kaittea Member


  • I move around so much a yoga mat is the only equipment I can bring around with me, especially with the limited space I have. :P Absolutely, likewise! Day 7 in the bag. Really didn't want to hit play today, but reluctantly I did... and had a lot of fun!
  • It hasn't even been a week yet and already I feel a difference. The workouts are even starting to feel a little easier! Excited to see how I look and feel at the end of the month. Keep it up! :)
  • Wow, congrats! I've done her workouts before but never 5 in a row like her calendar suggests so it's been a whole new level of difficulty! Really love her energy. Day 6 in the bag! Had fun dancing with it today :)
  • Day Five... actually pretty fun! I love the ladder cardio.
  • Day Four was fun! My boyfriend joined in for a bit. :) High rep kills me.
  • Day Three.... killed it. Or rather, it killed me. I'm sure it's just in my head but I seriously feel stronger already!
  • Day Two complete... SO MUCH PAIN. I hard a hard time even completing a few of the workouts but I tried to substitute instead of taking a break. Hopefully that counts for something.
  • This is my first time trying one of her calendars... and since yesterday was stretching, I'll find out what it's really like today. I may have to switch to beginner as well haha :P Great idea with the reward...! I should do the same.
  • Just finished Day One... it was just stretching, but WOW do I feel great. Time for a run!
  • Really great idea!
  • that sounds incredible! I definitely need to eat more, even if it means slowing my progress I think it would keep me more consistent overall
  • Some good ideas, thanks!! I think my problem is just lack of habit at this point. I need to really stick to something for 21 days or so and I'm sure by then I won't have nearly as much of an issue saying no to temptation.
  • I've tried that mentality of just fitting it into my calories, but it's usually the unplanned "hey let's go out with the guys and grab some wings" or anything spur of the moment that I didn't plan into my day that really throws me off. I'm very "all or nothing", so when even one part of my day isn't as scheduled, it really…
  • Well the basics. Icecream, pizza, etc. I understand there are healthy alternatives to these things but when I go off my diet it's usually when I'm out at dinner or my boyfriend really wants something so we get it. I have tried moderation but frankly I have a really hard time with it.
  • I don't know how worried you are about salt content, but I personally love oysters and sardines.
  • Oh man, bread is totally my weakness too. My boyfriend is constantly wanting to go out for dinner and recently I've really had to sit him down and tell him that I need his support 100% because this is so important to me, and so far so good. :) Congrats on reaching your goal though!! I don't know what it's like to be much…
  • BUMP. I'm totally in this same predicament. I've been eating a lot more fruits/veggies lately so I'm struggling to meet my protein and I'm almost always over my fat. I workout 6 days a week, 40-80 min of cardio and like 15 mins of strength training. Sometimes I just get so confused with the differing information there is…
  • that's a good one! I LOVE planning things out ahead of time, including prelogging my food every day before I eat it. totally helps!
  • My moment was after a night of drinking at university. There had been pictures of me wearing this tight blue dress, and after seeing it I realized how much weight I had gained. I was absolutely mortified, but after that I made the decision to committing my summer to losing weight. During this time I discovered tumblr and…
  • Hi! You're pretty accurate. I do usually alternate with a nonrestrictive diet that works for me really well, but I'm very much an 'all or nothing' kind of gal. Nonrestrictive eating is really easy and maintainable, but I have done so much research on weightloss and what not to eat that in order for me to achieve the best…
  • There have been points where I've limited myself to lean unprocessed meats, but it seems easy for it to sneak back in my diet (especially when I was following a really strict high fat low carb diet). It's a little harder on my calories but my main issue is the sodium that these processed meats have. When I was a vegetarian…
  • I'm not eliminating it because I think it's "evil". If that were the case I never would have gone back to eating meat once I stopped in the first place. I've done a lot of research and realize that meat is fine for our body. I don't believe eating it is unhealthy or stopping it will make me lose weight. My issue is that I…
  • Just to clarify, my going vegetarian is absolutely a moral thing. I have every intention of returning to vegetarianism regardless of what you guys say in terms of whether or not it's helpful for weightloss, I was just curious if any of you were effected by cutting out meat just because of the whole idea that low-fat diets…
  • Holy moley. Talk about motivating! Did you do anything special to lose it or was it just a healthier lifestyle? How much did you eat/train?
  • Meee too! Hard to get back into the routine after not having such an healthy one all summer haha. :) Best of luck! Anyone can add me if they'd like!
  • Thank you! I remember cutting carbs out last summer (without knowing what keto is or anything) and I remember losing weight and everything. I think I'm extremely carb-sensitive too. Hopefully this will do the trick. :) Congrats on your weightloss, that's totally the inspiration I need!
  • Congratulations on your weightloss! That's amazing. :) I've had an account on MFP for over a year and I didn't start getting involved in the community until recently, and I absolutely love it! The community is great, and having friends that monitor your progress is definitely some added motivation, even on the days you…
    in New at this Comment by kaittea June 2013
  • Cookies and ESPECIALLY icecream!
  • Well before we can really help you out you need to figure what works for you and what makes YOU lose weight. So keep doing what your doing for a few weeks and see if you make any progress! :) But firstly, you should calculate your RMR(resting metabolic rate) and never eat fewer calories than that! Then make sure to eat…