

  • Gummy Owls???? I LOVE OWLS. And I love gummies. I want some.
  • My hair was white Marilyn Monroe blonde when I started, so I decided to make my screen name "bleachblonde"....but in typical blonde fashion, I accidentally typed an "e" and the end of bleach and then it was too late :) But now I'm a redhead. In 2 months, who knows what I'll be...
  • While it's stupid for them to make judgments about you, aren't you kind of doing the same thing when you refer to them as slobs? It's a two-way street. This is why I always keep to myself. Always. Ignoring people is an art that takes awhile to master, but it's sooooooo worth it. JUST IGNORE THEM. My mom always said that…
  • Holy schnizz, online modeling THAT is going to be a place where the bullsh!t runs high and thick. I can only imagine. I absolutely love clothes and I love styling and photography, but there's no way in hell I would work in that industry even if I WAS skinny enough. Too many people engaging in the pointless…
  • All the time! Basically any time we are about to spend time apart and any time we are back together after spending time apart (and this can be any amount of time ranging from 5 minutes to 5 days). And I plan to kiss in front of my kids, because there is nothing wrong with kissing your significant other. The whole anti-PDA…
  • MOTLEY CRUE BABY. And Skid Row. GnR is ok too....but the Crue is my all-time favorite :)
  • Ugh, TOTM sucks donkey ballz. I'm in that right now, and I'm not weighing myself until it's over. Not to mention the accompanying migraines I often get....THOSE are fun.
  • My eyes are the sexiest thing about me I think. My hair is pretty sexy too if you're into punk-ish hair.
  • It's funny when people get all huffy that someone else called them out in their pet peeve :) I don't belong to a gym right now, but probably what annoys me most are the high-maintenance gym bunny types that are constantly texting, adjusting their ponytails, and re-applying lip gloss in the mirror that's supposed to be used…
  • ZOMG how are you not dead??? Perhaps you could make some money selling a vaccine made of your saliva or something, because you must have some sort of immunity :tongue:
  • That's a good idea; hopefully it will work for you! I do try to keep a glass of water next to the bed, although I need to get something with a lid because the cats like to knock over my water in the middle of the night. I think my main thing is that I have a bad sugar addiction and if I deny myself all day, then I wake up…
  • Just did this today...woke up at 4 a.m. and had a bowl of oatmeal (with margarine in it, thus negating the healthiness of eating oatmeal). Then I watched a documentary about mummification...freaked me out and I didn't fall back asleep until 5:30! I would not recommend that combination of activities at that time. Seriously…
  • You are gorgeous! Definitely no makeup needed :) Congrats on your hard work!
  • Yes, it does say something...what it says is that people who get tattoos generally don't care for other people's perceptions. Especially when those perceptions are based purely on judgments and stereotypes, which they often are.
  • That's one of my favorite stereotypes. I always have been and always will be a "good girl"...I got straight A's in school, I didn't start drinking until I was 21, I've never done hard drugs EVER, and people are often astonished to find out that I play the organ in church. A tattooed church organist??? Whaaa???? I like to…
  • I freakin' love tattoos on a guy. My fiance is currently un-inked, but he has been warming up to the idea of getting a big shoulder piece that just barely peeks up above the collar of a shirt, which would drive my wild :D I have 8 tattoos...a haiku in Japanese on my forearm, a heart made out of a bass/treble clef on the…
  • I can't whistle either! But I figure I can sing and play 3 musical instruments, so I guess that makes up for my lack of ability in that particular realm of carrying a tune. I also can't play any sport involving a ball. I just can't. I suck at all of them. I also can't play video games. Even people who really really suck at…
  • Mostly the same stuff I wear now, but it will look much hotter. I will be a rockin-*kitten* punk bee-otch! Although one thing I can't wait to wear that I absolutely can't now is really short cutoff denim shorts (ripped & with holes) with combat boots. I can't wait until I can pull that off. And I'll probably cut up a lot…
  • I'm 5'11" and my goal jeans/dress/whatever size is 8 (6 would be awesome but I don't want to be unrealistic). Right now I weigh about 235 and I wear a size 16 (16 in the misses' section, 14 in the "women's" section). About 5 years ago I weighed 160 and wore size 8 in jeans, and that's what I want to get back to.
  • ...Maybe it's your outfit? It's a little bit....flamboyant.
  • Looks aren't everything to everybody, but they sure are for a lot of people it seems. Ugh. Society. It sounds like maybe guys tend to think of you as a "buddy" and less as a love interest. But idk, I am so bad at that stuff. I got lucky enough to snag me a man that enjoyed my crude sense of humour and swearing when he met…
  • My mom had one done on her knee a few weeks ago. She's only in her mid-50's and was already having to use a cane and consider a knee replacement because the pain was so bad. She thinks the shot has made some difference. We went shopping yesterday and spent hours walking around and she didn't even have to use the motorized…
  • He actually ASKED YOU OUT after saying that? What a misguided a$$hat. Wow, lol. Good for you for turning him down :)
  • Sooooo cuuuuuute!!! I love it. It looks more fun and energetic :)
  • His balls belong in a vice-grip. That is all.
  • I refuse to shop there A) on principle, and B) because I'm fat and they wouldn't want me to anyway. So at least it's mutual :)
  • I have 4 holes in 1 ear and 3 in the other. I've had my eyebrow done twice and I LOVED the way it looked, but had to take it out because it kept getting stretched out all weird and I don't want to scar up my face too badly. I've also had my lip pierced 3 different times but that was too high-maintenance so I took them out…
  • Yep, I've heard this many a time. It depends on the day and my mood whether I take it as an insult or a compliment. I try to be of the mindset that this means I have the potential to be hot and I try to use it as motivation. But it's kind of a stupid back-handed way to compliment someone. It's like saying "Well, you COULD…
  • I am struggling with the same problem...I cannot buy ice cream. Ever. Because I'll eat the whole container in 2 days (or less). So I'll probably be checking back on this to see who has any good suggestions :) Sometimes if I know I'm prone to binge that night, I'll try to really limit myself all day so I can go nuts if I…
  • I'm 27 and mine used to be open but is temporarily closed until I can get my bingeing under control...I found that I wasn't being totally honest with myself because I was embarrassed :(