

  • Okay so I have been keeping up with Spinning Class, just burned 805 calories today! Dropped the 3 pounds that I put on, I am figuring it was muscle on and now I am toning up. I got through spin class this week (all the intervals) and I was really proud of myself. I am definitely building endurance to get through an actual…
  • So this week I met all of my goals. I hit 4 spin classes this week. I think I will do circuit training on Monday. I think I am taking Sunday off, but maybe not. HIt spin class 4 times this wee. Wed-Sat. Burned no less than 500 calories each workout and upwards of 1194 calories. Finishing up on the water intake and…
  • Figured out why I was up 3-4 pounds, bloating from you know what _______ (ladies). Telling you sometimes it a pain in the butt being a girl. When ______ is gone is 3-4 days then I should notice a difference. I took my measurements, so I will be checking them again in a week. **I had an awesome burn today totaling 1194…
  • Well met my goal of attending 2 spin classes today! I am going to another class tomorrow too! Water intake has been good. I drank 8 plus glasses for the last 3 days!.
  • Weigh-In for Today: 187.... *I am up 3 pounds, but I am hoping that is muscle. Committment for the Week: - 8+ glasses of water per day - Attend at least 2 Spin Classes this week - Take my supplements My hope is that I am back down to 184 or less. Trying to hit 180 by vacation (July 8th)
  • #Yeah! I just posted that I wanted to be at least 10 pounds lighter prior to heading out for vacation. Well I did it! I am 11 pounds down! It looks like I may hit the 15 pound weight loss mark may be closer than I think. Found another gym that I can use while on vacation! Really motivated! Clothes even fit better! D
  • Took a break today. Looked into a spinning class that I may start next week. Plan on exercising in the morning. Definitely had to change it up so I started Jane Fonda Exercises this morning, but only did 20 minutes. Getting ready to make a breakthrough! 3 weeks until vacation, I hope to be at least at the 10 pound weight…
  • Okay, getting a little bit sad, not motivated! The scale is not moving. I am also not burning calories. I worked out for 30 minutes and I only burned 151 calories. I am thinking that I have to change up my routine completely. Tomorrow, I am getting up early to do 45 minutes of Jane Fonda. Yep, going old school to see if I…
  • Alright ate out with my parents and family again today. At least this time I was not in the #RED. I am thinking that I will exercise again this evening. I do not know if I am going to do Pilates or what, but I need to push through this plateau. I refuse to quit. This is usually the time that I do give up because the scale…
  • [/quote][/quote] Hi Denise, It is one day and I really struggle on weekends too. Forget about yesterday because today is a new day. Please go by your HRM because it is more accurate than MFP for sure. Especially if you have a Polar. I wish sweating was a guage of how many calories we burned.:laugh: But it is not. :wink: In…
  • Okay, I know we are just getting started, but I am trying to stay motivated, which involves me posting at least 1x per day within the group topics. I had a horrible day in terms of calories. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings! The wings were great, but the calories were out of control. Afterwards we went to go and get ice…
  • Name: Denise Age: 32 How long with MFP: Over 1 year And whatever you would like to share about yourself and/or your journey so far. Well, I was with KrystleB on the last challenge and she was definitely a great leader, I jut was not motivated to stick with it. I plateaued on the last challenge and just gave up because I…
  • Finally understanding that you have to keep pushing!. I started the Insanity Workouts today, and I found that I am really out of shape despite my weight loss. I would have seen a time that I would have been disappointed and stopped the workout, but I listened to the instruction about pushing forward and remembering to have…
  • Well, I did loose 1 pound. I am now down to 188. My start weight was 195, so at least I am out of the 190's. A bit disappointed about not meeting the weight loss goal that I set which was for 186, but it is fine. Hopefully, I will hit it on next week's weigh-in. I have decided to start the application process for my Ed.S,…
  • I had an okay week, however, I was not able to exercise for 2 days because I somehow hurt my foot. I was thinking that I was going to definitely gain weight, but I still lost! Goal is to keep losing of course. My one goal was to be introduced to the 180's and I am officially in now weighing in this Friday at 189.5. Barely…
  • I had an okay week, however, I was not able to exercise for 2 days because I somehow hurt my foot. I was thinking that I was going to definitely gain weight, but I still lost! Goal is to keep losing of course. My one goal was to be introduced to the 180's and I am officially in now weighing in this Friday at 189.5. Barely…
  • Alright all, I have finally caught the bug for exercising. I took a break today but have been doing Zumba or at least 30 minutes of something for the past 6 days. I watched what I ate, I exercised and I lost 4 pounds this week. So now that I can see that this thing actually works if I stick to it. My goal for this week is…
  • Hey all finally lost a pound. Been down and out but I am back with a vengeance. Did Zumba today for 45 minutes. Had to push but I got through it. Planned my menu for the week. Hoping to start encouraging my hubby to loose some weight once I start. Staying focused. Thanks to all of those who inboxed me...made sure I was…
  • Lost 1 pound 194 to 193 but at least it is the right direction.....on to next week. Purchased a heart monitor watch so I can know how many calories I am burning for real.
  • Okay weighed in and I gained this week....I am at 194.5. Guess that 5 pounds was water weight. Really trying to focus on eating and making sure I exercise as I should. Also doing a cleanse as well. On to the next week....
  • Dkbstill is still in this thing. I weighed in on Friday, but posted in wrong place I guess. Starting weight 194 pounds 1st weigh in 189.5 pounds.
  • OMG, I was totally out of control the last couple of days! I have chicken and pancakes, pecan sandies cookies with sharp cheddar cheese. Also had chinese food (shrimp and broccoli). I am glad that we have this challenge going on so that I can feel the pinch of not doing what I need to. I have people around me that will…
  • My weigh-in went better than expected. I lost the first 5 which they say is usually water weight. I will stay with the same routine this week and see how it goes at the next weigh-in. D
  • Been doing pretty good this week! Everyone has been great on this challenge. I am proud that I have been able to be accountable for all the food I have eaten as well as exercise. Like another person inn the challenge said (leananddred) I was not able to pretend that it did not happen. We will see what the scale says. See…
  • I love the Zumba for the Wii it's so much fun! For those who have it and have not tried it yet you will too!
  • Okay so started working out today and I must say that I can actually breath a bit while doing Zumba on the Wii. I started with 10 minutes of stretching yoga. So I was able to get 30 minutes in, however I did not hit my calorie target for exercise. I figure that it will balance itself out since I seem to be under 100…
  • Zeta Diva / dkbstill signing in: Starting weight: 194 pounds Challenge Goal Weight: 154 pounds Overall Goal Weight: 140 pounds Exercise Routine: Zumba (for the Wii) for at least 20 minutes 4x per week, walking the stairs for at least 10 minutes 4x per week, Yoga for at least 10 minutes 4x per week. Attempt to do this…
  • Ready to go! Doing zumba today too......
  • Omg! Almost missed the new post. Already signed up and I am in of course. So excited!
  • I am in again! Will post start weights and photos as of January 1st, 2011. Definitely starting Zumba and may get it for the Wii. going shopping Wednesday for necessary items such as food. Definitely cutting out on the red meat.....see you on the other side of 2010. D