FieryNikkie Member


  • I'm 5'2" and have lost 40 lbs since January 1st. I started at a size 16 at 202 lbs and currently wear a size 10 at 162 lbs. I have another 30 to go but once you get into the groove, it seems much more manageable. I recently had a NSV, I got to buy a small scrub top for school! Take one day at a time and you will get there…
  • I just finished day two of level one and I am sore! Stairs are my enemy right now cuz those squats and lunges are kicking my butt, quite literally. I have a formal event on day 29 in which I am wearing a gown so I'm aiming for everyday workouts until then.
  • This is a great mindset! I always try to remember a funny meme I saw, "if you dropped your phone on the ground one time, you wouldn't just say 'screw it,' pick it up, and throw across the room." One slip up isn't the end and every healthy meal is a step in the right direction.
  • Great job! Seeing those pounds melt away right away is such an awesome feeling.
  • Great work! Taking these first steps are the hardest, so that's an awesome accomplishment.
  • It seems to me that you would probably benefit from something like the vivofit which can be connected to a heart rate monitor. This would give you a more accurate calorie burn for your boot camp sessions and it would count your steps on your long walks. I am a big advocate for lifting heavy but buying a full set of weights…
  • We do this same thing. My boys are 3 and (almost) 5. They are active and a healthy weight for their ages. In our house, they are welcome to eat as much or as little on their plates as they want. But if they don't eat, they get that plate right back. If they do eat it all and ask for a treat later, then we consider it.
  • Being only 5'2", and a pretty slow runner, I am usually in that "super fast walking" pace too. I instead use a GPS type app on my phone that calculates how fast I am running, my distance, and it has my weight and such in it. It tells me how many calories I burn on my run and I tend to go by that more so than what…
  • This^^ I make anywhere from 4-8 servings at once. Put them in freezer safe ziploc bags and throw them all in the freezer. The night before I want one I stick it in the fridge and then reheat it in a bowl in the morning with my toppings. This way I don't have to eat them every morning and they will last for 2-3 weeks in the…
  • This! I just started lifting a week or so ago at a brand new gym and I felt the same way. But I had a plan going in on what I was going to do and just turned on the music and went. Did I get some looks? Yes. Did anyone say anything? Nope. I'm usually the only woman in the weight area but it seems most of the serious guys…
  • I just found a program online that I have started to follow and it has tons of advice on lifting heavy for women: I have only done two workouts so far but I am feeling pretty sore today which is my rest day which means something good is going on! I finished my weight…
  • This was happening to me every night. I have an awful sweet tooth and would even go to the lobby of our apartment building and get something from the vending machine for a snack if I didn't have any in the house. Lately I have been sticking to the rule of eat every 3 hours. I eat a 200-300 calorie "meal" every few hours.…
  • Look up the bridge to 10k program. It will double your mileage in 6 weeks. Or just keep running your 3 miles 3 days a week and work at your own pace to get faster or build mileage. Running is a sport where you are in control of what you want to accomplish :)
  • 16 Days down and I think I'm going to have to switch to doing this every other day, if I can do that at all. During my 3 mile run yesterday I started to feel some pain in my foot/calf but ran through it. By evening I was limping around. Even after ice and stretches it is still pretty sore today. Running is more important…
  • Finished Day 15 Level 2 tonight. Took some measurements and it seems I'm only down an inch off the waist and 1.5" off my thighs. Everything else is the same. And I'm down 3.4 pounds. I guess I should be happy but I'm a little disappointed. Guess I need to concentrate on my eating. We have been going out a lot the past week…
  • Having a big bowl of ice cream after dinner EVERY night. And having 3-4 servings at a time. And macaroni and cheese. The gross in-a-box kraft stuff. I used to sit down for lunch and eat almost the entire box. I still love it but now I only have it once a month maybe and I make sure to measure out only one cup. And I…
  • I will second trying to get outside. Every step of the program goes by so much more quickly when you aren't staring at the same people in the gym. Believe me, I just finished Week 7 and did 31 laps around my gym track today. BORING. Slowing down will help a ton in the beginning. It's not a race yet so don't worry about…
  • Just finished Day 1 Level 2. Ummmm holy moly I am sweaty. After following Natalie all the way through level 1 last night I was feeling super confident. Yea not so much. Anita and I were best buds during level 2 today.
  • Just finished Day 10 Level 1!! Had to to it after the kiddos went to bed because it was such a busy day but I got right through it and am definitely ready for level 2 tomorrow.
  • Okay I did it! I went back and restarted Day 8. Now I have enough calories left for the day to eat like half a take out pizza! Lol
  • Today is Day 8 Level 1 for me and I'm having an issue. I went to the gym this morning and did a 2.5 mile run. Then decided that I would just do the 30 DS workout from my memory at the gym. I was doing great, getting through everything, sweating like crazy until I start the 3rd circuit. I get a tap on the shoulder saying my…
  • Checking In! 7/01- 179.4 7/08- 179 7/15- 176.2!! My body is getting used to this 30 DS and running schedule and it is paying off. Only 1.8 lbs more to lose this month!
  • Yes, it asks after every 10 pounds you lose I think. It just recalculates everything for you.
  • Yea I took a rest day because I had a long outside run that morning and I had a late serving shift at the restaurant at night that I needed to get through. Not to mention 10 loads of laundry to take to the laundromat. Lol Thanks for the idea! I really need to add something into the ab routines because they are really just…
  • Finished Day 7 Level 1 today. The strength moves were a little more challenging today because of the rest day I took yesterday. But even with the difficulty I still felt like I hadn't worked out that hard once I got to the end. Looks like my Shred endurance is building! Only 3 more days at Level 1 and thank goodness…
  • D6L1 done this morning! I wasn't sure if I was going to get it in today but then my oldest son slept in with daddy so I had some extra time to kill. Everyday it seems I have a new sore muscle. Today was my shoulders from getting through every anterior raise move yesterday and my calves. The calf pain made it a little…
  • I have also had two kids in two years and the Shred always takes place RIGHT when they both get put down because who knows if the 5 month old will actually sleep through the whole thing! I'm also doing the c25k- running 3x a week. That's great that Ripped gave you such good results, guess thats where I'll be headed next!
  • Normally alcohol has quite a few calories. For example: in 1 oz of tequila/vodka/rum- 70 calories. And usually there are 1.5-2 ounces of liquor in each drink. That adds up to a lot. Especially if you are drinking 2 every night. That means you aren't logging anywhere from 140-280 calories everyday. Do you have that much…
  • I did D5L1 today also and today seemed SO much easier than any other. I got through every move without resting even with my 5 lb weights. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!