

  • i got the other version from this company - bodymedia ( - the only difference is it isn't affiliated with any gym like the body bugg. I haven't been using it since i've been pregnant, but before i got pregnant I lost about 10 pounds in a couple of months and loved that I could see really how many…
  • there is such a thing as a salt substitute, but it is potassium so not everyone can use it depending on medications they are on or health conditions they may have - so ask your doctor. I use Mrs. Dash - they have like 8 different blends for different reasons (for seasoning vegetables, chicken, etc) and no salt! Plus I just…
  • I will be in a few more months! Interested to hear what everyone has to say :)
  • Ugh! me too! First I was diagnosed with a lung disorder that I am still trying to overcome, and then I sprained my ankle and have been not allowed to put weight on it for 4 weeks! I gained back 6 of the 10 I had lost! We can do it!
  • The doctor did not give you any information after recommending this diet? Usually they can provide information on the different guidelines they want you to follow. The links to the diets you provided are not what is typically considered a cardiac diet - like everyone else is saying those look like fad diets and don't seem…
  • I often don't get enough protein and am not a big meat person - so I often have a protein shake - I buy a canister of whey protein powder from my gym - but you can find it almost anywhere. I add 1 scoop (20 G of protein) to about half a cup of milk - the powder is 90 calories and comes in lots of yummy flavors.
  • that doesn't sound right at all, I quick entered the ingredients (just guessing - I don't know truly how many cups each veggie or fruit was or what kind of chicken you had) and I got about 185 calories per serving. Was that calorie amount the total you got for the whole meal? Did you remember to divide it by 4 for the…
  • that's right! sodium is salt! sorry, shoulda said that!
  • very good point trisha329, thanks for adding that. It is definitely important to make sure to include some sodium into our daily diet. Your heart and muscles work using sodium (and potassium) and both of those need to be within a small amount, you don't want too much or too little!! Thanks for adding that clarification :)
  • sodium retains water in your body, which makes you gain weight - but it is not a permanent thing since it is just water weight (but it isn't good for your blood pressure, kidneys and heart to retain too much either!) you would be amazed at what sodium is in. It is basically in everything. A lot of the higher concentrates…
  • mmm...i love chocolate, I have such a sweet tooth! Some things I'll snack on when I have a craving: -fat free chocolate pudding (60-80 calories) -skinny cow ice cream/ice cream bars (100-150 calories) -vitatop muffins (100 calories) - these are just the top part of a muffin in all different flavors including double…
  • nicely put MacMadame, I agree!
  • I had a hard time deciding my activity level as well - I am a home health nurse, so I spend a lot of the day sitting in the car and in people's homes, but I walk a lot to and from my car and their houses, up and down flights of stairs, and doing activity in the homes depending on what kind of care they need, plus cleaning…
  • I have SUCH a sweet tooth, too. I am trying to avoid sweets as much as possible because once I start I can't seem to stop, but when I want something sweet I try: skinny cow ice cream, fat free/sugar free pudding, breyer's yogurt with candy mix-ins
  • That is so awesome!! What a great feeling!! These are the kinds of things I am looking forward to so this was an encouragement to me!! My husband and I have been yo-yoing with our weight and finally started to take it seriously and joined a gym and got a trainer, we've been meeting with the trainer and going to the gym for…
  • I also agree that you should probably see a doctor for any recommendations and guidelines to keep you safe. Also, I think it is great that you are wanting to push yourself - that is great you have the drive, but you have to build up to it slowly as atombud said. It's actually good at first to keep yourself in the 120-130…
  • wow...that sounds absolutely and totally disgusting. I don't want to even think about how someone came up with that idea
  • I used to have a really, really hard time curbing any cravings. I would try to eat something else healthier, and would always still end up eating what I was craving, so I was just eating even more calories to try and avoid it (e.g. eating pudding, then pop tart, then finally chocolate). Lately though, I have been able to…
  • praying for him! nice job keeping yourself in control - I hope that helps keep you feeling strong and healthy while you go through all of this! I know it must be hard to do so
  • I just invested in a Polar FT 60, but only because I got a discount when I signed up for the gym. I was going to get a Polar F7, which is a simpler model but still does a lot and comes with a comfortable strap (as does the 60) and you can change the battery without having to send it in. The Polar F7 runs about $90 or so. I…
  • thanks, sad to say though, i gained weight since my photos - I think I'd be happy to get back to there even though at that point I was wanting to be smaller. My trainer is kicking my butt so things are changing! :)
  • I am so sorry to hear about your friend! That definitely would make it tough to try and go about your old routine. Like you said, I'm sure she would want you to be healthy and maybe remembering like you are will help. To get me up and going in the past I have set an alarm to go off with music that makes me want to get…
  • Ugh, I have that same problem too! I always dread the scale because I have seen it go up sooo many times when I thought it would go down. If I know my time of the month is coming I don't weigh myself until the week after so I don't get discouraged, and my trainer actually told me that if you work out harder during that…
  • that's awesome! sounds like you are trying to be healthy for the right reasons - and that is what will help you make a permanent change that you can live with! That is awesome you used to kickbox - I have always been very interested in taking that on some day - maybe you could get back in to it! Good luck!
  • I also take a prenatal vitamin for my multivitamin And I take calcium citrate with vitamin D - my doctor said all women should probably take calcium because caffeine, our hormone, birth control pills and/or lack of weight bearing activity can cause our bones to be fragile. Other forms of calcium (such as carbonate - like…
  • today was my first day to post on a message board, too! And I have probably been on here a year! I tend to give up on getting healthy, and then come back and try again - i am hoping to stay and make it work this time! i hope everything works for you too! :)
  • i love spaghetti squash - will be making some in a few days, in fact. We like to make it garlic-y, with chicken breast and broccoli - you can eat them as sides or all mixed together! Your stir-fry idea sounds really good, i will have to try that!! :)