*Snowflkes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #13 4.1.11



  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Sunshines!
    I had an amazing week! A pretty big loss... and I'll take it! I felt like I was holding onto a lot of water, my muscles were very sore so I increased my water intake and it really had a huge deal.
    I challenged myself for the month of March to do JM's 30DS. I did it everyday! And walked 4 days a week too.
    What's up for April?
    I bought a new scale that includes fat %... scary stuff! With my loss this week the % seems pretty high. Still got lots of work ahead of me! But that is okay, I am prepared to work for it.
    I also booked our summer holidays... going to Florida for 2 weeks in August. And I really want a beach body....... My husband surprised me yesteray and brought home P90X for me! What a sweetie! So I am going to work for that beach body. Survived work out one!
    My goals for April:
    ~ increase my water
    ~walk 4 days a week
    ~P90X everyday (follow the routine)
    ~Eat well.

    I am inspired by each and everyone of you and I really appreciate you all. You keep memotivated and accountable and I really appreciate it. Thank you.

  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey ladies!! I don't have time to read all the posts because I've got another test on Tuesday. (Don't I say this way too often???)

    But I wanted to drop in and tell you all that my 10K went amazingly! I am still sick (on two kinds of inhalers), but I managed to suck it up and run the 10K in 1:12:31! My goal was 1:20:00, so I was VERY happy with that time! :bigsmile:

    Thanks to everyone for your support and I hope that by running this 10K I can prove to someone that running is not a "thin people" sport. I'm 188 lbs and I ran 6.2 miles today! Two years ago, I couldn't run longer than 1/4 mile without stopping. Trust me. You can run a lot farther than you think. It's all a mental game. The trick is to run as far as you think you can go and then turn around and come back. :bigsmile: By the time you start to talk yourself out of it, you'll already be too far from home to give up. :smile:

    That's an amazing accomplishment. Great job on finishing it.

    Thanks!! :bigsmile:
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey ladies!! I don't have time to read all the posts because I've got another test on Tuesday. (Don't I say this way too often???)

    But I wanted to drop in and tell you all that my 10K went amazingly! I am still sick (on two kinds of inhalers), but I managed to suck it up and run the 10K in 1:12:31! My goal was 1:20:00, so I was VERY happy with that time! :bigsmile:

    Thanks to everyone for your support and I hope that by running this 10K I can prove to someone that running is not a "thin people" sport. I'm 188 lbs and I ran 6.2 miles today! Two years ago, I couldn't run longer than 1/4 mile without stopping. Trust me. You can run a lot farther than you think. It's all a mental game. The trick is to run as far as you think you can go and then turn around and come back. :bigsmile: By the time you start to talk yourself out of it, you'll already be too far from home to give up. :smile:

    That's an amazing accomplishment. Great job on finishing it.

    Thanks!! :bigsmile:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm sorry i have been so MIA lately, I have just had a lot going on with school lately, not to mention i have been a little on the depressed side.
    Congrats to everyone who had a loss this week!! and great job to those who kept up with their goals for the week!!! As for me this week i am finally starting to workout again--i know it has been a while but its now or never, if i keep putting it off it will just never happen!! so tomorrow i begin training for a 5 K---which includes a day of strength training one day a week, cross training one day a week, and running or walking the other 3 days with two rest days :) I really hope this kick starts my weight loss again it would be loevely to start seeing a loss every week like i did when i first started this journey :)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Ok, so I've taken the liberty of taking over the spreadsheet and weigh in sheet business so that we can see how everyone is progressing! I figured out how to make the weigh in sheet and I figured out how to make an identical spreadsheet to see how everyone's weigh in are going.

    Here is the link to this week's weigh in sheet. https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEpzZVFrUmNCazV0U2tOSWpPWnZRUXc6MQ

    This is a different form because I made it, not Eyesee.

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AppSGJJkhgSYdC0xdHM4ZTExX1VONWxRMzVtUnBXVUE&hl=en&authkey=CNzy7eEC

    If everyone would be so kind as to put in last week's (3/25) weigh in and this week's (4/1) weigh in, I will try to get the spreadsheet updated ASAP. If you don't remember last week's weight, go back to the Week 12 Weigh in topic and find your weight.

    I hope this will help everyone to have the spreadsheet back up and running. I love seeing everyone's progress!!! :bigsmile:
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Keep it up guys! I see a lot of "down" posts, people feeling down or not doing well.

    I just want to say-KEEP AT IT! No matter what-I know that this is hard (if it wasn't, we would all be at goal already!), but you just have to keep trying. One day at a time-don't forget that. No matter if you mess up-just keep going and trying-you will be fine! WE CAN AND WILL DO THIS!!

    Great job to all those that lost! Keep it up!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I got all the weights of everyone who put them in the weigh in form and I grabbed this week's weigh ins off of the other thread for those that have logged them.

    Please check out the new spreadsheet (it's still a work in progress) and let me know if I put your weight in wrong or if your weigh ins are missing.

    Thanks everyone!! :smile:
  • bhonniered
    bhonniered Posts: 228
    Hey everyone!

    I got all the weights of everyone who put them in the weigh in form and I grabbed this week's weigh ins off of the other thread for those that have logged them.

    Please check out the new spreadsheet (it's still a work in progress) and let me know if I put your weight in wrong or if your weigh ins are missing.

    Thanks everyone!! :smile:

    Thank you for taking that on - I know we all are very appreciative of it! :flowerforyou:
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I got all the weights of everyone who put them in the weigh in form and I grabbed this week's weigh ins off of the other thread for those that have logged them.

    Please check out the new spreadsheet (it's still a work in progress) and let me know if I put your weight in wrong or if your weigh ins are missing.

    Thanks everyone!! :smile:

    I can't update at work-but mine from the one week was 174.2 and then last week was 172.8. Can someone log this for me?
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    It's monday-and the start of a brand new week!!!
    I hope everyone is keeping the focus! We can and will do this!

    One day at a time:)
    Work on the exercise, water and calorie counting-and things will fall into place! When you struggle-look to someone for help. It is always good to have people you can count on and that will help pick you back up. That is why we are all here, right?

    Have a great week!!
  • bhonniered
    bhonniered Posts: 228

    I can't update at work-but mine from the one week was 174.2 and then last week was 172.8. Can someone log this for me?

    Did it for you! Have a great one - and congrats!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I went up to Chicago and even though I didn't get my water, I think my intake was pretty solid considering that I ate all my meals out....This morning I hit the road to redo week 2 of couch to 5 k after taking a week off due to lousy weather.....MANNNNN, that sucker was HARD HARD HARD. I didn't give up and I finished it, but I felt so incredibly heavy. The water retention made my legs feel like lead. So I am guzzling away today. The way my body works, I have to go way beyond 8 glasses to get the excess water to start coming off. So today, I'm shooting for at least a gallon. How is everyone else doing today? I caught up on posts and there are some folks feeling a bit down. I hope its a happy Monday. A brand new opportunity to kick butt and eat right!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Hey everyone!

    I got all the weights of everyone who put them in the weigh in form and I grabbed this week's weigh ins off of the other thread for those that have logged them.

    Please check out the new spreadsheet (it's still a work in progress) and let me know if I put your weight in wrong or if your weigh ins are missing.

    Thanks everyone!! :smile:

    Thank you for taking that on - I know we all are very appreciative of it! :flowerforyou:

    Yes, thank you! It means a lot to me to see the progress sheet.

    I am down 2 pounds today from my weigh-in weight. I knew it was water weight again. I keep my sodium below 2500 almost every day, below 2300 at least half the time, and below 2000 several days a week, so why do I retain water? It's just not fair :frown: Well, it got me to start on one of my three goals for this week/month, which is to drink at least 10 cups of water daily. Yesterday I got to like 15. It seems the more I drink, the more I want to drink. I do still use a flavor powder in most of it, but I figure the amount of aspartame in the drink mix is negligible, so better to drink the flavored water than to not drink the water at all.
    My second goal is to get back to my Y class 3 days a week, and start lifting some weights either after class, or on the off days.
    And the third goal is to do some ab work a couple of times a week. My back and abs are so weak! I am disgusted with what I can't do. I used to be really strong, but now, not so great.
    I also plan to get started out in the garden soon! :happy: I can't wait for more days in the 50's and 60's, without rain, to till the garden (by shovel, for the workout,) and put in my cool weather crops. I also want to get my tomatoes out to the cold frame and off my living room window sill. I have about 20 Brandywine, 12 Roma, a handful of cherry tomatoes, and 24 broccoli plants all started and needing more space! And I can't wait for fresh sugar snap peas, snow peas, spinach and asparagus! Spring vegetables are wonderful! I think this will be a good month for me. :wink:
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    I finally stepped on the scale today - haven't done so since I feel like I've been retaining water like never before (and no tom), and indeed - the scale showed I was up 6! pounds - I've never had that happen!! I really did not do any good exercising, but was under my calories all week and I was higher on the sodium - but never over the 2500. Wow, pretty discouraging!

    Yesterday I got a good hour long brisk walk in and today hit the gym/water bottle hard so I'm hoping that that will clear this up soon. What a giant leap BACKWARDS!!! UGH!! :frown:
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    I also plan to get started out in the garden soon! :happy: I can't wait for more days in the 50's and 60's, without rain, to till the garden (by shovel, for the workout,) and put in my cool weather crops. I also want to get my tomatoes out to the cold frame and off my living room window sill. I have about 20 Brandywine, 12 Roma, a handful of cherry tomatoes, and 24 broccoli plants all started and needing more space! And I can't wait for fresh sugar snap peas, snow peas, spinach and asparagus! Spring vegetables are wonderful! I think this will be a good month for me. :wink:

    AH!! I can't wait to get some tomatoes going too!! Bought seeds, but think I'm already late for planting them, so I may just head to the nursery where they're just coming in. Nothing beats home grown tomatoes and veggies!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    bump...trying to catch up on post..still busy (as usual, but gonna keep doing this). I am not given up..and please don't let me try.

    Love ya all.

  • MichelleOnTrack
    Ok, so I've taken the liberty of taking over the spreadsheet and weigh in sheet business so that we can see how everyone is progressing! I figured out how to make the weigh in sheet and I figured out how to make an identical spreadsheet to see how everyone's weigh in are going.

    Here is the link to this week's weigh in sheet. https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEpzZVFrUmNCazV0U2tOSWpPWnZRUXc6MQ

    This is a different form because I made it, not Eyesee.

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AppSGJJkhgSYdC0xdHM4ZTExX1VONWxRMzVtUnBXVUE&hl=en&authkey=CNzy7eEC

    If everyone would be so kind as to put in last week's (3/25) weigh in and this week's (4/1) weigh in, I will try to get the spreadsheet updated ASAP. If you don't remember last week's weight, go back to the Week 12 Weigh in topic and find your weight.

    I hope this will help everyone to have the spreadsheet back up and running. I love seeing everyone's progress!!! :bigsmile:

    thanks for taking over the weigh ins...it's nice to see everyone's progress! And congrats on your 10K!! YOU ROCK!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Last week I found out I got into a teacher's education program, and I am so excited! Just another motivation to reach my goals! I have about 50 days until the event I am attending with friends that haven't seen me in since Christmas, and about 150 days until I go back to school. Time to get moving!

    LW: 177.5
    CW: 178

    So, it's April!! I spent last week eating really badly, and I'm done with that now, thank goodness. I really want to hop back into the 176 range, which I saw for only a couple days. 177 and 178 are getting really old...

    My 3 (or 4) goals this week are:
    - Burn 500 calories/day (my goal is to get over 13,163 calories burnt this month, which was my number for March)
    - Eat reasonable (aka stay under calorie and limit junk)
    - Keep running with the C25K program (week 3)
    - Do my workouts BEFORE I log into MFP...

    My goals are always a little vague, because if I get too specific, I tend to abandon them altogether.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am really seeing how difficult it is going to be for me to get under 180 - I'm going to have to fit for every pound I want off. Is that a product of turning 30 this past year? Regardless, it is finally sinking in how permanent this change is and how much work is ahead of me in the next few months. Bring it on!! :)
    barefootbeauty... If I can get here, so can you! Age is just an excuse. :wink:

    yellowfairy... Glad to see you're happy face again!! Those are great goals! I love the "paying attention to your triggers" one! I should take a hint. I love love love your kitty. It always reminds me of mine. :bigsmile:
    Krystle you are SOOO right, an appropriate day for a weighin!!! Let me just tell you girls ....... I have felt all week like i was getting punk'd!!! and the scale this morning was further affirmation that the scale is aware of this fooish day aw well!! I am up 1.2 lbs. I have to be honest, this is very discouraging because I have focused this week, ate right, worked out hard, had a good balance of both exercise and eating. So what gives?? Im not sure. Am I disappointed? ABSOLUTLEY!!! am I ready to through in the towel???? No way!! I really am doing this for a better way of life and that means EVERYDAY, not just those that are easy. This is how I want to live my life not just until I reach a magic number. So today is another day, full of opportunity and choices. I choose today to keep going and keep moving!!
    tt1113... I love the way you ended this! So inspiring! Thank you! :drinker:
    I just wrote my discussion post then accidentally deleted it! BOOOOOO
    leandread... I do that so often it's not even funny! I've started using wordpad to type my longer responses, so I don't accidentally lose it all!! I got Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism from the library so I have to try it out!! :bigsmile:
    Two years ago, I couldn't run longer than 1/4 mile without stopping. Trust me. You can run a lot farther than you think. It's all a mental game. The trick is to run as far as you think you can go and then turn around and come back. :bigsmile: By the time you start to talk yourself out of it, you'll already be too far from home to give up. :smile:
    whittrusty... That's awesome and inspiring! Thank you so much! For one of my running routes, I run in a straight line away from my house, and then when I get to the end, I know I still have to travel all the way back. Haha! That's one way to do it.
    I also plan to get started out in the garden soon! :happy: I can't wait for more days in the 50's and 60's, without rain, to till the garden (by shovel, for the workout,) and put in my cool weather crops. I also want to get my tomatoes out to the cold frame and off my living room window sill. I have about 20 Brandywine, 12 Roma, a handful of cherry tomatoes, and 24 broccoli plants all started and needing more space! And I can't wait for fresh sugar snap peas, snow peas, spinach and asparagus! Spring vegetables are wonderful! I think this will be a good month for me. :wink:
    givprayz... Awesome! I'm growing my own herbs, and they are getting really big! They're in starter pots still, and I really need to plant them. I wish we had enough room for a big veggie garden. When the weather gets nicer, I'm gonna buy some pre-grown, potted veggies. :happy:
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I hava question for my favorite melt-aways (this means u!)

    So for April, I am really focusing on interval training and circuits to build endurance and lose fat. We all know about reasonable weight loss goals but I'm curious, what do you all think is a reasonable monthly goal to lose inches? Those of you who measure, what kinds of results have you been getting on a monthly basis? I know everyone is different but I would just like to have a sense so can set something reasonable for myself...