R U OCD and how did u find out



  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    And.. is it just me or does the OP make no sense at all? Am I missing something?

    No, you're not.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    And.. is it just me or does the OP make no sense at all? Am I missing something?

    ^^agree with the pretty one....OP makes no sense
  • Hakarn
    Hakarn Posts: 62 Member
    OP is saying that he is OCD and a friend didn't understand that the Monk character was supposed to be OCD.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    I'd agree with most here. I definitely have OCD tendencies. EVERYTHING has to be in groups of 5. i count EVERYTHING, lines on the road when i'm driving, times the wipers "swish" if it's raining, ceiling tiles, pictures on the wall, etc., etc. If something doesn't come out to a multiple of 5, i make it. like, i'll look at your face, and to make it "okay" with me, i see that you have 2 eye holes, 2 nose holes, and a mouth. therefor. you have 5 holes in your head, so we're good. OR, i ignore the nose, and instead go with the ears. I have a group of 3 pictures hanging on my wall. I'm ONLY okay with this, because i can count the dead space between them so i make it out to 5. I also have a grouping of 6 pics, and a group of 2 hanging on my wall. I can handle this because the group of 2 actually has 7 pics each so there's 14 pics in that group, add the other 6, and i have 20. Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous sometimes. But i can live with it. I can live with "making" things multiples of fives without it being a terrible intrusion on my life.

    My sister, on the other hand, has medically diagnosed OCD. I feel sad for her sometimes. she CANNOT let her dogs out to go to the bathroom without walking around her backyard and checking to see that both gates are closed and locked. even in the iowa winters of -20F and 18" of snow. Oddly, most of her OCD stuff revolves around her pets, though she quite literally could not function without them. they calm her and give her a reason to get out of bed. it's a rough go for her.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I had always assumed that my diagnosis of GAD would sort of preempt (for lack of a better word) a diagnosis of OCD. When going through some medical records recently, I discovered otherwise. :|

    I guess it doesn't *really* matter, since the behaviors were there anyway, but it did surprise me to see both diagnoses on the list. And yes, it's a list.
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    Myself yes, a mfp of mine yes watched Monk and said " what's so bad about him"

    What does this even mean? :huh:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yes. In fact I am so OCD that I insist on spelling all of my words properly. Not in shorthand.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Not OCD but a bit anal retentive.
    When I am finished working on a car/bike/boat, ALL of the tools MUST be wiped down and put away exactly where they belong.
    And my toolbox is organised with all metric wrenches in one place, by size; Standard in another drawer.
    Same goes with sockets, screwdrivers, ect. All lined up or otherwise organised perfectly.

    It is so bad that I had to buy my wife her own tool belt. I picked up some basic tools, hung them on the tool belt, and hung the tool belt on the wall. She has pretty much everything she needs and she can keep it as messy as she wants.

    Also, if I am on a particularly difficult task with the car, I photograph each step and list each tool so I can later blog about it on one of the hot rod sites. I have had people on the FSB (Full Size Bronco) site thank me for this a few times.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I would classify myself as OCD tendencies. The title of this topic is freaking me out, the R and the U.
  • bleacheblonde
    Well I have actual OCD, and I found out by going to a psychiatrist. It would be nice if it was just about having cute little quirks, but unfortunately it usually makes life a living hell for the person who's suffering from it untreated. Not trying to be all serious and bring down the thread here, but it does irritate me sometimes when people make jokes about OCD like it's "omg so funny." Because it actually sucks.

    That is true it seriously sucks. I have been under treatment for months and months and I like laughing at myself sometimes now. It makes me feel less crazy:)

    It took me awhile to get to the point where I could laugh at myself, but I think I finally can. Later, after the anxiety attack, I can see the humor in the calamity I was absolutely SURE would happen if I didn't do one of my compulsive behaviors.
  • bleacheblonde
    Not OCD but a bit anal retentive.
    When I am finished working on a car/bike/boat, ALL of the tools MUST be wiped down and put away exactly where they belong.
    And my toolbox is organised with all metric wrenches in one place, by size; Standard in another drawer.
    Same goes with sockets, screwdrivers, ect. All lined up or otherwise organised perfectly.

    It is so bad that I had to buy my wife her own tool belt. I picked up some basic tools, hung them on the tool belt, and hung the tool belt on the wall. She has pretty much everything she needs and she can keep it as messy as she wants.

    Also, if I am on a particularly difficult task with the car, I photograph each step and list each tool so I can later blog about it on one of the hot rod sites. I have had people on the FSB (Full Size Bronco) site thank me for this a few times.

    That sounds like my fiance....his garage looks like a small hardware store, with everything clean and hanging in rows on pegs, and some even have labels. He's very organized! He labels a lot of my stuff too...which I'm totally okay with as it helps me find things :)
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I have it. Diagnosed in my early 20's. Just reading this thread made me feel a little anxious. I won't go into all of my 'things', but here's just one. I have to spit in the toilet if I see the water. So, before I go and after. If I look at it again after I spit, I have to spit again. I've never heard of anyone else having this issue.
  • MANdown_145
    Should have asked if you have oct obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Maybe the topic would not offended anyone with OCD
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    does hitting the refresh buttong 800x a day on your Newsfeed count?
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Nah, but text speak drives me to no end of crazy.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Myself yes, a mfp of mine yes watched Monk and said " what's so bad about him"

    When I read this thread title and post and my head nearly exploded.
  • Ncdaniel16
    Ncdaniel16 Posts: 56 Member
    I am OCD...I was diagnosed when I found out I had GAD...& color coding my socks, wardrobe and food pantry at 3am was a good sign that something was not right...But not everyone that exhibits severe oragnization has OCD.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I'd agree with most here. I definitely have OCD tendencies. EVERYTHING has to be in groups of 5.

    Funny - I have an issue with groups of 5 as well...which makes the tv volume particularly interesting when DH asks me to turn it up/down a notch. I also tap my toes the exact time they pass particular things when I'm driving (usually driveways or mailboxes if I'm in a neighborhood, reflector poles if I'm on the highway), and the toe that gets tapped is on the same side of my body as the side of the street that the object is on. I could keep going...
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    I could never understand why people equate OCD with organization or cleanliness. I guess it's the stereotype.

    I have a friend who suffers from OCD, but on the hoarding/acquiring side of things. It's not cute nor funny to watch her drag, buy, and not want to let go of useless junk. I remember when I was at her house, and I needed to use an umbrella to run out to the car. The anxiety she had about me using that umbrella was really bad. She made me promise over and over that I was going to bring it back.

    I can't really seem to tell if this post is supposed to a lighthearted ribbing about a mental disorder, so if it is, sorry to be a buzzkill.
  • amandajam2012
    I have oc tendencies. I won't look in the mirror in a dark room. In fact I take the long way to the bathroom from the bedroom at night so I can turn on the light switch. Bathroom has two doors. I cannot stand to have things touch my ears. The boyfriend likes to torture me with that one...I used to be a lot worse as a kid I would straiten the shelves at Walmart as I was walking down the isle. Needless to say I got left behind a lot.