Hi, I'm Amanda and I am 23 years old. I just started taking pole lessons and I love it! I have had 3 classes so far and my next class is tomorrow. I also plan on purchasing the summer student package I the studio I practice at that will allow me to take unlimited classes and I'll do the same for fall and spring semester! I…
1) Do you happy dance 2) Get a tattoo (cherry blossoms maybe) on my side/stomach. I've always thought that they look so sexy but I have never had the confidence in my body to go through with it, so hopefully when I get to my goal that will be my reward!!
I just eat my left over pizza cold. The boyfriend thinks I'm crazy. I think it taste good and I don't have to mess with the grease, getting a plate, and waiting for it to heat up...
I love the 40 calorie frozen fudge pops... perfect amount of sweet for the end of the day...
Thanks for posting this. I'm pretty sure I used to have an EDNos although back then I really didnt know there was a term for it. I used to be super thin (I was 5'7" and I only weighed 118) and I thought I was fat. I would go days at time not eating or eating very little and I feared getting fat. I started college and over…
I think if I copied your gift my bf would be one happy guy. He loves survival stuff...
Probably a frost river backpack that he picked out. I'm thinking of getting him a really nice brief case for his bday (dec 22)
Love your posts! Keep posting!
Anything with Will Ferrel. I hate him. I feel like I'm the only person in the world that does not like, Elf, Anchorman, and Step Brothers...
Any advice? I have trouble talking to him about stuff like this and I really would like to talk to him about it.
I look Forward to these rants.
@johnlatv Harry potter
@derpina super woman
My goal is 130 and toned. Last time I was at 130 I was in a size 5 jean and in size 3 at 120 but I think I was too skinny then. I'm 5'7
Thanks for the advice guys! I took a long walk around campus last night and feel so much better today! Now I'm ready for a long weekend of four-wheeling and hiking.
Gmg: I'm feeling super depressed or hormonal and every little thing is making me cry Mmd: my pandora station is playing awesome songs today
I have oc tendencies. I won't look in the mirror in a dark room. In fact I take the long way to the bathroom from the bedroom at night so I can turn on the light switch. Bathroom has two doors. I cannot stand to have things touch my ears. The boyfriend likes to torture me with that one...I used to be a lot worse as a kid I…
You look awesome!!!
I had a free session with a personals trainer and he kicked my butt! I wish I could afford one for even just a month to get me started. I feel clueless in the gym. Especially with lifting weights
Your story made me laugh and made me cry. No matter how little if how much weight we have to loose we all have to take that first step to choose a better life style.
Yum bump
What a great birthday present to yourself!
I'm in. Need to work in some Abs today!
Took my first class yesterday! Loved it! I am sore and bruised. I sucked but I had fun and improved throughout the class!
Looks great. I make a similar pizza with "flat out" tortillas but I may try it with those. I like turkey based pepperoni on mine they are only like 70 cal for 16 pepperonies and I usually use a half serving.
Bolt! But then again I'm leaving for Jamaica on Saturday sooooo
I have noticed my scale will say I weigh less if it's touching the wall so I always make sure to keep it moved a few inches away from the wall
Definitely would go for laser hair removal. I have great boobs though!
I can't wait to start level one classes!!!