Do you need some motivation? Try reading this.

So I am 38 and have 3 kids (20,9 &9) I have been overweight for 20 years. I have dieted on and off for 20 years. I woke up 1 day about 2 months ago and a light bulb came on and I was DONE being fat. I went and saw a nurtionalist and about 2 weeks later got with it. So now fast forward 6 weeks.....

I am now on week 6... I have lost 22 pounds. I have lost 22.5 inches total. And FYI I am not looking for any of those lost pounds or inches they can stay lost.
I feel 100 % better. I used to have NO energy and was tired all the time. Now I have energy, I am not tired anymore. I now excersie everyday for 20 min to and hour. I am happier. I feel more confident (most days).
The last 6 weeks have really gone by fast. 6 weeks ago I never would have guessed I would have made it this far and now I cant imagine ever going back. I am so glad I didnt put it off any longer! I now think "wow if I wouldnt have started this 6 weeks ago, I would still be 215.8 pounds instead of 193.8. What a differance 6 weeks can make!!!! I cant wait to see the next 6 weeks!!!

So....If you are really ready to do this and got your head in the right place...DO IT!! dont wait!! weeks from now you will be so happy you didnt wait!

6 weeks ago I was a tired, moody, lazy, unhappy, depressed mom of 3 and wife. Not anymore!!! Get moving YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!

and FYI as a side note...( caution may be TMI!!) sex even gets better!! When you dont have as much fat in the way!


  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I had the same moment right after my mom died. I'm kind of an all or nothing girl and letting go of that really helped. I am only 27, but I have been for 11 years. :happy: I have two kids, 8 and one who will be 10 on Father's Day. I lost all the weight with my first and immediately got preg again. It was harder to drop those pounds and then my dad died, I was working a lot, the hubs had just opened his own restaurant and it all went to pot. I still work at 4am, but only 3 days a week now. It's easier now that the kids are both in school, too. But what it really takes is that moment. The I'm not going to take it anymore moment. And you know what? We are all happier for it! So good for you and keep it up!
  • jennb78
    jennb78 Posts: 13
    Thanks for this post. I have been somewhat trying since March and haven't accomplished much. I am a wife and mother of 2 and work full time. I feel sad and angry alot and tired. I have thought hard about it and thought maybe I should talk to someone but then when I go over the conversation of what I would say in my head I think it is actually because I tell myself I am trying and don't put in much physical effort and I fail and I think I am just upset with myself. I know it is possible to lose the weight everyone is doing it and I have done it before!!
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for this post. I have been somewhat trying since March and haven't accomplished much. I am a wife and mother of 2 and work full time. I feel sad and angry alot and tired. I have thought hard about it and thought maybe I should talk to someone but then when I go over the conversation of what I would say in my head I think it is actually because I tell myself I am trying and don't put in much physical effort and I fail and I think I am just upset with myself. I know it is possible to lose the weight everyone is doing it and I have done it before!!

    In the last 6 weeks I have learned that 90% (if not more) of losing weight and eatting healthy is all in your head, it is mental. If your head is not in the right place, you prob will fail, BUT if your mind is in the right place,like the other poster say...the moment, the I'm not going to take it any longer moment, you WILL do it. Some people dont ever get to that moment but the ones that do are happier, healthier and better for it.
  • Skyla08
    Skyla08 Posts: 32 Member
    Great Post thanks for sharing! I too am tired of being overweight! I started my journey 4 weeks ago and I am down 15lbs so far! I still have a lot more to lose, but I am taking it one day at a time and not focusing on how far I still have to go. Me and hubby are in this together, and want to start a family, so we need to take care of ourselves first! Cheers to getting our lives back! (can't wait for the better sex part haha, not that i'm complaing with what I have now, but I can see where having less fat would be beneficial)
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    This is so true. Today should be the day that we all want to be healthier and feel proud. I don't know what it is that doesn't work in my mind after 4pm? I will keep logging.... thanks for the post