30 Day Shred start date 7/10/2011



  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Hey ladies, I'm in! I bought the DVD last week and did Day 1 Friday, but haven't been able to do it again since then due to work. So today will count as my D2.

    I'm planning on doing this in the mornings so I don't make excuses later on in the day!

    Looking forward to all the support and RESULTS! :happy:
  • amylynn48
    amylynn48 Posts: 26 Member
    D5L1 done! Doing better. The endurance is definitely building. Good luck to everyone today!! And have a great Monday!!
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    I just finished RI30 and starting the Shred today. I can't wait!

    How were your results with the Ripped In 30 series?
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    D5L1 done! Doing better. The endurance is definitely building. Good luck to everyone today!! And have a great Monday!!

    I did D5L1 today also and today seemed SO much easier than any other. I got through every move without resting even with my 5 lb weights. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
  • Ok! Day 1 level1behind me! Tough but I made it through! I THOUGHT I was in shape! :noway:
    My biggest challenge is and will be those darn pushups! I will push through them! I was sweatin a load!
    Took a walk afterwards! I am drained! I LOVE IT!!

    I started out using 3lbs weights, but I may have to switch to 2lbs for the that side lunge chest press(can't remember the exact name)
    It was tough with 3lbs. What lbs weight is everyone using?

    I started with the 3lb weights also, but I agree...for that exercise, I may have to use 2 lbs.
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Just finished D1L1. Feels good but am I ever sweaty! Good luck to everyone today!
  • I started this last month and got through two weeks on level one, but due to vacation I wasn't able to keep it up. So, this thread was exactly what I needed to kick start my motivation to do it. My plan is to do 10 days on level one, 10 days on level two, and 10 days on level three. I usually take weekends off of traditional exercise as we are residing our house and that is complete exercise in itself. So, here's to hopefully some amazing results!

    I just completed Day One of Level One! It kicked my butt as usual, but I made it through it! I think my hardest part is the first set of cardio! Jumping Jacks followed by jump rope is KILLER!

    My start weight is 123
    Not sure about measurements, but I'll try to get them before the next workout.

    Oh and feel free to friend me! I'd love the support and motivation!:smile:
  • shebakes
    shebakes Posts: 1 Member
    I finished D2L1 this morning.... Excited to get started!
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Finished D2L1 today followed by a 1.5 mile jog with the pup :glasses:

    I've been surprised so far how sweaty I am after these workouts! I tihnk in my head "oh, only 30 min of exercise, whatever" but it's awesomely difficult! The run after felt great and if I didn't have the dog with me I could've gone faster...he's not much of a runner most days haha

    Good job today everyone!!
  • i'm in! is it too late?
  • Abbietara
    Abbietara Posts: 30
    Finished D2L1 today followed by a 1.5 mile jog with the pup :glasses:

    I've been surprised so far how sweaty I am after these workouts! I tihnk in my head "oh, only 30 min of exercise, whatever" but it's awesomely difficult! The run after felt great and if I didn't have the dog with me I could've gone faster...he's not much of a runner most days haha

    Good job today everyone!!

    Great job - Don't you hate when she says "almost done" and goes another 6-8 reps !!!!!
  • I just finished RI30 and starting the Shred today. I can't wait!

    How were your results with the Ripped In 30 series?

    I have toning in my legs where once there was none, and my arms, which are always a problem spot, are much more defined. I lost about 5 lbs, but am only hoping to lose about 5-10 lbs total so I am mainly focusing on inches and toning. I can't believe that I can do some of the things I can do now (I can go 3/4 of the way into a real pushup, not on knees, for the entire 30 secs/1 min total and have never been able to come close to even one before!) Jillian is really motivating to me, during cooldown of week 4 she really gives you an ego rub, and when I finished out the last day of RI30 I cried. Really, not even ashamed to admit it. I have had two kids in 2 years and started the dieting and exercise routine about 5 months ago and am so proud of myself for finishing out something so difficult like RI30. I feel like I can accomplish any physical goal I set my mind to now and am so grateful for the health of my body. Sorry to get maudlin, but I am really appreciative of having a 30 min trainer workout in my living room while the kids nap and taking control over my self image. Today's Shred was pretty easy honestly, after doing Ripped. But I did notice her hammering home the shoulder muscle group and there is no getting around it, it's hard! I am doing it unmodified and with as much difficulty as I can stand. The only downside is that I have noticed more popping knees. I walk around and can hear my knees popping occasionally, so definitely take your day or two off! I also do 45 mins of walking with the double stroller per day so that could contribute. Stick to it girls you will be glad you did! I am excited about getting through the Shred and seeing what else Jillian has in store for me (I am thinking 6 week 6 pack after Shred). Good to join forces!
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 Done!

    So SO Sore but I made it through most of the cardio and abs. The other stuff was a struggle but I hung in there.

    Tyler was sore also (so we don't have to think its just us old people!! )

    He made it through like a champ again.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I did Day One Level One this afternoon. My HRM says I burned 236 calories doing it . I definitely built up a sweat. I think I'm going to get another set of weights. There are some exercises I want to use heavy on and some where I'd prefer a little less weight.

    I had it in my head that there were six series rather than three (yes, I realize that math makes no sense!). Needless to say, I was quite pleased to realize I was through it after three. It's tough, but I love that it's so quick. I believe I can do this for the next 30 days!
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    I did Day One Level One this afternoon. My HRM says I burned 236 calories doing it . I definitely built up a sweat. I think I'm going to get another set of weights. There are some exercises I want to use heavy on and some where I'd prefer a little less weight.

    Me too...I use 5s, 10s, and 15s. Luckily, I have a set of those Bowflex weights that change real easy, so I can keep up with the DVD for the most part.
  • Nlakshmi
    Nlakshmi Posts: 72
    Is it too late to join? I did D2L1 on Friday and got busy with stuff. May be this will motivate me to keep going

  • Ok so D2L1 down. My arms are feeling it! Did a workout at 7pm last night and 6:30am this morning which is probably why!! Burned 366kcals!!x
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    L1 and D3 down! Now today the arm cross' and windmills killed me! Arms and shoulders are really feeling it!! I did a 10min warm up on the stationary bike to loosen up my hamstrings. My legs felt a little better when I started!
  • Day Two/Level One done! Whew! I'm sweating like crazy! I'm a little sore from yesterday, but nothing I couldn't work through. I love this DVD! I love the fact that it's only 20 minutes, but my body feels like it's had a full gym workout!
    I also did 20 minutes on my Gazelle Glider right after for some extra calorie burn. I was going to go for my daily walk, but it's only 8 am here and already 78 degrees with 97% relative humidity. So, I don't think that my 3 year old or myself would fair to well today.
  • Abbietara
    Abbietara Posts: 30
    Finished Day3 with sore shoulders and knees. The knees are the worse. I am hoping they get better as I lose more weight. It was hard just putting any pressure on them. I am sure by the end of the first week all the soreness should be worked out. The 20 minutes went by faster for me today. I am missing my walks, however with the heat advisory and the humidity, I just do not think I could handle it.

    Good Luck to all - there are over 40 of us in this together !!!!!!!!