Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Everyone else in there

    Yup. This is probably why I haven't been to the gym since July.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    So, basically I'd be laughed at for wearing makeup? I'd think lip gloss & mascara would be reasonable, right?
  • bellydancer124
    doesnt affect me but just makes me wonder...

    people who come in wearing their gym clothes work up a sweat (and dont bring a towel) and then just stroll out.
    Fair enough there is a shower at your house but i like to be clean! as soon as im done in the gym i go straight to have a shower in the locker room, not wait 20mins to drive home let the sweat go dry and stale then wash.

    Just an opinion i guess
    I live 3 minutes from my gym...much easier for me to just drive home than haul everything I need for a shower. Not saying that's everyone at your gym, but maybe it's some of them?

    Same here. My bf showers at the gym, but public showers give me the heebie-jeebies :sick: and I live right down the street from the gym so it's easier to just go home and shower.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    doesnt affect me but just makes me wonder...

    people who come in wearing their gym clothes work up a sweat (and dont bring a towel) and then just stroll out.
    Fair enough there is a shower at your house but i like to be clean! as soon as im done in the gym i go straight to have a shower in the locker room, not wait 20mins to drive home let the sweat go dry and stale then wash.

    Just an opinion i guess

    Takes me 5 minutes to get home from the gym.
    Unless I physically see someone clean the shower, I'm not getting in it.
  • averysmom914
    In my apartment gym, you can't get in without using your keypad. People will try to FLAG me down through the window while I would be in mid jog and making great time. I'd ignore... and THAT'S why I jog outside now. :D

    Ohhhh, that would piss me off, too!!
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    When people clean the equipment before they use it but not after and just walk away! Drives me nuts!

    Yeah, you didn't want to touch anyone sweat, so why would I want to touch yours or clean up after you? :sick: :angry:
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    So I was at the gym the other day and realized how much I HATE it when I'm on the treadmill or elliptical and the person next to me constantly looks over at my machine to see what level I'm on or how many calories I burned :noway: .

    I used to do this all the time - it was actually mostly to see what their heart rate was, as mine always seemed rather high, and I was curious if others were the same. They weren't - theirs were always lower. Mine has got lower too now, so I don't feel the need to check others, but to begin with, when mine was really high, I wanted to compare to get an idea of what it should be. Oh, and sometimes if they were going really fast, I was curious to see how fast they were going, so I could see how fast it was possible to go. It was never about what level or how many calories - that didn't interest me in the slightest.

    My pet peeves at the gym I used to go to were people who left sweat on the machines, and trainers who came and started a conversation with me when I was training, in order to try to sell their personal training to me.

    None of this applies to the gym I go to now, as it's tiny, and only a couple of people are using it when I use it, and it doesn't have personal trainers. You can just ask the one trainer guy for any advice and he gives it without charging.

    BTW, I don't wear make-up to the gym, because I don't wear make-up in general, but seeing as I use the gym straight after work, then if I did wear make-up to work, like most women seem to, I'd still be wearing when I was at the gym. It's quite common to use the gym straight after work. It's never even occurred to me to inspect other women's faces for make-up at the gym!
  • tiffykborr
    tiffykborr Posts: 4 Member
    Trying to do the 30min Circuit training at Planet Fitness (there's an area specifically for this) and someone jumps in doing sets.

    Oh, the rants I have gone on about this very topic. There are signs (that are not at all small, mind you) that clearly state that the area is for circuit training only. If they are a few machines ahead, all I can think while I'm trying to exercise is about whether or not they will be done by the time I get there, and if I will have to have an awkward confrontation with them. It makes me so angry, damn it!
  • RoseRoiz
    People not wiping down the machine, or just hanging around a machine and not using it cause they are to busy talking or texting!! I have that, yes I also hate when people look over my way to see how many calories I burned.
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    I hate when people smell like the old oil they just fried their fish in
  • jensauce
    jensauce Posts: 150 Member
    i had a few of them, which is why i quit going to the gym and bought my own elliptical machine instead.

    but i'll go ahead and share my former peeves here! =)

    * GOING to the gym. working out isn't a problem for me, but getting up and driving somewhere makes it harder when i'm "not in the mood." now i just workout first thing in the morning before i get ready for the day. simplifies my daily routine.

    * getting hit on. it IS flattering, but the last thing i want to do is talk to you when i'm out of breath and sweating like a pig. timing, people! get me on my way in or out of the gym...not during an exercise!

    * i hate when people look at me like i'm incompetent because they're going faster than i am on the elliptical. i literally had one woman who was on the machine next to me look at me directly in the face, and with a smug smirk say "well you aren't going very fast now, are you? you seem a little young to be going so slow"

    i wanted to scream at her, "hey lady, i have the resistance on 20, and i burn 3x as many calories as you do in half the time!" ...but i didn't.

    the smug looks actually happened a lot, this particular woman was just the only one RUDE enough to comment on it to me.
  • kooldog1968
    people who wear either tooooo much perfume or cologna. Its a fitness club not a bar.:huh:
  • mrshoneydew
    When there are ten EMPTY treadmills and someone ALWAYS has to climb on the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!! UGH!

    This is really irritating gym is kind of cheap and some of the machines don't work as well as others and some have TVs while others don't and I do feel weird when I go next to someone in a fairly sparse gym, but I'm only doing it because I like the machine they are next to, lol.

    My main pet peeve is large groups of guys who go in to compete with each other with how much weights they can lift. Like some of them look and sound like they are really hurting themselves. Red purple faces, veins popping out everywhere, then a super loud "-ccchhhhhh chh shhh YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH OWWW AHHH!!!!!!"

    Jeepers! Take it easy dude!!
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member

    * i hate when people look at me like i'm incompetent because they're going faster than i am on the elliptical. i literally had one woman who was on the machine next to me look at me directly in the face, and with a smug smirk say "well you aren't going very fast now, are you? you seem a little young to be going so slow"

    :devil: I would have told her I'm trying out a new pair of prosthetic legs. :devil:

    I wish exercise machines came with those privacy screens that you see on office computers. The person in front of the screen sees a normal screen, but anyone off to the side sees only a blur. Another MFP member suggested a low-tech solution - throw a towel over the display. Unfortunately this also blocks your own view of your screen.
  • karawRN
    karawRN Posts: 311
    the girl that doesnt run or incline the treadmill and walks at 2.0. she could walk around the track.
  • jensauce
    jensauce Posts: 150 Member

    * i hate when people look at me like i'm incompetent because they're going faster than i am on the elliptical. i literally had one woman who was on the machine next to me look at me directly in the face, and with a smug smirk say "well you aren't going very fast now, are you? you seem a little young to be going so slow"

    :devil: I would have told her I'm trying out a new pair of prosthetic legs. :devil:

    I wish exercise machines came with those privacy screens that you see on office computers. The person in front of the screen sees a normal screen, but anyone off to the side sees only a blur. Another MFP member suggested a low-tech solution - throw a towel over the display. Unfortunately this also blocks your own view of your screen.

    she wasnt looking at my screen, she was looking at my body and how much faster her legs and arms moved than mine. i was still going a solid 7-8 mph on HIGH resistance... i seriously doubt if she had the resistance set to high she would have been able to match me. but who knows, maybe i'm just bitter cause she was rude and pissed me off! lol!
  • sudione
    I think you all people should COOL OFF....TRY TO HATE LESS AND LOVE MORE. So what if people look, they look at my machine too. If it bothers you that much, throw a towel on your treadmill so they won't be able to see. :happy:

    Everyone a bit smells when they work out, that is NORMAL.

    If they walk between you and your machine, maybe their head is somewhere else and it's not intentional????

    IF everyone bothers you, then, you are just selfish and you want everything for yourself!!!! BUT every one else paid as much as you paid too and they are entitled too! Please don't forget that.

    PLEASE DON'T FORGET ONE THING: I LOVE ALL OF YOU! That is why I replied to calm you down and have you enjoy your work out instead of having negative feelings and hate! I hope you understand and have a Happy Night. SWEET DREAMS. Good night,, all.
  • drlabrant
    Guys who throw weights down!!! Really!!??? If you can't pick them up and put them down gently then they are too heavy for you!!!! Get lighter weight!!! Dufus!!!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Guys who grunt and make all kinds of noises just for the attention!
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Slobs that don't wipe the equipment down after. Oh yeah, I'm all hot and bothered to grab onto some strange dude's sweat. :explode:

    Pretenders that show up at the gym, never break a sweat, do half assed work, and take 20 minute breaks between sets. Get it done and move on! You're in my way!

    The *kitten* that never brings a towel to the gym. But, spends twenty minutes using the blow dryer from head to toe after he showers. Look dude, you're gorilla hairy, you're gross, and I don't wanna see your junk that much.