Lose 5 Pounds A Month July 2011 Challenge



  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member

    :noway: WOW, congrats!

    We'll see if it holds. I've still got a couple weeks to screw it up lol.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Kelly—how frustrating for your weight to go UP after all of that hard work! Grrrr. Hang in there, and celebrate your other accomplishments until your scale gives you what you deserve. Congrats on your 8k!! I cannot wait to hear about your 30 Day Shred results. Keep kicking butt!

    Aarn—good for you for getting back on track after the long weekend. Hope you reach your goal!

    Joe—Way to go!!! Getting under 200 is a huge milestone. Woohoo!

    UConn—I am glad to see you turning things around this week. Right on!

    Jenn—Let’s finish up the rest of this week going strong! I hope you have a great weigh in!

    I am doing well eating wise but I still haven’t gotten back to the gym. School is kicking my butt right now. I am taking 12 hours this summer. I had 3 classes going on last month and 2 this month, with multiple tests every week. It is a lot of work but it gives me a pretty easy senior year so it will be worth it… eventually! After my test tomorrow, I am going to do something active and maybe fix my bike up to go riding this weekend. You guys hold me accountable! Hope you are all doing well this week!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    30 Day Shred results:

    Bru & I are DONE! 30 days straight!!! I lost 2 1/2 inches overall. I did lose 3 lbs too, but I'm still up from water weight, excess sodium, and all my running lately. However - best thing I've noticed is that my arms & shoulders are more defined and I feel a lot more strength in them. Also my thighs are getting to be rock hard! Not sure if that is from Jillian or all the running, but I'm very pleased! So if you have the Shred...go ahead & give it a try. All those jumping jacks, push ups, and planks are worth it! :bigsmile:
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    30 Day Shred results:

    Bru & I are DONE! 30 days straight!!! I lost 2 1/2 inches overall. I did lose 3 lbs too, but I'm still up from water weight, excess sodium, and all my running lately. However - best thing I've noticed is that my arms & shoulders are more defined and I feel a lot more strength in them. Also my thighs are getting to be rock hard! Not sure if that is from Jillian or all the running, but I'm very pleased! So if you have the Shred...go ahead & give it a try. All those jumping jacks, push ups, and planks are worth it! :bigsmile:

    GOOOOO Kintegra!!! Thats such an awesome accomplishment to be consistent for the whole program! AnDDDD your running! Thanks for the inspiration great job!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, Kintegra and I did 30 straight days of 30 Day Shred with yesterday being the final day.. here's my measurements.. gonna weigh in again tomorrow ..

    Measurment Day 1 Day 31 DIfference

    Neck 13.75 13.75 0
    Bicep L 14.25 R 14 L 13.75 R 13.25 1.25
    Lower Arm L 11 R 10.75 L 10.75 R 10.75 .25
    Chest 35 34.5 .50
    Waist 37 36 1.00
    Belly Button 43.5 43 .50
    Belly Pooch 48.5 46 2.50
    Hips 46.5 45.5 1.0.
    Thighes L 25.5 R 25 L 24.5 R 24 2.00
    Calves L 16.5 R 16.5 L 16 R 16 1.00

    THAT'S 10 inches gone in 30 days :D
  • bump
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well on your goal for the month. I have been on a plateau recently and I just read something about plateaus that made me realize I am going about this all wrong. The last thing I need right now is to try harder to lose 5 pounds in a month. I need to transition down to an easier calorie goal and maintain then I will need a challenge like this and should be more successful at that point losing the next 10%. If anyone else has lost 10% of their original weight, is on a plateau and just seems to be getting stuck go to this site and read about plateaus and how to deal with them. http://www.activepassivediet.com/ there are files in the information section. I am not using the diet and it is anything from a fad diet I will be using MFP but using this site to figure out how to work with and not against my body. I have alot of weight to lose. If you don't it doesn't really apply to you.
  • K251
    K251 Posts: 15 Member
    Alright I'm in!
  • AntoinetteC
    AntoinetteC Posts: 90 Member
    I had my weigh in on 7/9/11 lost 5lbs, but i only get weighed in twice a month.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Great job Kelly and Bru!

    Well another week gone and still have not walked with my son like I planned on. I have been up untill 1:00 every night doing homework and I have had appointments all week. Monday I went to the dentist to clean my teeth, Tuesday I went to the doctor to get off of birthcontrol and get a prenatal vitimen, And Wednesday I went to a 2 hour meeting at work. all this left me to deal with my homework after dinner! ugh

    2 More weeks till school is over for the 3 whole weeks I get off. Out on july 29 back in on aug 24th and I will hopeuflly be pregnant by then so I will see what I can do to get into the gym before coming home after class but I will have to see what homework hours will be like. The good news is that five days a week I will have a math class and three days a week I will have anatomy and I will always be out by 12:30! wish me luck
  • My first challenge!! Im going to try my best !!
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    Hello peeps!

    So after a week of fighting a sunburn and not being able to work out much... I still managed to compensate a bit with my food choices, and the results (at least this week) are favourable!

    Here is my weigh in for this challenge:
    Starting off on July 1st: 252 lbs
    7/08: 250 lbs!
    7/15: 248.5 lbs :D

    I've got 1.5 lbs to lose to meet this challenge, and I'll be at my normal workouts as soon as tomorrow (depending on healing, of course). Good luck to everyone, and I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I've done it.

    I started out July at 200lbs, I'm down to 194 today! It's not official until I weigh myself on Sunday though.

    @ Joe - that is amazing & SOOOOOOO awesome!!!! Welcome to ONEderland!! We know you won't screw it up!!

    @ Kelly & Bru - Nice job completing 30DS!!! I love that DVD! What's next? I'll recommend Ripped in 30...it's a good 'next step' from 30DS and is only 31 minutes. 'Burn the Fat, Blast the Metabolism' is just as good...but 50 minutes for each work out.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I've done it.

    I started out July at 200lbs, I'm down to 194 today! It's not official until I weigh myself on Sunday though.

    @ Joe - that is amazing & SOOOOOOO awesome!!!! Welcome to ONEderland!! We know you won't screw it up!!

    @ Kelly & Bru - Nice job completing 30DS!!! I love that DVD! What's next? I'll recommend Ripped in 30...it's a good 'next step' from 30DS and is only 31 minutes. 'Burn the Fat, Blast the Metabolism' is just as good...but 50 minutes for each work out.
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    Checking In!

    7/01- 179.4
    7/08- 179
    7/15- 176.2!!

    My body is getting used to this 30 DS and running schedule and it is paying off. Only 1.8 lbs more to lose this month!
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    7/1 - Starting weight - 135 pounds
    7/8 - On Vacation
    7/15 - 134 pounds
    7/22 -
    7/29 -
    7/31 - Final weight -

    Total lost so far for the month - 1 pound

    I am happy with my 1 pound, especially since I was on vacation last week!! I hope every one is having a great month!!
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    Good morning! Looks like I'm on track!

    SW (7/1): 147.7
    7/8: 146.7
    7/15: 144.8

    I'm loving the competitive side of me that comes out from being "challenged"! BRING IT ON! :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend and stay strong
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Still stuck at 181.

    It has been a crazy week and my food choices have been really bad so I guess I should be glad that I did not gain. I will keep working at it. I also missed 4 days of working out because of my sore neck. Its still sore but I got in a few miles of walking this week.

    Keep working!

    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    7/01- Start Weight: 167
    7/08 - 168.8
    7/15 - 166.8
    7/21 -
    7/28 -
    7/31 -

    Woohoo! Back down to my start weight and 2 pounds down from last week! Only -0.2 down for the challenge but that holiday reallllyyy messed me up. I have had 4 days in a row without one binge and without missing a workout! I am happy with myself. One day at a time!! :) Im still aiming for 5 pounds gone by the end of the month!

    Keep up with the great work and thanks for all the inspiration everyone!
  • 07/03/2011: 155.9
    07/12/2011: 151.9
    07/15/2011: 150.1

    Another 1.8 pounds lost! I'm sure things will level out again and I will quit losing as quickly once I recover from being so sick! Apparently the BRAT diet during sickness makes you lose weight like crazy! I'm sick of these saltine crackers now though! Bleh!