Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'm reading these posts and it makes me even happier that I work out at home. The only thing that bothers me here is when my mom tries to talk to me while I'm working out. Just let me have one lil hour to myself pleeeez? lol
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I hate it when I'm on the treadmill and a lovely young lady joins me to my left or right and she isn't wearing the right type of support bra. I don't even know where to look, I start looking at the cieling, the floor...I was even examining my nails while running at 8.0. All in the name of not being a creeper.
    Well at least your nice about it. I've seen guys who looked like their eyeballs would drop out of their heads they stared so long and hard at the girls bouncy breasts. We have this one women who has had a lot of work done and she parades around like all get out. Full makeup, fancy hair dos, skimpy outfits, loads of jewelry jewelry jewelry, perfume!! The old farts follow her around and try to strike up conversations with her. I've heard some say wow your body is fantastic. All the while she never breaks a sweat and just casually walks around the gym all day. She's replied to some by saying thank you but I owe it all to my surgeon. She's had a tummy tuck, lypo, breast implants that are enormous and way over done. Not at all proportionate to her frame. The younger guys for the most part don't look at her like the old farts do. Cheers to the guys who are actually there to exercise and not go gaga over the girls. By the way yes it is a chain gym and at times is more of a pick up joint than a gym. I just go very early in the morning because the Barbie and Ken types are still putting on their makup and doing their hair lol.
  • Robin628
    Robin628 Posts: 103 Member
    Biggest for me is definitely people who sweat all over the machine and then don't wipe it down afterwards. This includes the treadmill - you still touch the buttons and handles. It's just rude. With all the crazy germs out there now, I wipe down the machine before and after my workout and then head straight to the bathroom to wash my hands. before I touch anything (like my face).

    The other peeves I can deal with. If the gym is somewhat crowded, I will purposely take a machine directly next to someone else so that if a pair of workout buddies come in, they can take two machines together. I have been in their shoes before and it sucks when you can't work out next to your friend. But I agree, if someone has poor hygiene I would appreciate they didn't take the machine next to me either! (How do you not know you smell?). Sometimes it is motivation, too. If the person next to me looks like a regular, it makes me push harder.

    For those who hate when someone else looks over at their machine, don't take it as he/she is being competitive but as a compliment! Usually it is just out of curiousity (you look fit and they want to be too) or it is someone new to the gym and the machine. I had no idea how to program my gym's treadmills for the longest time, so I would peak at my neighbor's to get a clue :smile: . Sometimes I see someone who's fitness I admire and I just want to see what they do. Sometimes, my eyes just wander and I don't even realize it. Let's face it, the gym can get boring and you just scan the room without trying intention.
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    There is this guy who reads the newspaper on the Nautilus upper body machines. Literally, he puts a towel on the seat, does a set, reads the newspaper for a while, then does another set. His rest periods are very long and he monopolizes a machine for at least 10 minutes, which can really ruin your rhythm if you are trying to do a machine circuit.
  • lewshetland
    lewshetland Posts: 52 Member
    People who treat the gym as a youth club or as a place to have a 'date' and spend the time flirting. At times I have just left the gym because it's so irritating.
  • TerminatorFRS86
    TerminatorFRS86 Posts: 61 Member
    People who treat the gym as a youth club or as a place to have a 'date' and spend the time flirting. At times I have just left the gym because it's so irritating.

    THIS for sure....I personally go to the gym to workout and to establish a new healthy lifestyle... I do not understand why some people treat the gym as a place to hook up.
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    people who think they DON'T have to take a shower because they are going to the gym ... man some people smell GROSS!
  • D3vAnge1
    D3vAnge1 Posts: 104 Member
    Nothing worse than people making the gym a "hot spot" for socializing...I do understand, but really can't you just exchange #s and do it at a coffee shop or something? Took, well tried to take a water aerobics class and although the instructor announced the class was beginning and attempted to begin, the chics behind me were chatting so loudly the few of us who came to workout couldn't hear the instructors instructions. So the instructor had to cut the music and announce that classes were just that, classes and if they wanted to continue their conversation they should go to the hot tub or sauna, anywhere but in her class. This interruption cost us nearly 7mins. I mean...REALLY?
  • amclaws25
    amclaws25 Posts: 128 Member
    When there are ten EMPTY treadmills and someone ALWAYS has to climb on the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!! UGH!

    This, especially when it's the infamous stinky old man at our gym in the used to be white shirt that is now pee yellow and he likes to touch his junk all the time! UGH!!

    Oh, and when people sit around chit chatting by the equipment. MOVE YOUR *kitten* or WORKOUT! LOL.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    1 - guys who put their bags in lockers but then dont lock the lockers
    2 - guys who dont use lockers & leave their bags lying around the changing room whilst they're working out
    3 - guys who drop free weights to the floor after their last rep
    4 - guys who stare at themselves all the time & pose into the mirrors admiring themselves
    5 - broken machines that never get fixed
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I just hate creepers in general at the gym!
  • LiftHuff
    not putting weights on a weight tree correctly (I get full workouts fixing this ****)

    You and me both, brother.
  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    definitely the folks who grunt and moan for EVERY. SINGLE. REP. I get it helps with the last couple, but the first one and two I shouldn't hear you over my headphones. I always feel like they are doing it for people to look over and see how much weight they are lifting,
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    when waiting for a piece of equipment they know your waiting they can see you standing there looking at them and inbetween their sets they get out their phone an type type .. its like hurry the F up
  • GnarlyBro
    GnarlyBro Posts: 17 Member
    People sitting and resting on the machine that you want to use! >:( Irritates me every time, like, you're done, now get off!
  • ForTheSmile
    ForTheSmile Posts: 89 Member
    I go to Curves and it drives me crazy when people get to talking and don't move off the machines when they're supposed to. xD
  • MonicaMeeks
    MonicaMeeks Posts: 15 Member
    My pet peeve is "gym bunnies". They wear make up to the gym and are looking for a boo thang. Move please and let those of us who are serious about working out use the equipment.
  • KT022
    KT022 Posts: 46 Member
    People who fart! Or wear too much deodorant! When I'm doing cardio and struggling to breathe already, I don't need those smells choking me!
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    So I was at the gym the other day and realized how much I HATE it when I'm on the treadmill or elliptical and the person next to me constantly looks over at my machine to see what level I'm on or how many calories I burned :noway: . It's probably not that big of a deal, but it still really irritates me

    So what are your gym pet peeves?

    that really iritates me too! Its like they are competing with me .

    HA! I do this! And I am! I thought I was being sneaky about it, but I guess I was wrong. I apologize on behalf of all of us competitive looky-loos and I promise I won't do it again. :(
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I hate it when I'm on the treadmill and a lovely young lady joins me to my left or right and she isn't wearing the right type of support bra. I don't even know where to look, I start looking at the cieling, the floor...I was even examining my nails while running at 8.0. All in the name of not being a creeper.
    HAHAHAHAHA! :laugh: Kudos to you for at least trying to avoid creeping. :smile: