Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    When people don't re-rack weights/plates and leave them all over the place.
  • ItsTheBeebs
    only been back in the country for 2 weeks...into my second week at the gym for 4 months and i see

    4 women, come in 1 by one,i was doing my workout looking in the mirror at my form and i see.... while one is on the chest press all other 3 are stood near her talking. Lady on machine does one rep, talks, another, more talk. I must have done 3 sets of 10 shoulder presses before she had completed one set.

    People reading a book/kindle/nook while on bike/elliptical

    just a couple to start off with
  • ItsTheBeebs
    doesnt affect me but just makes me wonder...

    people who come in wearing their gym clothes work up a sweat (and dont bring a towel) and then just stroll out.
    Fair enough there is a shower at your house but i like to be clean! as soon as im done in the gym i go straight to have a shower in the locker room, not wait 20mins to drive home let the sweat go dry and stale then wash.

    I cycle to the gym so I arrive by bike wearing my gym gear and cycle home wearing my gym gear after my workout. I then shower at home. There's little point changing and showering at the gym when I'm going to get all sweaty again cycling home.

    i can appreciate that, however when i walk back to my car (gym is 15min drive or i would cycle) i see people getting in/out of their cars in their gym gear. I just think thats bad hygene, but thats personal opinion
  • moprice1
    moprice1 Posts: 24 Member
    When folks run on the treadmill and hold on

    Slamming of the weights to floor or back on the machine

    Grunting while lifting heavy weights

    Using the machines wrong

    I did not realize I had so many...LOL
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I hate when people talk to me at the gym and stop my workout. This includes my wife. I don't want to stay there any longer than I need to. Wave hello to me and leave me alone.

    THIS. And talk to me when I have headphones in...hello dumb@ss, I can't HEAR YOU!! :grumble:
  • AliDarling
    People who don't wipe down the machines.

    People who hang around on a machine chatting or using their smartphone instead of working out. AHEM! Other people want the machine!

    Men who hang around watching group exercise classes. Creeps.

    Women who come into the gym wearing more makeup than any of the Real Housewives (TOWIE if you're a Brit) and proceed to pretend to work out.

    haha you hit the nail on the head. you left out when people just stand in front of the weight training mirrors, doing makeup and pretty much invisa-stripping.
  • lucypaige_
    At the gym today there were a lot of girls wearing Vans, Hollister and Superdry clothing and lots of make-up. Why feel the need to sweat out your expensive clothes?? It's a gym! You don't look good to go to the gym, you go to the gym to look good.
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    The skinny girls wearing nothing but a sports bra and spanks, running 4x faster than me, not breaking a sweat, and me running at my max speed sweating like a pig with my fat jiggling everywhere under my men's basketball shorts and baggy tshirt. I want to be like, You're done here. Go home and eat some pie.
  • bleacheblonde
    It's funny when people get all huffy that someone else called them out in their pet peeve :)

    I don't belong to a gym right now, but probably what annoys me most are the high-maintenance gym bunny types that are constantly texting, adjusting their ponytails, and re-applying lip gloss in the mirror that's supposed to be used for checking your form while you lift weights. And no, it's not because I'm jealous. No way in hell do I want to be like that; takes way too much time and makes you look totally stuck on yourself!

    Also, I don't get why people wear expensive name-brand clothes to work out. What is the POINT? But other than that, I just mind my own beeswax and expect other people to midn theirs too. If nobody gets all up in my shizz, I'm not getting up in anybody else's.
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    The skinny girls wearing nothing but a sports bra and spanks, running 4x faster than me, not breaking a sweat, and me running at my max speed sweating like a pig with my fat jiggling everywhere under my men's basketball shorts and baggy tshirt. I want to be like, You're done here. Go home and eat some pie.

    Maybe she is running so she can eat some pie and not feel bad about it?
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    When folks run on the treadmill and hold on

    Slamming of the weights to floor or back on the machine

    Grunting while lifting heavy weights

    Using the machines wrong

    I did not realize I had so many...LOL

    I for one have to hold onto the treadmill when I run because I have poor balance and drop foot. If I don't hold on I risk falling on my face. I would rather hold onto the treadmill and piss off someone who should be minding their own business than fall down and get seriously hurt. I know many who hold on when they run. Heck I hold on when I walk too!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    doesnt affect me but just makes me wonder...

    people who come in wearing their gym clothes work up a sweat (and dont bring a towel) and then just stroll out.
    Fair enough there is a shower at your house but i like to be clean! as soon as im done in the gym i go straight to have a shower in the locker room, not wait 20mins to drive home let the sweat go dry and stale then wash.

    I cycle to the gym so I arrive by bike wearing my gym gear and cycle home wearing my gym gear after my workout. I then shower at home. There's little point changing and showering at the gym when I'm going to get all sweaty again cycling home.

    i can appreciate that, however when i walk back to my car (gym is 15min drive or i would cycle) i see people getting in/out of their cars in their gym gear. I just think thats bad hygene, but thats personal opinion

    The showers at my gym are NASTY!! I would rather drive home all sweaty than stand in 2 inches of filth and scum trying to shower. I'll shower at home thank you very much.
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    The thing that gets me is when you have random people just staring at you. Especially the older creepier guys who pick the treadmill across from you so they can gaze into your eyes as you try to work out >__< . Then there's the people who make it look like they're resting for a second and look over at you... then 5 minutes later they're still there :noway:

    I'm not the hot thin girl at the gym, I'm the pasty overweight one sweating up a storm LOL

    Oh and of course as others have said, I can't stand the stinky people.... there's showers there should they need one before their workout :laugh:
  • LiftHuff

    There's little benefit to the negative on deadlifts. And they're single lifts, so doing 1 rep less would be kinda pointless :wink:

    I'm curious why you say that. I have heard quite the opposite from most sources I trust.
  • LiftHuff
    Guys who throw weights down!!! Really!!??? If you can't pick them up and put them down gently then they are too heavy for you!!!! Get lighter weight!!! Dufus!!!

    I would like you to demonstrate how to safely set down the barbell during heavy power cleans.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    There's little benefit to the negative on deadlifts. And they're single lifts, so doing 1 rep less would be kinda pointless :wink:

    I'm curious why you say that. I have heard quite the opposite from most sources I trust.

    Doesn't really explain why the benefits aren't worth it, but explains why you shouldn't set it down gently, especially at high weight.

    I drop it (not from the top, below the knee) to conserve energy for the next lift and to save grip strength because lifting it again is more beneficial to your hips, back and traps than the energy spent lowering it down gently.

    Edit: I'm more concerned with strength than aesthetics at this stage, hence I practice some things more in line with how a powerlifter lifts as opposed to a bodybuilder.
  • almarsala
    almarsala Posts: 168 Member
    So I was at the gym the other day and realized how much I HATE it when I'm on the treadmill or elliptical and the person next to me constantly looks over at my machine to see what level I'm on or how many calories I burned :noway: . It's probably not that big of a deal, but it still really irritates me

    So what are your gym pet peeves?

    They might be using that as motivation, so really...maybe take it as a compliment? You might be inspiring someone to work harder and push themselves!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I hate it when people look at me funny when I'm standing in that cage sort of thing doing my curls.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I hate it when people look at me funny when I'm standing in that cage sort of thing doing my curls.
  • cgirlygirl
    I'm usually not one to complain about gym users...although there are things that drive me INSANE. Everyone is different and it is a community of people with a common goal BUT......

    If you are running on the treadmill (3 down from me..keep in mind) and I can hear your exhale every third breath THROUGH my music at the highest volume, then I think you should probably walk, bro. I'm just sayin'. Sort of annoying :-/

    /rant. Thanks.