*Snowflkes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #13 4.1.11



  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Last week: 188.4
    Today: 190.2

    I guess my body was fooling me. But guess what I wasnt ready to give up. I ran my first 5k,3.1 miles today. I truly feel today is a very accomplished day. Here is my blog


    I am inspired by many of your success stories. Thank you each one of you Snowflakes.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Well what an appropriate day for a weigh-in and discussion on our successes and goals for this week. It is April 1st! We are 3 months into this challenge already! WOW! So let's think big this week...How are we feeling about this weeks either loss, maintain, or gain? Also, some of us have been slipping lately with putting our goals down here in the discussion...so what are your goals for this upcoming week...? Give me at least 3! And also, what do you really want to focus on and stay consistent with this entire month?

    Great job in advance for those who have loss or maintained this week. For anyone that has gained, I think all of us know by now that we go through these cycles...lol so don't sweat it, just chug the water, make sure your body is rested and keep pushing!

    So we're at the half way point. I'm treating it like ground zero. A fresh new 3 months. I have to make this work! I don't know what's going on, but I feel like I have been on a rollercoaster and I just want to get off.

    My goals for the upcoming week:
    1. drink water, water and more water. Also more green tea.
    2. eat only when I'm hungry. No boredom eating or eating because I'm watching tv.
    3. kick up the intensity on my workouts. burn atleast 3500 calories this week!
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    I was so happy this morning when I jumped on the scale...It maybe April fools day but the scale was so kind!! I was 149.2 That's one pound under a healthy weight for me....YIPPEE!!

    I hope everyone had a great week too.

    Christine, That is Absolutley Awesome, Congratulations!!!! I can't wait for that day, another 15 more pounds to go
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    hey everyone, you may have noticed some people have changed their profiles to a childhood pic. I thought it would be a great idea to change our pictures for atleast one week. Remembering a time when life was pure and innocent. Not having to worry about all the stresses of school, work, bills.
    We used to play outside from sun up to sun down. Playing tag, hide and seek, jumping rope, riding bikes, hop scotch. Anything that kept us moving. We burned tons of calories without even thinking about it.
    I think it would be fun to remind ourselves of those days. They seem so long ago and the days of playing like a child are far and few between.
    So whaddaya think? Change your profile and encourage your mfp friends to do the same. If nothing else, we all get a good smile out of seeing our friends as kids.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Bump :blushing: for later
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Well what an appropriate day for a weigh-in and discussion on our successes and goals for this week. It is April 1st! We are 3 months into this challenge already! WOW! So let's think big this week...How are we feeling about this weeks either loss, maintain, or gain? Also, some of us have been slipping lately with putting our goals down here in the discussion...so what are your goals for this upcoming week...? Give me at least 3! And also, what do you really want to focus on and stay consistent with this entire month?

    I lost .3 this week not bad for TOM coming to town but the exciting thing is that I have moved to ONDERLAND! This is the lost I have been in at least 9 years. :bigsmile:

    My goals for the week are
    1. Drink 12 cups of water a day.
    2. Get some form of workout in every day.
    3. Pack my lunch for work. No eating jail food~ only allowed salad or veggies or hard boiled eggs from the break room!
    4. Eat at the least 4 fruits and veggies a day.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    I had an ok week overall. I got a few decent runs in but I really need to start going farther and faster! I went to Zumba on Thursday and that was certainly interesting! My back is still sore! I guess my biggest issue is that I still struggle (a lot) with spending so much time away from my son to make it all happen. Taking time at the end of a work day to go work out makes me feel sooo guilty especially when I do it at least 3x a week! My husband is great about it and just tells me to go but I can't help but feel bad. I know it's worth it but it still tears me apart week after week.

    On a positive note: I am officially under 200lbs!! 198.6!!! :bigsmile:
    My goals are:
    *To run 15 miles this week
    *Pack my lunch everyday this week
    *Maybe get a little yoga in so I can chill out a little :flowerforyou:
    Yes, yoga a minimum of 2x this week
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I had an ok week overall. I got a few decent runs in but I really need to start going farther and faster! I went to Zumba on Thursday and that was certainly interesting! My back is still sore! I guess my biggest issue is that I still struggle (a lot) with spending so much time away from my son to make it all happen. Taking time at the end of a work day to go work out makes me feel sooo guilty especially when I do it at least 3x a week! My husband is great about it and just tells me to go but I can't help but feel bad. I know it's worth it but it still tears me apart week after week.

    On a positive note: I am officially under 200lbs!! 198.6!!! :bigsmile:
    My goals are:
    *To run 15 miles this week
    *Pack my lunch everyday this week
    *Maybe get a little yoga in so I can chill out a little :flowerforyou:
    Yes, yoga a minimum of 2x this week

    WOOO WOO under 200 HELLO ONEderland! Great job! And I totally know how you feel about feeling guilty about not spending more time with your little one. I was and still feel the same way. I started looking at it though and saying, "If I don't sacrifice a little bit now, I won't have to worry about missing a few hours here and there...I will miss years of his life, because I won't be alive long enough to see it!" I know it is drastic, but I had to start thinking that way because my body was just falling apart. But keep up the great work and he is going to be so proud of his mommy when he is old enough to understand all the hard work you are putting it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    so what are your goals for this upcoming week...? Give me at least 3! And also, what do you really want to focus on and stay consistent with this entire month?

    For me this week I want to :

    1) Increase the water intake (Not being at work drinking up all their free water is throwing me off...LOL Only thing I miss about that place)

    2) Get caught up on my TurboFire workouts. I had been killing myself last week catching up from the few days I missed. But I am just about caught up as long as I workout tomorrow.

    3) Make sure I am getting my mid-morning and afternoon snacks in

    4) Thinking about taking a fiber supplement to boost the fiber up a little more.

    In the month of April, I want to concentrate very hard on more clean eating. For the most part, I do pretty well considering where I was a year ago....but there is always room for improvement and I want to definitely improve that this month.
  • Hey everyone! I'm up 1 pound from last week which was 339.2, this week 340.2. A bit saddening but TOM finally came on Thursday and I had the stress and bad eating from the move, so I'm sure I can get back down (hopefully ) Anyways, after over a month of trying to find a place and thinking we had found one over and over, we are finally moved and settled in YAY!! That's so stress relieving it feels great. I am on the second floor of an apartment complex now so I'm a little worried about disturbing the people below me by jumping and moving about when I exercise :/. But I'm sure I can modify some things so it's not so bad. I need to watch what I'm doing at the grocery store, my husband has been doing better at work so we have more money for groceries than we did before, I thought at first that would make things easier cuz then I could buy the food the rest of the family eats and then buy the things I should be eating, but it's actually made it worse! Now there's more room to buy all the bad things! It's horrible. So i need to work on that and really look for some thing that will satisfy my sweet chocolate tooth but still be healthier than little debbie snacks-those are horrible I know!!

    My goals for this week are
    To start my exercising again at least 4 days a week
    To shop better at the grocery store
    To start tracking my calories again, I noticed once I stopped even though I was still trying to keep track in my head and watch what I was doing was when I stopped losing weight. I guess NOTHING beats seeing it all written down!!
    And last I want to start drinking only water during the whole day again like I was before, and making my own tea with truvia for my dinner instead of having a glass of walmart's sweet tea which is what I was doing before. Because I don't like the taste of the "unsweetened sweet tea" from walmart.

    I really want to get back on track this month, so I want to make it a point to log in here everyday like I was doing and getting involved in my friends statuses and everything, because that's what kept me on track before.
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    To forgivenforlife:
    Alright ladies, I have really lost some steam this week. I've been sick, haven't worked out any, started a new business, and I had to take my little boy to have an MRI done today. Can you say stressful week? I just feel like I am losing my motivation. That is one reason why I haven't been posting as much. I haven't been logging my food (I'm still trying to watch what I eat), but I have been coming here and reading everyone's post. Maybe I will get out of this funk soon.

    and Bettyboop4:
    I've kinda fell off the bandwagon too, I've had a cold since last week and it's still hasn't gotten better. I did watch what I ate, but no exercise, except for walking on campus.

    I'm with you both - just not feeling it this week (after a loss the previous). Didn't get to the gym, only got a real walk (short) in once, messed around with snacks (cookies), was high on the sodium nearly every day. Still haven't stepped on the scale because I'm still feeling like a water balloon - and can't blame anything but too much sodium. I do so much better if I keep around 1500 - that 2500 is waay too high for me! Feeling it when I bend my fingers even, let alone trying to move rings.

    This is the kind of time when I tend to say "well, I've screwed up - what's more screwing up." Trying to fight that devil, but not sure whose winning.... :frown:

    My goals this week:

    Getting back into the gym daily (or at least a real work out at home)
    Cutting (waay) back on the naughty snacks/desserts
    Keeping the sodium closer to 1500
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey ladies!! I don't have time to read all the posts because I've got another test on Tuesday. (Don't I say this way too often???)

    But I wanted to drop in and tell you all that my 10K went amazingly! I am still sick (on two kinds of inhalers), but I managed to suck it up and run the 10K in 1:12:31! My goal was 1:20:00, so I was VERY happy with that time! :bigsmile:

    Thanks to everyone for your support and I hope that by running this 10K I can prove to someone that running is not a "thin people" sport. I'm 188 lbs and I ran 6.2 miles today! Two years ago, I couldn't run longer than 1/4 mile without stopping. Trust me. You can run a lot farther than you think. It's all a mental game. The trick is to run as far as you think you can go and then turn around and come back. :bigsmile: By the time you start to talk yourself out of it, you'll already be too far from home to give up. :smile:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
  • dkbstill
    dkbstill Posts: 31
    Finally understanding that you have to keep pushing!. I started the Insanity Workouts today, and I found that I am really out of shape despite my weight loss. I would have seen a time that I would have been disappointed and stopped the workout, but I listened to the instruction about pushing forward and remembering to have good form. Why should I expect to be able to do as many reps as the people on the DVD, I mean look at them (lol). I had to realize that I will get there and to watch my form and keep pushing. Being consistent this week is my motivation. Sticking to the schedule and doing my best.

    Keep It Up!!!


    P.S. Still 188 pounds
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I gained another 2 pounds this week. I will be changing my tickers if not back to 348 by April 13th.

    Well I am struggling. I have a plan for April and I am going to lose weight in April.

    3 GOALS:
    Keep calories under daily goal.
    Go to the gym 3 minimum
    Less carbs and processed foods.

    Congrats to losers!! Whooohoooo!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Good job maintainers!! You did something right! :flowerforyou:

    If you gained, that is OK 2. Just work harder this week and the key is not to give up! You can do it!! Consistency not perfection! If we were perfect we would not be here. :flowerforyou: Success is never giving up. I am never giving up and I hope you who are struggling never give up on yourself and keep checking in.

    Happy Sunday!:drinker:
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Hey ladies!! I don't have time to read all the posts because I've got another test on Tuesday. (Don't I say this way too often???)

    But I wanted to drop in and tell you all that my 10K went amazingly! I am still sick (on two kinds of inhalers), but I managed to suck it up and run the 10K in 1:12:31! My goal was 1:20:00, so I was VERY happy with that time! :bigsmile:

    Thanks to everyone for your support and I hope that by running this 10K I can prove to someone that running is not a "thin people" sport. I'm 188 lbs and I ran 6.2 miles today! Two years ago, I couldn't run longer than 1/4 mile without stopping. Trust me. You can run a lot farther than you think. It's all a mental game. The trick is to run as far as you think you can go and then turn around and come back. :bigsmile: By the time you start to talk yourself out of it, you'll already be too far from home to give up. :smile:

    That's an amazing accomplishment. Great job on finishing it.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Hey ladies!! I don't have time to read all the posts because I've got another test on Tuesday. (Don't I say this way too often???)

    But I wanted to drop in and tell you all that my 10K went amazingly! I am still sick (on two kinds of inhalers), but I managed to suck it up and run the 10K in 1:12:31! My goal was 1:20:00, so I was VERY happy with that time! :bigsmile:

    Thanks to everyone for your support and I hope that by running this 10K I can prove to someone that running is not a "thin people" sport. I'm 188 lbs and I ran 6.2 miles today! Two years ago, I couldn't run longer than 1/4 mile without stopping. Trust me. You can run a lot farther than you think. It's all a mental game. The trick is to run as far as you think you can go and then turn around and come back. :bigsmile: By the time you start to talk yourself out of it, you'll already be too far from home to give up. :smile:

    That's an amazing accomplishment. Great job on finishing it.
This discussion has been closed.