Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • cgjohnson248
    cgjohnson248 Posts: 7 Member
    When the rest of treadmills ( or ellipticals) are empty and a person jumps on the one right next to me.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    when people talk to me. lol. I mean when they are trying to have an actual conversation with me. I don't mind quick hello's or comments or questions, but I don't want to stand around and talk to you for 10 minutes. I have things to do.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    definitely the folks who grunt and moan for EVERY. SINGLE. REP. I get it helps with the last couple, but the first one and two I shouldn't hear you over my headphones. I always feel like they are doing it for people to look over and see how much weight they are lifting,
    Because they are. And whenever it happens, I can't help but wonder -- do they do that during sex, too? And of course, then I'm either desperately trying to erase the mental image or fighting off a giggle fit.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    I don't work out at a gym anymore.

    This is why.

    I would hear animal noises.


    When your lifting heavy it gets hard not too breathe js
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    People with horrible form, Cardio hoes, People who try to lift way to much weight than they can actually do
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    People who rush to beat me in getting to a machine or bench. Is this a competition? Then I go somewhere else and watch them and they take forever. I could have done at least fifteen sets while they were there screwing around.

    I've been at my gym for a long time. I know which ellipticals work (ie, won't unplug, the machine is set in the increments I use (lb, not kg), the pedals are balanced, the machine doesn't sound like it's going to die when I use it, etc) and it sucks when I have to go in next to someone one when there are 10 open and broken ones all around us.

    I also don't like it when women come in, claim an elliptical by putting all their junk on it, then walk away to do who knows what. There's a locker room available for a reason.

    I hate it when toned, fit women use such a low weight on the machine, you have to ask "what's the point?" 30-40 pounds for the hip abduction/adduction?

    When 4 of the 6 TV's are set to the same channel.

    And I've had to ask the child care to call me instead of paging me over their sound system. It sucks and the speakers sound like we're in a train station... echo-y and impossible to comprehend.
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    To me its when women at the gym are overly confident and get naked in front of everyone and flaunt it a little too much. Any one for that matter. They should really have changing rooms at the gym.
  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    People who reserves the freakin' bench, any machine, or squat rack while they're doing something else. I'm like "hey mother**** can I use this real quick? I just need to finish my last set then it's all youuurs.. and i mean all yoooouuuursssss."
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    People who treat the gym like a cat walk / fashion exchange. (Directed to Essex Girls, chavs and Valley Girls)
    People talking to me when I can just about breathe!
    Smelly people.
    People who 'hover'.. they seem to 'hover' around not doing much. just being nosey...
  • ItsTheBeebs
    doesnt affect me but just makes me wonder...

    people who come in wearing their gym clothes work up a sweat (and dont bring a towel) and then just stroll out.
    Fair enough there is a shower at your house but i like to be clean! as soon as im done in the gym i go straight to have a shower in the locker room, not wait 20mins to drive home let the sweat go dry and stale then wash.

    Just an opinion i guess

    I try to zone into what im doing and try not to worry about others are doing so if someone gets on the treadmill next to me i remain facing forward and ignore what they are doing. Judge me all you like im here for me to improve my body, if you have a problem that im not running as fast as me out on it dont just stare at my screen :)
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    doesnt affect me but just makes me wonder...

    people who come in wearing their gym clothes work up a sweat (and dont bring a towel) and then just stroll out.
    Fair enough there is a shower at your house but i like to be clean! as soon as im done in the gym i go straight to have a shower in the locker room, not wait 20mins to drive home let the sweat go dry and stale then wash.

    Just an opinion i guess
    I live 3 minutes from my gym...much easier for me to just drive home than haul everything I need for a shower. Not saying that's everyone at your gym, but maybe it's some of them?
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    People who don't wipe down the machines.

    People who hang around on a machine chatting or using their smartphone instead of working out. AHEM! Other people want the machine!

    Men who hang around watching group exercise classes. Creeps.

    Women who come into the gym wearing more makeup than any of the Real Housewives (TOWIE if you're a Brit) and proceed to pretend to work out.

    You just typed everything i wanted to say! ;-)
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    The two guys who start doing karate moves on each other every night in the weight area by the squat benches. THERE IS NOT ROOM. This isn't MMA class. And those aren't even real techniques you are doing, asshats.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I hate people talking to me when i try to concentrate and then when i stop to listen they start talking to someone else. It happens alot and its always women. happened today and i was happy when she left :smile:
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    Hmm... interesting info here. I'm thinking about joining a local gym. I'll keep these in mind ;)
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    People who reserves the freakin' bench, any machine, or squat rack while they're doing something else. I'm like "hey mother**** can I use this real quick? I just need to finish my last set then it's all youuurs.. and i mean all yoooouuuursssss."

    This too
  • averysmom914
    YES!! This drives me crazy, too!!
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    When there are ten EMPTY treadmills and someone ALWAYS has to climb on the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!! UGH!

    YEEEEEEESSSSS!!!! What is THAT about???? :huh:
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    Woman that wear make-up and jewelry like they are at the club and do next to nothing while staring at everyone else working out.

    Ppl that dont wipe off the machines.

    Guys that get on the treadmill behind me just to watch my *kitten* while Im on the elliptical.

    ppl that get on the machine right next to me (and theres 15 empty ones left)

    I guess I have the same c/o as just about everyone else on here. lol:laugh:
  • averysmom914
    definitely the folks who grunt and moan for EVERY. SINGLE. REP. I get it helps with the last couple, but the first one and two I shouldn't hear you over my headphones. I always feel like they are doing it for people to look over and see how much weight they are lifting,
    Because they are. And whenever it happens, I can't help but wonder -- do they do that during sex, too? And of course, then I'm either desperately trying to erase the mental image or fighting off a giggle fit.

    LOL!!! Yep, this is hilarious!!!