30 Day Shred start date 7/10/2011



  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    So sorry to hear that hgellings! I know L2 is kicking my butt hardcore too. Be careful and only do what feels comfortable for you. I know it is frustrating not being able to do what you had planned on, but try to keep your head up. Do what you can and don't overdo it. You don't want to not be able to enjoy your vacation because of your back!

    Thanks! I was so excited to start level 2 and here I am injured. After hurting my back before and being down for a good month at least, I'm so mad:mad: ,frustrated:explode: , and sad:sad: to be back in the same position. I also know how much pain I was in and do not want it to get to that severity again so I will be smart and take a few days off until I'm at least 90% again.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    L2D6 (day 16) - Done.
    Today I switched up to 5lb weights for everything but the v-raises. Those stayed at 3lb and it helped me finish them w/o wimping. I think because it seemed like less effort.
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    16 Days down and I think I'm going to have to switch to doing this every other day, if I can do that at all. During my 3 mile run yesterday I started to feel some pain in my foot/calf but ran through it. By evening I was limping around. Even after ice and stretches it is still pretty sore today. Running is more important to me than 30 DS especially seeing as my first race is only 21 days away. So I'm thinking I am going to slow down on some of these workouts and switch to some lower impact ones like swimming and biking.
  • Nlakshmi
    Nlakshmi Posts: 72
    Did D3L2.. but I have to be honest.. I haven't been able to do it everyday...but I made a promise to myself that I will do it everyday starting today... Today I will do D4L2..

  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I completed Day 15 L2 today. Halfway done! I had two days off because I was out of town. Glad I was back at it today because it would have been easy to skip today and then not get back to it today. It was hard after the break, but I know tomorrow will be better.
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    HOLY CRAP! L2 kicked my butt!! D11L2 complete!

    I'm looking forward to the improvments!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Day 15 Level 2 done! I'm pumped that I can finally do all of the plank poses Natalie style without taking any breaks. I switched to 1.5 weights for the v-raises because my arms would fall off otherwise. But WOAH those planks kill my shoulders. Halfway done today!!!
  • HOLY CRAP! L2 kicked my butt!! D11L2 complete!

    I'm looking forward to the improvments!

    Lol! I hear you...I did Day 14 L2 this morning...and I was CRAZY sweaty! I'm already afraid of L3!!!! But great job sticking with it.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    16 days down! 14 days left! 4 days or so until level 3..oooh, scary!! :laugh:
  • Level 2/ day 16 completed with less sweat. I am going to miss level 2 by Thursday. I took a little peak and cardio will be with weights, jumping jacks. I am getting a little pack on my abs,, miniature 6 pack. (Is there such a thing; 0))!

    Good luck everyone. I am cheering for all of your, great commitment. FINISH STRONG!

  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    Finished Day 18 Level 2
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Day 12 of 30, day 3 of level 2 down! Missed a couple days while traveling! I hate level 2.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    30 Day Shred Day 17- L2D7 done.
    I did well except the last cardio circuit...I wimped on each.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    D15L2 done... halfway there!! Woohoo! I've put back on 2lbs that I lost, but I've been pretty bad about my sodium intake and not getting enough water. So I'm trying really hard to watch the sodium and increase the water consumption, hopefully by Friday those 2lbs will be gone again :o)
  • Completed day 17/ Level 2. Level 2 is getting easier for my arms now. Keep up the great work and stay strong to the 30 day shred!!!
  • Ok, day 15 done...level 2. The halfway point. Am I crazy for already thinking that I may do this again?! Yup, I said it.

    Stay strong everyone...do your best. Just finish!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    D17L2 is done! Staying strong! :bigsmile:
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Day 16 L2 done! Plank things are getting a littttttle easier... not by much though. I'm down 6 pounds though since starting!!!
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    D13L2 done! I ALMOST didn't do it this morning! I slept in and didn't really get the greatest sleep last night, but I figure since I'm up, I may as well do it before work. Then I'm sure we'll play volleyball or ultimate frisbee at work today too.

    I'm improving on L2, slowly by surely! But, I don't think I'm seeing any results yet :ohwell: I don't know though, I haven't measured myself recently. I have measurements from 2 months or so ago, which I'm 97% sure they were the same when I started 30DS. I think I'll take some measurements today and see where I'm at. If nothing at all, at least my fitness level is getting better! And that's the most important :smile:
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I did Level 3 yesterday. It was Day 16 for me. Halfway there! I liked Level 3 more than Level 2. There are certainly things that are challenging to say the least, but it was a nice change of pace, and it definitely kept my heart rate up! I don't miss the chair sits with V-raises from level 2, that's for sure!

    Jillian says during level 3 that you should be starting to see your abs. Ha! It'll take me months for that. I am glad I've stuck with it, though, and so proud of everyone else who has, too!