size3again Member


  • Ground Turkey is the only thing I eat... It's good with any and every thing. Spice it up or eat it plain it doesn't matter it good any way you want it.
  • I do the zumba classes at Golds 2 to 3 times a week. Lots of fun!!! I put it under "Belly Dancing".
  • WOW talk about making oatmeal look good...
  • My eating habits have changed a lot!!!! I don't snack as much and I don't eat the food that are loaded with calories and fat because I have to put them down and I'm not cheating myself. And let’s not forget the main reason why I gained my weight PORTION, PORTION, PORTION!!!! I am doing a lot better with my portions, but it…
  • I like the baked Doritos and I spray with lemon juice (yum yum), but only a small bag. I hate to say this but I like the baby snacks.... They are good and low in calories. I found this out when I had my first and only grand baby... I try everything before I give to my baby girl: )
  • PORTION SIZE!!!!!! I really have a hard time with that word, but I will not give up!!!!! I have learned that foods that I really love I can't portion out sooooo I don't eat it at all because if I even try it's all over for me or at least for that day. lol Sooo for me I KNOW my weakness and I stay away from them...
  • Motivation comes from within. Find a picture of you in your skinny jeans, or maybe hang out some skinny jeans you want to fit into that you can see every day. It's going to be something different for everybody... I like to hang out with my skinny friends because they motivate me not to eat as much. We all love food that…
  • I know it's not very spelling friendly.... I have to check my spelling all the time: /
  • You should eat both before and after exercise! When you eat before exercise, you're giving your body immediate energy to use. This isn't to say though that you should have a six course meal. Something light light a flax seed whole wheat bagel with a chicken breast (white meat, no skin, no bone, no cold-cuts) If you don't…
  • I would say yes.... Tea or crystal light what is the difference? You add to water. Just make sure that the tea is decaf: )
  • WOW $1 jeans!!!!!! You did good: ) 2 sizes smaller!!!!!! You are doing GREAT!!!! I have size 6 in closet that are toooo tight and I can't wait to put them on in comfort and in public. lol Keep up the good job.
  • This is from one of my friends...... "Just ordered my HRM! Check it out on DailySteals I talked to a few people who said it was really nice and for $20, can't really go wrong! Snatch it up now, sale is for another 10 hours"
  • I like the way you think: )
  • Crystal Light!!! Really??? Will I guess I knew this but that's how I drink my water with a smile... Now what??? I have to drink water, but without crystal light it will be hard: (
  • FUNNY, but very good to know. Thanks: )