I am new here and I have a few questions?

1. How do I get myself more motivated?
2. I love food and I love to eat...plese help


  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Sounds really corny but...I imagine myself in a hot bathing suit the way I want my body to look. In the past I have taken actual pics of me in a bathing suit how I look now and i put it on the fridge and my bowflex. It's definitely a motivator. I also have a pair of jeans that I can't wait to get back into. I am the mother of a 7 year old and an 11 week old. It also helps to have people in your corner cheering you on. On that note I am sending you a friend request. Good luck!
  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    i have the same problem i love food i love to eat. you have to start out small, dont make no huge change that will mess you all up, baby steps. is what i do is i dont just eat three meals, i eat 5 or 6 or every 3 hours, to keep me full, and satisfied, i dont eat big meals tho.

    and how to get motivated, find a goal that you want (a reachable goal) and set that and that is your motivation. for me, im in the military and we have very high standards, so mine is to stay in the military and not get kicked out. that motivate me.

    anther thing you could do is set rewards for yourself. after 10 LBs something new, and so on to keep you striving more, and once you get into a good workout routine it becomes alot easier, its just getting to that part that is difficult.

    if you ever need any support just ask, we are here for the same thing. i dont mind giving pointers and what works for me, dont hesitate to ask. if there is anything else just message me.
  • TheGreenEyedMonster
    1. Find a reason to get fit. A good reason. Something you'll stick to. Before it was cuz the military said I had to. Now I just want to get sexier because I love the attention I started getting once I started getting in shape. For the first time in my life recently I got asked if I was available (had to tell them I'm going through a divorce but still...)

    2. Food is a bit trickier. Slow going process. First thing that helped me was eating breakfast. Something. Anything. Just get food in you in the morning. Then log it and see what you have left to reach your goal. For me I found myself looking for more healthy foods after a while because the unhealthy stuff usually had more calories for less food (usually due to the sugars).

    Anyway, just my 2 pennies. Take it for what it's worth.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    You have to want it or you won't find the motivation . . . and I mean WANT it . . . want it so bad you can walk by your favorite "bad" food and resist the temptation.
    I spent the first 6 months on this site floundering and not really losing anything. It took me this time to find my dedication, hone my skills at being able to eat without running to MFP to log in to see how it would affect my daily totals, and to get into more daily physical activity.
    Since I had an "ah ha" moment one day in mid May I've lost about 40 pounds . . . I just realized one day that every bad choice I was making was only cheating ME. . . and Im tired of thinking "oh just this once", or "I'll start a diet on Monday".
    Every moment, every day, every little choice matters . . . Bob Greene said it best (Oprah's trainer) . . . I CREATE MYSELF WITH THE CHOICES I MAKE EACH DAY (I have made a sign with that phrase for my fridge at home and my monitor in my office just to remind me that every little choice matters SO MUCH).
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    As for loving food... I hear that! I LOVE to eat. And I don't mean that I'm a glutton, I just love really decadent foods. The thing is, you can still have all your favourites, just cut back your portion sizes. For example, if you love pasta, you can still have it, just opt for a tomato based sauce instead of a cream one and cut back to about 1/2-3/4 your regular portion size. Add a green side salad to balance things out.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    You have to want it or you won't find the motivation . . . and I mean WANT it . . . want it so bad you can walk by your favorite "bad" food and resist the temptation.

    I agree completely. Its a complete 'brain change'. You will still mess up and make mistakes, but that is where the brain change comes in.....you wont let it beat you. You will keep going everyday, every minute, step by step whether you mess up or not. And as you change your habits a little at a time, THOSE changes will become habit and the old you will become a distant memory as the new you emerges. Good luck!
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Water, water, & more water :smile: It will help you feel fuller. I totally understand loving to eat! I was never satisfied with a regular portion of popcorn, it had to be a bushel & butter. Seeing what it's done to my cholesterol is what scared me & when the doctor wanted to add Zocor to my already too long list of medications I take because of major back issues, I thought enough is enough. I find keeping busy with a hobby that keeps my hands occupied helps too, I'm a quilter and I like to knit, both pretty hard to do with food in your hands :smile: Whoever said you have to 'want' it is totally right, I've been a yo-yo my whole life and I 'wanted' to get back into a closet full of clothes that were so fun to buy the last time I was 'thin'. It's taken me awhile to get to the point that I 'wanted' it badly enough to just get serious. Health needs to be even more of a priority than clothes. 42 pounds ago I had fantastic cholesterol & my back doesn't need to be carrying the equivalent of 3 bags of softener salt around :smile: My trainer's favorite quote is "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" Good luck & even though I only found this site a few days ago I already feel like I've found a family that 'gets it' & are here to be friends and cheerleaders, whatever you need.
  • size3again
    size3again Posts: 17 Member
    Motivation comes from within. Find a picture of you in your skinny jeans, or maybe hang out some skinny jeans you want to fit into that you can see every day. It's going to be something different for everybody... I like to hang out with my skinny friends because they motivate me not to eat as much.
    We all love food that why we are hear today.... The thing to do is find foods that you like that are good for you and are low in calorie... I know kind of hard to do but believe me you can do it, sometimes or usually we just have to change our taste buds… Once we give up something for a long period of time we don’t miss it as much… I really have the hardest time at night so I eat popcorn with lots of water to make me feel better... Find the food that makes you feel better that won't hurt all your hard work. Good luck and don't forget have fun :)
  • size3again
    size3again Posts: 17 Member
    PORTION SIZE!!!!!! I really have a hard time with that word, but I will not give up!!!!! I have learned that foods that I really love I can't portion out sooooo I don't eat it at all because if I even try it's all over for me or at least for that day. lol Sooo for me I KNOW my weakness and I stay away from them...
  • thomastinnin
    Where is the best place to getmeal plans.
  • alejandraisela
    Hello eveyone who is reading this.

    I have two questions:

    1st) How do I weigh myself?

    2nd) Also how do I take my own measurements?

    This two questions are very important to me. I am new. :blushing: /:embarassed:

    Thank you.