20 lbs in one day...please help



  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I do weigh myself every monday morning when I wake up. But its just a number. I measure my neck waist and hips Once a week. That is where I see the difference regardless of what the scale says. I went 3 weeks gaining and losing the same 1.5 lbs but in that 3 weeks I lost 2 inches on all 3 measurements So I know I was doing the right things. Hope this helps.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    No two scales are the same so pick one and just use that one. Also, as others have said, don't weight yourself twice a day. Stick to once and it is always better to do that in the morning however I would opt for the once a week or once a month. Daily can be discouraging for sure.

    And the scale is only 1 part of it all. Better indicator is how your clothes fit.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    LOL ok I just put my scale on carpet ..got on and I gained 40 lbs since yesterday... IT"S THE CARPET!!!! :)
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Buy a new scale:bigsmile:
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    It's probably the carpet/floor thing that everyone is saying. But for women, there are some medical issues (ovarian cysts, etc) that can cause HUGE changes in weight very quickly, so if you can't figure out what is going on, I'd make sure and see a doctor.
  • lifescircle
    Go for once a week... and of course, un-carpeted floor. Makes you build a little patience with yourself. Focus on your health, your diet, your exercise and the way you feel... and your clothes... and not just the weight. You KNOW when you're making progress.

    Don't let a scale determine your worth and get you down. It's only a tool.

    Chin up! You're doing fine... JUST KEEP DOING.
  • snapdoodle1
    excuse my bluntess maybe you needed to go potty.or maybe getting time for your period..and weighing on carpet isnt accurante.water muscle..clothes shoes
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    20 pounds that's crazy. Its the scale no you so don't stress, Keep up your great work and keep pushing forward. I personally weigh myself everyday on my home scale. I like to see the numbers drop and if they go up that pushes me even harder at the gym. You are doing great!!!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    After my first workout of the day, probably because of the 1-2 liters of water and the preworkout snack, plus the postworkout shake, I can be 5 pounds heavier. Weight once a day (once a week is better) to more accurately track your loss. Better still, get a tape measure and keep track of your measurements. This will give you an idea of where you are losing fat.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Scales won't weigh correctly on a carpeted surface. They need to be on a flat solid surface - that could be part of the issue. The other part is clothes, what you've had to eat and drink today, etc.

    My advice - weight once a week, first thing in the a.m. (after a potty run) and that's it. Expect a 1-2 lb loss a week and you'll be good to go!

    You can do this!
  • MomTo5Wow
    I am scale obsessed so I know hard it is to walk past one without stepping on. I weigh myself everytime I go into the bathroom at home, and every day when I come into work (the one at work is much friendlier and always has me at about 3lbs less than the one at home).

    But the only # I pay attention to and log is my morning naked weight.

    The rest of my self checks are just done for self torture :-)
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    1300 calories or less a day is really low for you, my dear!

    Find an online calculator and establish your RMR (resting metabolic rate) and then try to eat about 500 less than that to lose 1-2lbs per week.

    If you go too low you will cause your body to worry it is starving, and it will retain fat. I know the calculator on MFP when you plug in numbers tends to be pretty low in its suggestions.

    I am 200lbs and my RMR is ~2000. I eat 1550 calories a day and I have been steadily losing weight.

    Not going too low is also far less stressful psychologically and will help you stick to your plan (I think!).

    Good luck!
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    The carpet is the culprit. I made the same mistake once and then realized what happened! Its a good way to trip the spouse though to make him think you lost weight and he didnt notice. lol
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, completely naked, in the same area of my bathroom. The flooring in my house isn't level everywhere, so the numbers are different in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc. Don't sweat it. Just be consistent with where you weigh yourself. It's always best to compare apples to apples.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    obviously the scales are wrong, throw the dang thing out! Just move into this new lifestyle, drink water, eat healthy foods and do a walk 3-5 times a week. Your whole attitude will change and losing fat will accompany it. denise
  • BabyLeila23
    Maybe try weighing yourself once a week. Don't get discouraged, you're doing great! Keep up the good work :)
  • amandajam2012
    I have noticed my scale will say I weigh less if it's touching the wall so I always make sure to keep it moved a few inches away from the wall
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    One of those scales is probably wrong. It's a good idea to only weigh yourself on one scale, whether it's the one at the gym, drs office or the one you have at home. If you do it at home, make sure you have a decent quality scale, and that it's calibrated correctly.
  • ACPotter88
    Scales need to be balanced meaning set to zero when there is no weight on it. Old school scales have a way and electronic scales have a way. If you have the manual's that came with them, look to see how to zero it out before you believe you gained 20lbs in one day. Its possible to gain that in a week, in a month, but in one day? I have high doubts about that. Even with water weight, I don't believe its possible. Also, only use one scale and have it on a hard, flat surface. Otherwise, it won't be as accurate and reliable.
    Its best to weigh yourself once a week or so. Not everyday. With water weight, menstrual cycles, different foods each day, etc, your weight will fluctuate day by day regardless. Have a set day each week to weigh yourself. If you do it everyday, it will drive you crazy.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    And at least your husband doesn't sneak up behind you and press his foot down on the scale while you're on it, adding 20 lbs and laughing when you freak out! Such a d*ck, I owe him, now! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: