*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #10 Discussion 3.11.



  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Ok I have another exercise for us...

    I know sometimes we get down on ourselves if we have a bad day or week...so in preparation for next week I want us to say 3 things we like about ourselves, it can physical or personality traits...whatever you want! So ready, set...GO!

    1. My hair
    2. My determination
    3. My eyes
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Snowflakes..this is where I would like you to celebrate your accomplishments! How did you do this week? Where is one area that you feel you should improve for the next week? What is your schedule going to consist of next week and something new that you want to try this week (I.e morning workout, different cal amount, lowering carb intake, etc.).

    Please be open and honest about this past week, as it helps everyone else to be able to give you the praise, motivation, or advice that you may need! :smile:

    Had a great week and lost 4.5 or so lbs, a nice change compared to the two previous weeks where I hadn't lost much of anything.
    Proud of my accomplishment today of getting a GREAT workout after eating a huge lunch at MIL's. I am still working on reducing my sodium intake. I would LOVE to get it down below 2500 mg. That is going to be my challenge this week. This week is Spring Break, so I am going to be extremely busy. Tomorrow I'm taking the kids to a free fitness class (my new thing this week). Afterward, they are going to child watch while I walk for an hour on the track. Wednesday we're going to the zoo. Friday we're going to the Tulsa Air & Space Museum and then Sunday we're going to Har-Ber Village, which is an outdoor museum (so lot's of walking!). I'm going to try to continue getting up at 5:30am for my normal Leslie Sansone workouts all week.

    I had great success this week by pre-logging my meals the day before. They really helped me stay on track, even if I did have to tweek them a little that day. This is something I plan on continuing.

    Good luck to everyone! Have an awesome week!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    kimmiebear70... I'm glad to hear that so much is working for you! Keep it up!! :drinker:
    I know sometimes we get down on ourselves if we have a bad day or week...so in preparation for next week I want us to say 3 things we like about ourselves, it can physical or personality traits...whatever you want! So ready, set...GO!
    1 - My curves and my little middle.
    2 - My attention to the small things (I pay attention and catch small details; I'm usually aware of what's going on in all type of situations)
    3 - My full-blown, I'm having a great time smile :bigsmile:
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Ok I have another exercise for us...

    I know sometimes we get down on ourselves if we have a bad day or week...so in preparation for next week I want us to say 3 things we like about ourselves, it can physical or personality traits...whatever you want! So ready, set...GO!

    1. Determination
    2. Intelligence
    3. Perseverance
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    Ok I have another exercise for us...

    I know sometimes we get down on ourselves if we have a bad day or week...so in preparation for next week I want us to say 3 things we like about ourselves, it can physical or personality traits...whatever you want! So ready, set...GO!

    1. My outgoing personality :flowerforyou:
    2. My eyes :love:
    3. My smile :happy:
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Ok I have another exercise for us...

    I know sometimes we get down on ourselves if we have a bad day or week...so in preparation for next week I want us to say 3 things we like about ourselves, it can physical or personality traits...whatever you want! So ready, set...GO!

    1. My eyes
    2. My sense of fair play
    3. My perseverance
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Ok I have another exercise for us...

    I know sometimes we get down on ourselves if we have a bad day or week...so in preparation for next week I want us to say 3 things we like about ourselves, it can physical or personality traits...whatever you want! So ready, set...GO!

    Three things I like about myself...
    1. the shape of my body
    2. my hands
    3. My observation skills! Which explains exactly why I'm an anthropologist :)
  • forgiven4life
    Hello everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Three things I like about myself:
    1. My eyes
    2. My ability to learn/pick up on things quickly
    3. My desire to research and read
  • bhonniered
    bhonniered Posts: 228
    Good Morning!

    Three things I like about myself

    1. My sense of humor
    2. Love of reading
    3. That I can totally rock 4" heels!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Hello beautiful Snowflakes!!

    The past two weeks have been challenging - those who have friended might have noticed a distinct lack of communication on my page. Challenging in a good way, but still...

    I haven't been logging my food or exercising. Carbs are KILLING me slowly. Water is barely passing my lips. And I can't find the time to log on here for support.

    All of that aside, I'm doing well. Work is crazy busy this time of year (I work for an Irish Beer and this week is St Pat's Day). I've been taking classes weekly as I start working towards my Thai Bodywork and energy work certifications. Looking for a new apartment while trying to find a new job before I get fired (which I feel is coming sooner rather than later). All while running after my son, doing my own homework, and trying to make time for friends and family.

    I'm disappointed that I am not losing more, but at the same time I am okay with the fact that I haven't because I realize that this isn't a marathon. Probably the biggest thing I've learned from my classes the past few weeks is that you need to be MINDFULL - know what you're doing and what you're putting into your body. I think that is something that I've struggled with in the past and it helps to be connected to that as I'm working on my eating habits.

    On Friday I am starting to take a yoga class, so I will be getting some exercise and the weather is warming up so I can get out and walk or take my son for a bike ride (which will be wonderful). Right now I can't afford a gym, so I'm going to have to work on incorporating activity into my life.... definitely something I need to me MINDFULL of :)

    Food is tough for me right now. Not because I'm eating a lot, but because I'm eating a ton of carbs. Bagels, bread and pasta. Quick, easy, and filling. I haven't had the time to be more mindful of what I'm putting into my body. That is going to change this week, too. I made a large black bean salad last night so that takes care of my lunches this week and breakfast will be oatmeal - I'm going to try and save my carbs for dinner when I can have pasta. I'm also going to make a conscious effort to eat at least 2 apples during the day (fiber) and I have my water bottle staring at me from the counter, too.

    My inspiration for really pushing forward to take off another ten pounds before May.... I made a promise to myself that if I couldn't fit my box of cute size 12 clothes in my closet by May, then I will donate them all. They have been in there for 3 years and I've only been able to squeeze into them once or twice since then. My philosophy on clothing is that if I can't fit it, I shouldn't own it. Maybe one item for inspiration, but the rest goes.

    So... 10 pounds and size 12, here I come!! :)
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Three things I like about myself...

    1. My hair and eyes
    2. How I can make people laugh with my sarcasm
    3. That I'm a problem solver and find a way to make things happen

  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey snowflakes!

    so i've been kinda MIA lately and i apologize. i've been going through some crazy stuff lately. i've also been avoiding this site because i've been in a funk lately. i'm bummed i let myself go a bit but i'm done being down on myself about it. so anyway, unfortunately in the past 2 weeks i have gained weight. :( i logged it though and i am going to be responsible for my actions. i kinda needed that fall off the wagon to give me the kick in the pants that i needed to keep going.

    thank you all for always being there. i may not lose 40lbs in this challenge but i will get there eventually because of all of you. so thanks! :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello beautiful Snowflakes!!

    The past two weeks have been challenging - those who have friended might have noticed a distinct lack of communication on my page. Challenging in a good way, but still...

    I haven't been logging my food or exercising. Carbs are KILLING me slowly. Water is barely passing my lips. And I can't find the time to log on here for support.

    All of that aside, I'm doing well. Work is crazy busy this time of year (I work for an Irish Beer and this week is St Pat's Day). I've been taking classes weekly as I start working towards my Thai Bodywork and energy work certifications. Looking for a new apartment while trying to find a new job before I get fired (which I feel is coming sooner rather than later). All while running after my son, doing my own homework, and trying to make time for friends and family.

    I'm disappointed that I am not losing more, but at the same time I am okay with the fact that I haven't because I realize that this isn't a marathon. Probably the biggest thing I've learned from my classes the past few weeks is that you need to be MINDFULL - know what you're doing and what you're putting into your body. I think that is something that I've struggled with in the past and it helps to be connected to that as I'm working on my eating habits.

    On Friday I am starting to take a yoga class, so I will be getting some exercise and the weather is warming up so I can get out and walk or take my son for a bike ride (which will be wonderful). Right now I can't afford a gym, so I'm going to have to work on incorporating activity into my life.... definitely something I need to me MINDFULL of :)

    Food is tough for me right now. Not because I'm eating a lot, but because I'm eating a ton of carbs. Bagels, bread and pasta. Quick, easy, and filling. I haven't had the time to be more mindful of what I'm putting into my body. That is going to change this week, too. I made a large black bean salad last night so that takes care of my lunches this week and breakfast will be oatmeal - I'm going to try and save my carbs for dinner when I can have pasta. I'm also going to make a conscious effort to eat at least 2 apples during the day (fiber) and I have my water bottle staring at me from the counter, too.

    My inspiration for really pushing forward to take off another ten pounds before May.... I made a promise to myself that if I couldn't fit my box of cute size 12 clothes in my closet by May, then I will donate them all. They have been in there for 3 years and I've only been able to squeeze into them once or twice since then. My philosophy on clothing is that if I can't fit it, I shouldn't own it. Maybe one item for inspiration, but the rest goes.

    So... 10 pounds and size 12, here I come!! :)

    Well I am glad to see that you are sharing what has been going on in your life the last few weeks. It is totally understandable though...life happens and it can be extremely stressful to have to deal with everything that goes on and make time for ourselves....but it is possible, and you will find that healthy balance soon. I have had to do the same thing. But you will!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    3 Things I like about myself:

    1) My smile
    2) My sense of humor
    3) My willingness to help people out...I feel like I have a big heart!
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    3 Things I like about myself:

    1) My smile
    2) My sense of humor
    3) My willingness to help people out...I feel like I have a big heart!

    VERY TRUE on ALL accounts Krystle!!
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    To Barefoot Beauty,

    You clearly realize where your difficulties have been, so kudos for that ! I'm like you - love the pastas and breads, and it's hard to eliminate them (I reach for the Dreamfield low carb pasta when I have to have it - but trying to avoid all together). You are making steps in the right direction, and you're right - it's not a race, it's an entire lifestyle change.

    Most of us probably didn't put on all the weight we have over a couple of months, so we shouldn't expect to drop it that quickly either! You're on the right track, count all your losses (no matter how small) as a move in the right direction and you'll get there.

    We're here for you!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I am back from Hawaii 10 day vacation. We had a blast and we were part of the volcanic eruptions at the island and tsunami after effect. On the flip side I gained 4 pounds due to eating and not working out for 2 weeks and I am freaking out.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Evening everyone! So I had a busy day at work..I am just so incredibly over my company. They keep hiring new people that get paid more than me, and I work my butt off for that place. Its just really frustrating! Everyday, I can't wait to get out of there. I just get upset that I work somewhere where Im not appreciated. Ugh! I just can't wait until I get this business stuff rolling and God willing, I won't have to work anyones 9 to 5!

    Anyway, I hope everyone had a great day today....I can't believe Friday is progress pictures day! AHHHHH, I am little worried, I am not going to lie. I hope I can see a difference! One thing I can say is I feel soooo much stronger than I was Day 1, and my endurance is way better as well. That means a lot to me!

    I put my scale underneath my bed Saturday, and won't be bringing it out until Friday...really this time! LOL, Don't want to stress myself out over daily fluctuations and mess up my momentum. Looking to have a great week this with going into week 2 as of Friday...I am so close to OneDerLand...I would love to be there by the end of this month...but we soon shall see! :)
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Ok I have another exercise for us...

    I know sometimes we get down on ourselves if we have a bad day or week...so in preparation for next week I want us to say 3 things we like about ourselves, it can physical or personality traits...whatever you want! So ready, set...GO!

    The three things I like about myself!
    1 My eyes
    2 My big heart to help others
    3 My cooking abilities
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    The 3 things that I like about myself.
    1. I am driven and dedicated to the process.
    2. I am a devoted wife and an awesome mom.
    3. My best feature are my legs.