Okay so I've seen a few posts on other tops where people say they can tell what they need by what they are craving and make a better choice. How? If not that how doe some of you guys curb the cravings. .. I'm fairly certain the reason behind them, but as that is uncontrollable I would really like some help in at least not going over board on try to satisfy a craving.


  • mariposadedios
    I used to have a really, really hard time curbing any cravings. I would try to eat something else healthier, and would always still end up eating what I was craving, so I was just eating even more calories to try and avoid it (e.g. eating pudding, then pop tart, then finally chocolate).

    Lately though, I have been able to ignore my cravings because I joined a gym, got a trainer and really really want to utilize that to the best and lose the weight, keep it off, and develop a new lifestyle. So everytime I think I might want something, I think about adding it to MFP and seeing the amount of calories I have left for the day going drastically up.

    I don't really have any good advice or answers sadly, I wish I knew how else to fix this problem besides the fact that I am just sick of having cravings and finally feel strong enough to ignore them!

    I hope you can find something that works for you, I know other people distract themselves (go on a walk, do another hobby activity, drink water). good luck!
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    I keep protein bars on hand and also the weight watcher ice cream bars. I also keep those special k bars around. They usually satisfy a craving, especially after the 3:00 PM hour.
  • summer09
    cravings... before I cleaned up my eating habits and stopped binging on my drugs of choice, carbs/fats/sugar, my cravings were unrelenting, overwhelming, undeniable and in control of me! My mind and body SCREAMED for cookies, cakes and breads/sweets. If I wasn't actually eating these things, I was thinking about them. in the last month, I went almost cold turkey and ate none of these 'foods' that I really believe I am addicted to. Now I can say I don't crave any of it anymore. it took about two solid weeks for the 'screams' to subside. I had a not so good cholesterol and BP reading a month ago too; that helps me stay focused. I think if for some reason I started nibbling on cookies again, I would be right back in the depths of addiction all over again. I am tired of that battle. at this point its just easier to stay the heck away from it all. I now snack on fruits, veggies, wasa crackers, guac and nuts. MFP helps so much. I still have a long way to go. I am just beginning my weight loss. Beating those mad cravings has set me free to achieve my goal weight. I realize not everyone is addicted to what they crave, but for what its worth, I thought I would share my own story. :tongue: best wishes to you!
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I have found that the only way to curb my cravings is to get moving. If I am hungry I will eat but if I craving and I've already eaten I do some crunches or modified push ups (my newest addition to the routine) or walk in place while I watch TV and that usually does the trick. However, if I am craving something sweet I have to indulge. What I do is eat a piece of fruit or a fruit popicle, a yogurt, something like that and then get to movement going and that's what's been working for me.
  • weightogojen
    I am a HUGE sweets cravings for me were tough because I wanted SWEETS and NOT fruit but I learned that if I ate a bit I was fine...Not that its thats healthy but at least I didnt eat the whole thing lol I know thats Very lil help but Thats what I done
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    This might not want to be anything anyone wants to hear but for me its really mind over matter. I made the conscious decision to just not eat junk and fast food. I love to read and have been really inspired by Michael Pollan. If you like to read, instead of the next diet book pick up his "In Defense of Food" and "Food Rules" These 2 books really helped me change my eating habits.
    The food industry has turned us into a society of junk food eaters.

    Sure I still get cravings - salt and chocolate are my down falls but instead of a whole bag of chips I count out a serving and put it in a bowl and leave the rest in the cupboard. If I do have a chocolate bar I try to have one when my kids or husband is around and I'll give one of them half of it because, really, I only want a taste.

    I still over do it and eat "the wrong foods" and they make me feel gross. I tell myself I won't do it again. I will, I know, but it will be awhile before the next time and I'll think before eating it. I think that the more I think about these things the fewer times I'll do it. No magic pill.
  • summer09
    thanks for the recommended reading; I just had the library hold these books for me :) I am anxiously waiting to receive my copy of Geneen Roths 'Women, Food and God' too. It is shameful the 'food' big business throws at us. Its hardly food at all. But whatever it is, it keeps many of us overweight and wanting more, more, more!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Cravings go away after about a month of diet change. But for the resisitant ones, I eat what I am craving with something healthy. Chocolate craving. I add chocolate chips and cranberries to my organic cereal and skim milk. As a result I have satisfied my taste buds and feel full. If I want a sweet dessert, I take frozen blueberries or rasberries (about 1/2 cup) microwave them till hot and soupy, top with cold yogurt and layer with sweet and crunch granola. The mix of temp, and texture is more satisfyiny. If I want cheese, then measure carefully a few slices and eat with a crisp apple or celery or with a large pickle. It's not calorie free solutions, but it keeps me from going into a binge and regret cycle.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Thanks everyone. I wish I could say it were just a sweets thing... But honestly I don't eat alot of those things, we don't keep them in the house nor do we keep sodas around.
    Its crazy things like this week i so wanted some mashed potatoes... you like from KFC or something .... I didnt get them but I couldnt find 'the right' thing to compensate. I didnt want to go get them because they're loaded with calories.
    Sometimes I just can't tell if I'm still hungry and really need to eat something or if I'm just wanting something because I've been monitoring what I allow myself to have.
    Thanks for the help though. I keep the bars around as well... I love the special K bars and some of the protien bars. I wouldnt have thought of adding just a few chocolate chips to cereal to subiside that cravign... there really are some good ideas here
    And I think i'll try out the reading materials too.
    Try enough things and one of them has to work, right? thanks for the help