30 Day Shred start date 7/10/2011



  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    I shredded 2 times yesterday!! Level 2 in the am, and then Level 1 before supper. I could feel it this morning for sure!!

    I had my husband do Level 2 with me the other night, and it was so cute. He used to be very, very athletic and is still in shape as he has a pretty demanding job and plays recreational sports. He got a sweat on for sure and not even 5 minutes into Level 2 he said between breaths, "I can definitely see how this is effective" lol

    I am starting to really feel a difference in my body - I can't wait to be back in my old clothes!!
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    How is level two and three logged? The same as 1?
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    No shred for me... have been totally exhausted most of today. I started level 2 at lunch time yesterday and then went to an hour long intro/open house aerial aerobics class (aka pole dancing!!) last night. It was SUPER FUN. My friend and I have signed up to start the 6 week level one class and have decided to do twice a week rather than once a week, we start the first week of August and can't wait! Anyway then this morning I got up and spent about an hour and half outside getting my weed beds turned back into flower beds lol, also edged the entire yard... came inside drenched in sweat (yay for 92 feels like 102!). You know it's bad when you bend over and beads of sweat drop onto the inside of your sunglasses lol. Not looking forward to mowing it on Sunday....
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Level 2 Day 3 done.
  • I am currently on Level 2 and day 13! Monday -Wednesday, I completed Level 2 twice for these three days, hoping to get a pound down or inches, but unfortunately no change at all. Pretty disappointed, though I believe I am eating all my calories. Tomorrow, more will power and monitoring my calories. Stay strong everyone and stay motivated. Keep up the great work. Thank you for all your support!

    Best, Rosie
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    I'm halfway done. Completed Day 15 Level 2.
  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    Last day of level 1 for me today... Thank goodness cuz I was getting bored! :yawn:
  • ljacksn3
    ljacksn3 Posts: 32 Member
    Day 15 Level 2 Complete... So I figured I would share my progress so far:

    Before 30DS

    Weight: 126 lbs
    Neck: 11.5"
    Chest: 35"
    Under Boobs: 31.5"
    Waist: 30"
    Hips: 36"
    Butt: 39"
    R Arm: 11"
    L Arm: 11"
    R Thigh: 23"
    L Thigh: 23"
    R Calf: 14"
    L Calf: 14"

    15 days of 30DS

    Weight: 122 lbs
    Neck: 11.5"
    Chest: 34"
    Under Boobs: 30"
    Waist: 29.5"
    Hips: 35.5"
    Butt: 38.5"
    R Arm: 11"
    L Arm: 11"
    R Thigh: 22.5"
    L Thigh: 22.5"
    R Calf: 14"
    L Calf: 14"

    This brings my total loss to 4 lbs & 5" off my body! Thank you everyone for the support and motivation to keep going!!! I can't wait till the end of 30DS to post my total losses!!!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    L2D4 (30DS day 14) Done!

    I was doing well this time until the last cardio circuit-barely made it through with just a couple breathers.
  • KaylaBlu2019
    KaylaBlu2019 Posts: 118 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! Yay! Today is my D8L1 and I'm REALLY getting the hand of the bicycle crunches (finally!) I have lost a total of 5 lbs so far and I'm loving the way I feel.. Can't wait to hit lvl 2 soon and step it up! :)
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    Finished Day 15 Level 2 tonight. Took some measurements and it seems I'm only down an inch off the waist and 1.5" off my thighs. Everything else is the same. And I'm down 3.4 pounds. I guess I should be happy but I'm a little disappointed.

    Guess I need to concentrate on my eating. We have been going out a lot the past week :-/
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    D12L2 done tonight. My hamstrings are still aching from the pole dancing class on Thursday night so those walkout push ups were killer when reaching down lol. We also did push up at the class... like real style no modified so those... yeah that walk out push ups were not easy today at any point. For the v raise squats I still start out with 5lbs.. then downgrade to the 15oz cans.. then I still end with no weight. Hopefully by the end of next week I'll be able to at least finish with the cans lol. I usually love plank stuff, but I really can not get into that last ab exercise in plank.. really just do not like it.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Day 14, level 2 is complete..its tough work! Still having a hard time on those V-raises..can just about do everything else with those weights, except those..I've been using 5lbs the whole time. During my first complete round, I was using 3lbs and using 5lbs at the time was much harder..now during my second round, the only time i struggle with 5lbs is V-raises. I'm good on the cardio, although the plank poses are a real pain :laugh:
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Day 15, L2D5 done. Halfway done!
    I swear I'm not phoning it in but I'm not seeing the results some of you are. I've gained 0.2lb since Wed and my measurements are up 1/4 or 1/2 inch in some places. My BF% also went up by 0.1%. I know it's not real weight-I haven't eaten too much/too little for that and it's probably just my body prepping for Tom but it's disheartening.
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    Anyone else having BAD ankle pain? I feel like I have sprained my left ankle and it's even sore to the touch. I think I'm going to try to do my shred today anyways.....I don't want to take any rest days incase I can't get back into the routine of doing it every day!!!
  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    First day of level 2 and it kicked my butt! I rehurt my neck/back and I'm so upset right now. It took 2 months of healing and chiropractor appts last time and here I am back at square 1. :sad: I really wanted to give it my all for the next month before our mini vaca, but now I don't know if I will be able to. Last time I hurt my back I could hardly even walk so I don't want to get there again. Just frustrated, thanks for listening to me vent. :cry:
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    D13L2 completed... I did FF at 4x through level 3 just to see what it looks like, I have a feeling I'm going to like that level more than level 2.
    I've also been horrible with my sodium lately.. really need to work on that...
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Alright, just did Day 15, level 2..feels good to work off after a birthday party feast with cake/ice cream! Still have over 300 to work off, but ill try and do that by doing latin style dance on netflix, really wanna end this weekend right and be under calories for all 7 days! :happy:

    Struggles- Well, im getting used to the cardio, I actually don't mind it so much. The V-Raises are hell though along with those military press..have a hard time keeping my foot off the ground, even doing the modified ones. Really feeling it in my arms..quads hurt a little from all the jumping around. :laugh:

    I'm getting stronger, I can feel it! 15 days to go..then the day after I'm done with all 30 days, it will be my birthday and I can relax and pig out a bit..:laugh:
  • wbruni14
    wbruni14 Posts: 35 Member
    Level 2 is kicking my butt!!!! Just completed L2D13 and wow this workout is hard. Cant wait to be done with this level now!
  • wbruni14
    wbruni14 Posts: 35 Member
    So sorry to hear that hgellings! I know L2 is kicking my butt hardcore too. Be careful and only do what feels comfortable for you. I know it is frustrating not being able to do what you had planned on, but try to keep your head up. Do what you can and don't overdo it. You don't want to not be able to enjoy your vacation because of your back!