Anyone losing weight to try to conceive?



  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Me too. Feel free to add me as a friend. I want to lose weight and of course just be healthy overall. I hope it works out for all of us.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    I am loving all the support. Lots of baby dust coming our way to us all :)
    Feel free to add me ladies xxxx
  • iamkateiam
    iamkateiam Posts: 28 Member
    I'll make a group- but I need helps with names! Post some suggestions and we'll make this group a reality (c:

    Check out the existing group "Fit for Future Pregnancy" they have a lot of great resources there already.

    Great idea! Why reinvent the wheel?
    See you guys there (c:
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    Dh and I spent almost a year ttc our first and a little more then two for our second. The biggest thing I can suggest is that both partners get an in depth health checkup. The ob's I went to all said oh yea because your spouse knocked you up before it must be the women s fault. Even though I had every health and fertility test known to man and everything said I was perfect. That is absolutely 100% not true, both parents must be tested every time there is a fertility issue.

    Years after my dh and I were ttc we found out that his testosterone was on the low side as some of his minerals and electrolights. This can drastically affect sperm quantity and quality. If they had tested my dh years ago we could have found out what the actual problem was... dh's food allergies had gotten worse and included more things he was allergic to. He has cut out more things in his diet and surprise surprise he is no longer sick or has low hormone levels.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Up until now all the doctors I have seen, and my OBGYN included has said I am healthy as an OX and can begin to try for children. Well...NEWS FLASH...I am 5'3 and 291 lbs!! How in the hell is that healthy? I mean really? I am loosing my weight before my husband and I start trying...that is my motivation. So feel free to add me :)
  • Ladybezoar
    My name is Lynda my hubby and I have been trying for a couple years now. We have been married for almost 10 years. Before we got married I lost 80lbs doing Herbalife and I was feeling great.

    I started taking birth control right before we married and in the first 4 months I gained all the weight back plus 20 lbs. I also had horrible headaches. We decided the negative effects were not worth it and that if we were meant to have a baby then we would get pregnant and if not we wouldn't (higher powers and all). Well I got pregnant right away but miscarried in my 13th week. Although it was heart breaking I was ok since we hadn't been married long and I wanted some time.

    10 years later we have had another 2 miscarriages and I have tried everything under the sun to lose weight. If there is a pill or plan I have tried it. We have also had all the test done and nothing can be found . After the miscarriages they say that my hormones seem off balance so other than that there is nothing wrong. When we asked if it could be related to weight the doctors insist that it isn't because much larger women have carried to term.

    What I know.. I lose, I conceive, I miscarry. That is the pattern until 2 years ago when I stopped conceiving too. They have since tried clomid but I think in the end it is all weight related even though they say otherwise.

    Weight-loss is a mystery to me but now a healthy lifestyle that has resulted in weight-loss is opening a new world to me. MFP has helped me so much to understand why I have not been able to get over the weight-loss hurdle. As of today I have lost 32 lbs and my husband has lost 33. We are going strong and we are not not trying but If I can lose at least another 50 lbs before we conceive I think that will help our ability to conceive and carry to term.

    I think a group would be great! I have been looking for support from people who are in a similar situation as I am and would love anyone to add me if you would like.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    came across this thread this morning even tho it has absolutely nothing to do with me. found myself reading all the stories, but i don't know why. was just surfing the net and found this article on and figured id post it here... maybe it'll help some of you on your goals. good luck!
  • cvpis4me
    cvpis4me Posts: 50
    While my husband and I are no longer TTC, we did do the whole fertility treatment thing. Clomid, IUI's, IVF's, FET's, acupuncture, the whole nine yards. After 5 ART treatments resulting in one miscarriage and no babies we've moved on to adoption. Fertility meds can do a number on your bodies so good for you for losing weight during the process! I kinda waited till after we quit fertility treatments to lose the weight. Who knows, maybe if I lose 50 lbs we'll magically conceive but I doubt it. I think that ship has sailed :)
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    Hubby and I started TTC July 2008 and as you can see from my ticker, no luck yet. The only time I have had the second line was through ovarian cysts. Not nice. I am on the waiting list for injections so hopefully they will work. Fingers crossed.

    Although I am overweight, I am not overly overweight. My reasons for losing weight is to go on the IVF waiting list if needed and the criteria is very specific, I don't want to go on the waiting list to go on the waiting list. Trying to get ahead of time. Plus, being lighter will mean a 'healthier' pregnancy and more energy.
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    Have we come up with a group name yet?
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    We are not actively TTC, but we probably will be within the next year with #4. I hit over te 200 lb mark with my 3 boys and I would love to get things under control and not gain so much weight. You would think that I wouldn't gain that much running after 3 boys, but you certainly can. I am focusing on getting my body in shape (Disney Vacation in Oct 2012 w/ a 8 yo, 6 yo, & 1 yo) and eat healthier. I would love to follow all you ladies on your journey. I am difinately going to check out the group.
  • shannon121278

    It's mainly for those of you trying to conceive AND trying to lose weight at the SAME time. Not neccessarily for those of you trying to lose weight to get pregnant in the FUTURE. But you're welcome to join anyways.

    Copy and paste the link, if that doesn't work, search under groups for "Losing Weight & TTC Together".
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    No more babies here but i just wanted to wish you all luck!! We were TTC for 17 cycles and i know my weight was contributing to the problem of hormonal imbalance (progesterone defect). I finally did get pregnant on the 17th cycle with clomid and progesterone suppositories for 16 weeks. And when she was 7 months old. SURPRISE! Her brother was on his way LOL. Funny how life works. Best of luck to you all!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! I am a working momof a 2 year old little girl. We are thinking of trying to conceive baby #2 soon ~ my husband is ready, but I have been hestitant as I had wanted to lose another 25 - 30 pounds. I have struggled this last year, and after losing 22 pounds I managed to gain back half :grumble: At this point I plan to continue with my healthier eating habits and exercise routine, and if I reach my goal that's great, ~ in the end, at least I will be on a better path and hopefully have my weight gain & nutrition in control for a healthy pregnancy for baby and me. Good luck to all on this exciting journey! :happy:
  • angie_sample
    angie_sample Posts: 190
    ME!! :) When i first started eating healthy June2011 i was 263 pounds and my cycles had totally stopped. Cant get pregnant if ur not ovulating. So we started eating healthy and exercising, cycles started back up and they are like clockwork. Im currently 188 and have another 20 pounds to go and we will officially start ttc. We are so excited!! :)
  • Skyla08
    Skyla08 Posts: 32 Member
    Me and hubby are TTC as well! But it has been struggle, so right now i'm trying to lose weight and hopefully that will help! :)
    Glad to see there are other woman here that are in the same boat! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other!!
  • bck80
    bck80 Posts: 81 Member
    i am, and it's not going very well:(
  • norelmsuarez
    norelmsuarez Posts: 12 Member
    I have tried the HCG diet and have only lost 5 lbs
    Salad and veggies make me lose wgt but sticking to just that is the hard part
    My parents are 232 and 190
    MY husband is at 218 and I'm at 217
    profile pic I was at 145 in 2008, wedding pic I was at 180 in 2010, other 2 pics are recent
    short term goal - feb 20, 2014 - 199
    long term goal - feb 20, 2015 (my 5 yr anniversary) - way below 180 w/o mirena and ttc for our 1st baby!