (again) to lose weight and get healthy. My goal and motivation is to actually like pictures of myself by Christmas this year! Plus, we have a couple of formal events coming up in the fall, and I'd like to be more confident and comfortable.