Skyla08 Member


  • I made these earlier this week and LOVE them!! Thank you so much for sharing! Gonna be making these very often!! :)
  • My husband took me to my favourite restaurant, and then we went back to my parents house (they played a part in helping him, and they were not home) When i walked in the door there was a trail of rose pedals leading to the spare room where he had the ring box open with a bouquet of red roses sitting on a little table. He…
  • I have never read Twilight or watched the movie as i'm not into the vampire thing. I am on book 2 of 50 shades and I LOVE IT! Not the best written book with spelling and such but it is so addictive! Can't wait to finish the whole series! :)
  • I am so sorry for your loss. I know to well what it is like to put down a dog, and it is extremely difficult. Your wonderful story brought tears to my eyes, as I think about my own two young dogs at home (4 & 2). They are part of the family, and I love them like they are my children. Be thankful for the 14yrs you had him,…
  • Great Post thanks for sharing! I too am tired of being overweight! I started my journey 4 weeks ago and I am down 15lbs so far! I still have a lot more to lose, but I am taking it one day at a time and not focusing on how far I still have to go. Me and hubby are in this together, and want to start a family, so we need to…
  • You look AMAZING!! I am one month into my journey, so thank you for the visual motivation! Great job!
  • Hello from Bowmanville, Ontario! I sent you a friend request! :)
  • Saying HELLO from Bowmanville, Ontario...about an hour east of Toronto! :)
  • bump...
    in Shoe Help??? Comment by Skyla08 May 2012
  • Thansk everyone!! I look forward to trying it out tonight/tomorrow! :)
  • Thanks so much for the replies!! I will save this and make it tonight! The only question I have is can you subsitute the dill/mint for anything else? Hubby really doesn't like dill, and i'm not sold on using mint? Do you think Parsly would work instead?
  • I freaking love that place! Ever since I was a kid I would go there with my parents when on vacation in the states! Luckily for me I only get there about once a year now...great country cooked food! mmmm
  • I am on the other side of this...people at work pass around sweets all the time and now that i'm on track to eating healthy they all look at me like "WTF why isn't the fat girl taking the treats" it's almost like people just assume that because I am overweight I will eat sweets, or go for seconds, or take the last piece of…
  • I'm in Bowmanville as well! :) Looking for friends and support too!! :) Might be a bit to far for walking buddies but it's always good to have support in the area! :)
  • OMG you are AMAZING!!!! Congrats on your accomplishment so far!! I have just started (week 3 weigh in on monday) and you have given me loads of inspiration! Thank you for sharing, and I look forward to joining you in Onederland soon! :)
  • Very intersting topic to read! I have been using Becel for like ever as was under the impression that it was better for you. I don't use a lot of it but now i'm starting to think twice of using it at all. I will have to look into switching to the real deal. Thanks for the info.
  • I love my carbs too, but since I started here (2 weeks now) I have only been eating carbs with breakfast and lunch. I have heard that your last carb should be at lunch as it gives you time to work it off. About once a week we have a carb at dinner (usually like a tortilla when we make pizza, or a pita when it's greek…
  • Me and hubby are TTC as well! But it has been struggle, so right now i'm trying to lose weight and hopefully that will help! :) Glad to see there are other woman here that are in the same boat! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other!!
  • Today I had scarmbled eggs (1 whole egg, 2 egg whites) with spinach & tomato on top of a whole wheat english muffin! Made it last night and just had to heat it up this morning! Being prepared makes all the difference!! :)
  • Thanks everyone I knew I would get some great ideas here! So do you guys put the fruit right in your water?? I usually just squeeze the lemon in? Which is why I couldn't grasp getting other flavors?
  • I'm with you! Any little goals I can make along the way to motivate me!! :)
  • Thanks so much for the advice!! I will have to give it a try...I might just surprise myself!
  • I have a question about C25K as well?? I just started my healthy lifestyle and have a lot of weight to lose. For exercise I either walk outside, Treadmil or elliptical at the gym. How do you know if you are ready to start this program? The thought of running (jogging) scares the crap out of me??? Should I wait and lose…
  • I completely understand where you are coming from. When me and hubby were on track earlier this year it was the same for me too! I would sometimes lose more then him, but for the most part i worked harder and ate better and he would still lose good numbers. We both fell off the wagon and are now back at it again! Right now…
  • Thank you so very much for sharing that story. I more then relate to it, and know exactly what it feels like to be judged on a daily basis for being overweight. Taking the train to work you are more then reminded that you do not fit in the seat properly and I feel like i'm always trying to squish myself in order not to…