*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #10 Discussion 3.11.



  • MichelleOnTrack
    I lost 1.5lbs this week, so I've lost 12lbs so far and I have 28 more to go to reach the 40lb mark. Honestly if I don't drop 40lbs by June, I'll be fine with that, it'll come off. Staying committed and living a healthier lifestyle is what matters the most.
    I really need to focus on my excercise this week. Because I've lost over 10lbs I'm now on a 1200 net cal which is only 140 less, so I can do it.

    Could someone recommend a scale that they absolutely love? I have a healthometer scale and I'm not sure if it's accurate enough (I hope so) this morning I was 198, 195, than 194. I weighed myself at least 15 times in different parts of my house until I kept getting the same number.

    KRYSTLE....I really would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting this challenge. You have touched so many

    I agree with the 40 pounds. I was only looking to find some support and motivation, and this group has been phenomenal!!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Well this past month or so, I was starting to fall back into my old habits. If you read any of my diary entries I would not eat lunch but eat a candy bar (or two) and then later on have a some other crap for a snack. I was maintaining or slightly gaining. So, I switched it up a bit. I decided to change my caloric intake to lose 1.5 pounds a week. That is forcing me to pick better foods because I just don't have the calories to waste on crap. I also gave up chocolate for Lent...none for me since Tuesday. I have also been trying to get my water in. I usually get 4 - 5 cups in, but I started trying to get 4 in in the morning. I am up at 4:30 each day and don't leave the house til 7 so I decided that I should be able to get half my water in before 7 am. I have done great for the 2 days that I switched my calories. I will weigh in tomorrow when I get to curves. Have a great weekend everybody!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    punkrawkcutie Great job! “put up or shut up... “ Love! It does make you feel good when you learn you motivate others.

    addisyn2010 You are doing awesome! Please remember 40 lbs is just a number. You will get there but there will be bumps in the road- Life happens girl! Be proud of where you came from no matter what. I’m proud of you!!!

    Steph_135 Super job girl! Congrats to getting to the 170’s

    robynrae_1 Totally girl! I think it is important to keep logging, weighing and measuring your food after we reach out final goal because that is our check and balance. Rock on girl!

    givprayz Great job on your loss! The book sounds very interesting! I think I would be spending the $40. LOL I’m glad to hear that you are feeling better!

    netter43 Great Job! I hope you are back to feel like your old sassy self soon!

    bettyboop4 Great job! I have a Weight Watchers scale and it does the same thing. It drives me crazy. I said something to my husband and he said, “well stop moving it then!” Haha If the thing showed me the same number I wouldn’t have too.

    Krys_T Great job! Loving the new pic~ Hot momma! Your plan for next week looks great!

    maeflower1234 Great job! Sorry you fell off the horse! I’m glad you got back on up there. Now strap yourself in tight and enjoy your ride! You got this girl!

    bhonniered Super job girl! Great goals next week!

    forgiven4life Great job! Great goals for next week! I also need to bring my own lunch to work! I think I will be stealing your idea!

    TeamLeela Great job! Great goals for next week! I also need to be more mindful and say no! I need to find something to satisfy that sweet tooth.

    healthy_is_best Great job! Yummo Chinese food. I wish it wasn’t so bad!

    leandread That is awesome that you are fitting into those pants. I think you will see a great loss next week went TOM passes. Great plan for next week!

    teijei My sodium has been crazy the last three does. I had a diet soda today and could last the sodium. I need to keep it in check also. I have a salty taste in my mouth. People always look at me weird when I say that. Maybe if they limited their sodium intake too they would see what I’m talking about. You will have a great loss nest week!

    Well I was up a little bit this AM so waiting to weigh in. My sodium has been crazy the last 3 days when I usually have it in check. So to correct this I'm going to first log my food before eating it so I can make changes if need be. I'm going to do the 30 day shred every day. Also going to go to the gym everyday and if I can't I will workout at home. I will pack my lunch and snacks for work for the week. I finally was able to get new sneaker today. I also got some new workout cloths. And a new swimsuit!

    Hugs all!!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    menorato I'm glad that you have noticed and made the changes that you need too to keep yourself in check. Great job girl!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Have any of you tried the LARABARs? I got a a free samples of the Apple Pie and Peanut Butter ones. I tried the Apple Pie one it was really yummo! They are Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO, Vegan and Kosher. I will be getting more when I go to the store next. I think this will be my new sweet treat. :love:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    For lack of a better word, I've been pretty glum for the past two weeks. I'm having problems at work & with my relationship and I barely left the house or did much of anything. (Sorry if that's TMI, I just haven't really talked about it much.)
    I haven't been on the boards and I've been lax with spreadsheet updating, so I'm really sorry if I let anyone down.

    I know I can work much harder than this, and, even though we're already almost half way there, I'm finally feeling about ready to step it up. Honestly you guys and this challenge only things that have kept me from crazy junk food binges.

    Thank you guys for being random people in the world that can come on here and be so caring and motivating to people like me that you don't even know. I'm so impressed by so many of you-- the people that are dropping weight like water, and the people who are having a hard time and yet aren't giving up. I just wanted you guys to know that even if we don't always feel like we have much to say, there are people like me who read what you guys write and it means a lot-- even just the little things.

    So thanks again, and I'm ready to get my butt into gear starting NOW! :drinker: (<~~ That's a water toast by the way... staying away from empty wine calories! lol)
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Eyesee I hope things turn around for you soon! Keep on smiling girl because you rock and you are special to us!!!:blushing:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    For lack of a better word, I've been pretty glum for the past two weeks. I'm having problems at work & with my relationship and I barely left the house or did much of anything. (Sorry if that's TMI, I just haven't really talked about it much.)
    I haven't been on the boards and I've been lax with spreadsheet updating, so I'm really sorry if I let anyone down.

    I know I can work much harder than this, and, even though we're already almost half way there, I'm finally feeling about ready to step it up. Honestly you guys and this challenge only things that have kept me from crazy junk food binges.

    Thank you guys for being random people in the world that can come on here and be so caring and motivating to people like me that you don't even know. I'm so impressed by so many of you-- the people that are dropping weight like water, and the people who are having a hard time and yet aren't giving up. I just wanted you guys to know that even if we don't always feel like we have much to say, there are people like me who read what you guys write and it means a lot-- even just the little things.

    So thanks again, and I'm ready to get my butt into gear starting NOW! :drinker: (<~~ That's a water toast by the way... staying away from empty wine calories! lol)

    Awww Aislin, you gotta tell us this stuff! But I'm glad that you are letting us know now. Sometimes life pulls away from this journey. But girl don't worry about the spreadsheet being delayed. You have done such a WONDERFUL job in just creating it that if it is delayed...so what! LOL! I hope everything turns around for you, be strong!
  • dkbstill
    dkbstill Posts: 31
    Well, I did loose 1 pound. I am now down to 188. My start weight was 195, so at least I am out of the 190's. A bit disappointed about not meeting the weight loss goal that I set which was for 186, but it is fine. Hopefully, I will hit it on next week's weigh-in.

    I have decided to start the application process for my Ed.S, which will then lead into my doctorate Ed.D. I think that I am in a good place now with family, employment and other factors. I figure I can have my doctorate and be skinny by age 35. I will be 32 this year.

    Enjoying being on this journey with all of you. You have kept me motivated when I wanted to quit and it has pushed me to be consistent in other areas of my life. I am grateful.

    Have an Awesome week everyone!

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey melted Snowflakes! I just wanted to share a tidbit of my yesterday with you! I have a jacket that is still a little too small for me, but I am wearing it because my other jacket is waaay too big. Because I can't do up the buttons on my little jacket, it was blowing open in the wind as I walked. And for the first time that I can remember, I wasn't self-conscious about holding it shut to cover my (very) wide hips! Getting to 177.5 and seeing the difference in my waist/hips since starting the Shred has REALLY boosted my confidence. I feel practically sexy! :bigsmile:

    My friend and I are going to attempt making our own hula hoops this afternoon! I hope they work out, because I've wanted a hoop since last June, but I they are pretty expensive to buy. Then I can add hooping back to my workouts! :happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Me again... poking my nose into the forum to see what everyone is up to! If you aren't familiar with positive, present affirmations, I recommend doing some research! You might just change your whole way of thinking around!**

    A great quote from the second link: "Choose only positive words, describing what you really want. If you desire to lose weight, do not tell yourself "I am not fat" or "I am losing weight." These are negative statements, bringing into the mind mental images of what you do not want. Say instead, "I am getting slim" or "I have reached my right weight". Such words evoke positive images in the mind."

    **Note: I'm sorry and deeply saddened if you think this is hokey. Please just ignore my posts if you do.

    forgiven4life... I love the idea to bringing your own lunch to work! I want to eat lowER carb as well. Woo! C25K! I'm supposed to run again today (but I might wait until tomorrow... It depends on when my family wakes up and I can prep to run... It's supposed to rain later, so I'd better get it in early if I wanna do it.)
    I have REALLY got to get with the program! I need to up my water to at least 90 oz or more a day. I need to stay within my goals I've set. And I need to stop giving in to what I want to eat. I love healthy food so I just need to make it a priority to incorporate it into my meals daily.
    Change that wording Brandy!! I wanna hear: "I AM getting with the program!! I've upped my water to at least 90 oz/day! I stay within the goals I've set. And I am choosing more healthy foods! Right now I THINK that I want to eat other things, but that is my years of habit talking. I am choosing to make healthy eating a habit, and I am enjoying the journey! I can allow myself a snack in moderation. I love healthy food, and I am making it a priority to incorporate it into my meals daily! Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better, YES!
    I had them in the cabinet for almost 2 weeks, so I am so surprised that I waited that long to eat them. So I would say that's the one thing I need to improve on. To be more disciplined and stop eating things that are not conducive to my weight loss.
    Leela... Great thinking to try new recipes!! Maybe adjust your thinking to be more like: "Those cookies were in the cabinet for 2 weeks, and I proved to myself that I was in control of what I put into my mouth. I am becoming more disciplined in my eating, and only eat things that are conducive to achieving my goals. Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better, YES!"

    leandread... That C25K is gonna get you fit and fast in no time!! Let's do it! Running has helped me lose weight in the past for sure! I'm picking up that Beck Diet book from the library by the way!

    teijei... Focus on that water intake! I know you'll bring it around. :drinker: I've had those gains in the past too! You'll figure it out!

    menorato... Sounds like you have an excellent plan! Congrats of letting go of chocolate for now!

    ltlhmom... Thank you! Great planning to pre-log food! I've been trying to stick to that as much as possible too! And pre-packing lunches! I have to do that tomorrow cause I'm going out for the day! YAY new clothes, shoes, and swim suit!!! I love my new runners! LaraBars are an excellent choice!! I would eat them ALL the time, but I'm sensitive to some of the nut ingredients. They are EVERYthing-free, but nut. :laugh:

    Eyesee... Sorry to hear you are going through difficult times! This could be a character building time for you. Try and be as positive as you can. I'm glad you're staying motivated by the challenge and it's members, but YOU are the one keeping your eating in check and making healthy choices. I always think to myself, everyone on the Snowflakes board is working out, but they aren't going to do my workout for me, so I have to kick it in gear like the rest of them. :bigsmile: It feels like we're all working out together, but you have to give yourself the most credit, because you are the one making the calls in your own life - not us random people in cyberspace. :wink: If you keep moving forward, and keep demanding the best of yourself, you will always come out on top!

    dkbstill... Congrats on your education decisions!! :drinker: Best of luck!!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    For lack of a better word, I've been pretty glum for the past two weeks. I'm having problems at work & with my relationship and I barely left the house or did much of anything. (Sorry if that's TMI, I just haven't really talked about it much.)
    I haven't been on the boards and I've been lax with spreadsheet updating, so I'm really sorry if I let anyone down.

    I know I can work much harder than this, and, even though we're already almost half way there, I'm finally feeling about ready to step it up. Honestly you guys and this challenge only things that have kept me from crazy junk food binges.

    Thank you guys for being random people in the world that can come on here and be so caring and motivating to people like me that you don't even know. I'm so impressed by so many of you-- the people that are dropping weight like water, and the people who are having a hard time and yet aren't giving up. I just wanted you guys to know that even if we don't always feel like we have much to say, there are people like me who read what you guys write and it means a lot-- even just the little things.

    So thanks again, and I'm ready to get my butt into gear starting NOW! :drinker: (<~~ That's a water toast by the way... staying away from empty wine calories! lol)

    Eyesee, we're here for you! Lean on us. You are going to have an awesome week next week---cheers :drinker: (a water toast right back at cha!)
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I like Steph calling us Melting Snowflakes, 'cause we are!
    This week I lost 1.1 lbs, bringing my total loss for this challenge to 17 lbs. Words can not express how much this group has meant to me, it keeps me motivated. I do have my eye on the prize of 40lbs by June 1, but know I will be setting myself up for failure and disappointment if that is my only way of measuring my success... so whatever loss I will have made is cause for celebration because I haven't felt this good or alive in years. Watch out June 1st, I'm- a - coming!!!!!
    This week I am going to be out of routine a bit since it is March Break so I will be home with my daughter spending time together but the non-negotiables are exercise.
    MON: 30 Day Shred and a power walk
    TUES: 30 Day Shred and EA Sports Active 2
    WED: 30 Day Shred, EA Active and Yin Yoga class
    THURS: 30 Day Shred, EA Active
    FRI: 30 Day Shred, Power walk.

    My biggest hurdle is getting in my water. So that is something I want to get accomplished this week. And it is TOM this week!! Ugh!
    Here's to another awesome week... don't forget to change your clocks tonight!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    First of all, congrats to everyone! Loss, gain, or maintain, we're sticking this out, doing our research, and finding out what works best for us. You are all doing so well! :flowerforyou:

    As for me, I weighed in at 158.2 yesterday which is a 0.3 pound loss from last week. It's TOM, so I'm really not surprised. Honestly, I did really well this week. I've been burning about 500 cals a day with my workouts. I've been under my calories. My measurements went down a bit from two weeks ago, so I think that is validating for me.

    I went and bought some organic cereal and coconut milk. I'm trying to slowly but surely bring "cleaner" foods into my house. My kids liked the cereal, which was a big relief. I liked the coconut milk! I've read that coconut can be helpful for people with hypothyroidism, so I figure, if that's true, added bonus. :smile:

    I wish I had more time to respond to posts on the thread. I reply here and there when I can, but I wish I could reply to everyone's posts. I'm following all of your journeys and you are all inspirational. :flowerforyou:
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I love that everyone is starting to feel like they can be more honest with the group and is taking from it what they need!

    Val- I totally agree, this journey should be providiing us with an education around what is going to work for us. We are lucky that Krystle gave us all a spot to come together and explore this with the support of each other.

    Well done everyone!!!

    xoxo - S
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Hello ladies! Well I am down again this week, now I weigh exactly what I weighed the week before last,. I am looking forward to the 180's...I am so bored with seeing the 190's on that scale! Currently, I am working with a dietitian and she upped my calories to between 1600 and 1800 (total) each day. I'm a little worried about how that will play out but we will see. I have joined a new gym and so far I am loving it! I am lifting weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then I am doing some form of cardio at least 5 days a week. I am starting to see some minor changes...my arms are not as flabby and even my legs are looking a bit more toned. I think my biggest accomplishment in the last couple of months has been to find out that I enjoy working out.

    This challenge and all you ladies involved have made a huge difference in my life. Because of you guys I am inspired to stick with it and work out even when I don't always feel like it. I am normally pretty quiet on here, but I read everyone's post and have found great ideas, comfort, and motivation in everyone's post. It seems like when I need to hear something the most--someone will have said it on here. It's amazing how God can use friends that you've never even met to help you through those dark times.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    It's amazing how God can use friends that you've never even met to help you through those dark times.

    I just got goosebumps reading this! Because it is so true. I thank God everyday for all of you and for giving me the strength to "lead" When I first started this challenge, it was because I would see ones on here and almost miss the start date. When I did decide to do it, I thought I would have 20 people or so....and boy was I wrong! You guys responded like gangbusters! LOL I was overwhelmed at first and then I swear God told me, "Lead them, encourage them and it will be the best thing you can ever do!" And that is what I have been trying to do! I wake up everyday now knowing that I have all of you counting on me to give that extra push and motivaion to keep going everyday. My theory is that if we all do this together, it will be that much easier. So thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming along this journey with me and not giving up. We are all so close! And even if there are some of us that don't hit the 40lbs, that is ok...we have learned so much, become stronger, lost inches, and gained hopefully life-long friends.

    Plus I am thinking about another challenge we can do after this one ;)

    I love every single one of you and know that you can give even more...this is your 2nd wind, so give it your all. I am so proud of you!
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    I so agree with starting another challenge after this one :)
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    It's amazing how God can use friends that you've never even met to help you through those dark times.

    I just got goosebumps reading this! Because it is so true. I thank God everyday for all of you and for giving me the strength to "lead" When I first started this challenge, it was because I would see ones on here and almost miss the start date. When I did decide to do it, I thought I would have 20 people or so....and boy was I wrong! You guys responded like gangbusters! LOL I was overwhelmed at first and then I swear God told me, "Lead them, encourage them and it will be the best thing you can ever do!" And that is what I have been trying to do! I wake up everyday now knowing that I have all of you counting on me to give that extra push and motivaion to keep going everyday. My theory is that if we all do this together, it will be that much easier. So thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming along this journey with me and not giving up. We are all so close! And even if there are some of us that don't hit the 40lbs, that is ok...we have learned so much, become stronger, lost inches, and gained hopefully life-long friends.

    Plus I am thinking about another challenge we can do after this one ;)

    I love every single one of you and know that you can give even more...this is your 2nd wind, so give it your all. I am so proud of you!

    THANK YOU KRYSTLE for everything, I'm so thankful God spoke to you :bigsmile: Your Terrific!!! I love the idea of another challenge ;-)