nauticaboo Member


  • I'm nauticaboo on Nike+. I run 6-10 miles/week right now.
  • In this case I'd keep rounding down so that you don't overestimate your calorie burn.
  • I am a single working Mom. Sometimes I leave my DD at Daycare a little longer to get a run/DVD in. Sometimes I take her out in the jogging stroller. Sometimes I let her watch and episode or two of My Little Ponies (she's 4). You could also wait until your toddler is sleep (I could never do that because my DD doesn't go to…
  • I get this all the time, actually it was just yesterday. From a family member, nonetheless. I can relate to many of the things in the article (tall black girl = basketball player), I went to predominantly white school for K-5, and for college. The sad thing is that I actually get more grief from black people - the "talking…
  • Cincinnati here too!
  • I've lost 40 lbs so far, and haven't lost anything in my chest (still a 38DD). They are deflated though, but I attribute some of that to having a kid and pumping for 15 months.
  • This as well. My DD does some of the exercises better than I can do them, because she hasn't lost her flexibility, stamina, or energy.
  • This. As long as you're not going around talking about how fat you are and being negative all the time, then it doesn't hurt to instill healthy habits. My DD just turned 4, and she has been joining in with me every once in a while. She also thinks that most food is homemade. I love instilling this healthy mindset into her,…
  • If you supinate, then the LunarGlides aren't for you. I overpronate, and I wear LunarGlides and Lunar Eclipses. You can Google which shoes are good for different gait types.
  • My Little Ponies on Netflix, lol.
  • I am a single Mom. I let my daughter (4 years old) watch an episode of My Little Ponies while I do a video or bodyweight exercises. I also get a lot of our stuff ready for the whole week on Sunday, so that I have a little bit more time in the evenings during the week.
  • Try Old Navy Sweetheart cut skinny jeans. There is a 9" difference between the smallest part of my waist, and the biggest part of my hips/but, and Old Navy Sweetheart clothes are the only ones I get. They are mid rise, so they cover the butt, and they are stretchy, so they fit without being baggy.
  • She probably means that it takes a lot for her to sweat, not that she doesn't sweat at all. When I was younger, I used to be the same way - I'd get on the elliptical at a high incline for an hour and still have little to no sweat. I also used to overheat very easily, and had some incidents where I passed out.
  • I did it for 5 days/week, 10 days per level.
  • Ripped in 30!
  • I did a round of it back when I was 246 (I'm 5'9" if that makes a difference), and I didn't have any issues with it. Starting at 215ish (I am 205 now), I have completed another round, and almost 2 rounds of RI30. I have always been in pretty good shape, though.
  • This. You say you're doing 30DS. Put the weights that you use on your scales to determine which one is more accurate. I do this weekly to make sure that my digital scale is calibrated (I'm a scientist, lol).
  • Before I came to MFP and started tracking, I lost 30 lbs in about 5-6 months playing the Just Dance games on the Wii. About 6 hours/week, and that was without tracking food. I have a Kinect now too, and I use the dancing games (Just Dance 4, Dance Central 1,2, and 3, and Hip Hop Dance Experience) for my strictly cardio…
  • I'm a single working Mom. Back when I lived in an apartment complex that had a gym, I'd go there first before picking up DD from Daycare. Now we live in a house, but she's older (almost 4 now), so I let her watch My Little Ponies in her room while I do a Jillian DVD, lol. Other low impact stuff I can do after she's sleep.
  • Tried that, and it didn't work. That was one of the ways I suspected it was my thyroid. Through C25K I started running 25 miles per week, and some days I followed up with 30DS. It was like my body completely shut down. I would sleep 8 - 10 hours at night, and then come to work, not be able to concentrate/function, fall…
  • I can't speak to the vegetarian part, but my DD had a milk protein allergy, so she didn't have ANY milk proteins (milk, cheese, products with milk in the ingredients), until she was about 2.5 years old. She was never a big breastmilk or formula drinker either, so once she turned one, she rarely got any milk substitutes…
  • This is me too. I'm 5'9", and my first goal weight is 185. I'm 210ish now, and wear a size 12 jeans and large in shirts, so even though my weight would have people to believe I'm obese, I just have a large frame, and I am naturally muscular (in addition to me working out).
  • Find a new doctor. I have pretty much all of the same issues, and it was impossible to convince a doctor that I've exercised and eaten healthy all my life, but I was still 200 lbs. Finally, after pretty much going bald, I gave up on my PCP and started seeing an endocrinologist, and everything started to make sense (like…
  • It has more to do with your muscle mass than your weight. I'm 5'9", and at my highest, I was 242, and in a size 16. At 210, I can fit into size 12s (although they are still a little tight).
  • Haha, this ^^^^^. I use my daughter's kids' bowls from IKEA when I'm eating cold cereal/oatmeal at work.
  • Another vote for thyroid. That's how mine started (as you can see, I've only lost 6 pounds in almost a year of being here), and now after 12 - 18 months of being untreated, my hair has been falling out, and I find it hard to stay awake.
  • Have you tried somewhere like Stride Rite? My DD was a micropreemie (she's almost 4 now), and she had to wear AFOs for awhile (for pronation (ankles turning in) and hypotonia (low muscle tone), but she was 18 months and has big feet, lol. But like a PP said, I wouldn't think that shoes would be necessary other than…
  • I'm 210 and 5'9". Bust 38", waist 36", hips 40"
  • I'm PCOS with Insulin Resistance, and when I was pregnant with my daughter, I also had gestational diabetes. Last year, when I went back into weight loss mode (after she turned 2) I put myself back on the diet plan they gave me while I was pregnant with her. It was 3 snacks, with 15g net carbs (carbs - minus fiber),…
  • I did the first 5 weeks of C25K on a treadmill, and when I started running outside, I was able to almost match my treadmill pace, and that was with adding a jogging stroller with 40 lbs of weight in it. I also added an injury, due to the differences in impacts and poor foot mechanics. So just another thing to think about.…