

  • thought the fibre was needed to keep us 'moving' health experts always moan we don't get enough of the stuff, if you eat too much it will just move on out faster me thinks ;)
  • Scotland here!:happy:
  • just had my review at gym and was advised to mix my cardio and weight, i.e on my visit do cardio warm up, then a circuit then cardio then circuit cardi then circuit. more muscles more calories you burn ,
  • being vegetarian does not limit options for breakfast, my current diet plan allows 40 gram porridge with 120ml of semi skimmed milk, zap for 2mins in microwave, can add dried fruit before cooking , cinnamon and it fills you up and oats have low GI so slow release of energy will keep you going for ages.
  • great about some dancing in the shopping aisles :) See if you can get a stranger to join in lol I agree with the craving part, constantly saying no is hard work so I will often have a bit rather than a whole portion of something the rest of family is enjoying. Tonight they had Dominos Pepperoni, once I used MFP…
  • sea weed is very good for you, coming from the islands I have eaten dishes made with it. I take them as I too read they were good for improving the metabolism. I don't notice any strange side effects, take three tablets a day. Weight is going down but i am exercising and dieting so would probably do it anyway. Give them a…
  • I tend to fall off wagon every weekend which is slowing my progress! good luck, your mind seems to be in the right place so hope the body gets there too!
  • And don't even start on boobs! Lopsided at best of times lol
  • I weigh myself morning and night and I know i am not supposed to, but I find it reassuring how knowing that in one day my weight fluctuates within a 3lb range and the main one I consider as my actual weight is that first morning naked weigh in lol. So in course of a week I don't stress too much over going up and down so…
  • Hepy: love the idea of burning calories chewing sugar free gum or mints, unfortunately I can't be bothered with gum after first few seconds once flavour wears off. May try sugar free mints in front of TV of an evening which is my 'danger zone'
  • i am also on diet chef feel free to add me as a friend. just passed that magic first stone marker this week. good Luck Kirsteen
    in i'm new Comment by knakau November 2010
  • only manage two, two hour sessions at the gym a week, burning just over 500 calories using cardio machines and swimming. The two hours includes sauna time and jacuzzi which is relaxation and worth every penny of the gym membership!
  • Is there a reverse ticker for those trying to gain? :) Good luck.
  • your daily calorie goal seems high if you are aiming for weight loss, or are you just trying to maitain weight? I just looked at your last food diary and the burger and fries appears to be the main problem other meals were healthy and well balanced. For lunch home made soups with lots of veg can be made by batch and frozen…
  • DANCE DANCE DANCE! Get the tunes on and boogie on down with your tot!
  • Welcome and good luck on the journey. It is not easy but will be worth it in end. I decided enough was enough a month ago when a size twenty dress would not go on me without removing a few ribs. Dress was poorly sized mind you as my size 14 pal just managed to Zip it up which cheered me up a bit. Was introduced to Diet…
  • good luck, find the food tracker fantastic! If not for it i would be instarvation mode all the time rather than boosting my intake.
    in Hello all Comment by knakau October 2010
  • well done! If you must have burger and bun go for proper fresh meaty burger not cardboard but yes i'll admit tasty mckey D!
  • the diet plan I am on advises a minimum amount of calorise as well as a max, if you don't eat enough you could go into starvation mode. If it is any comfort my body weight alters throughout the day between 1 and 3 lbs (i know we are just supposed to weigh one a week at set time!) I find it reassuring that there is this…
  • You look fantastic, your tummy my problem zone looks great..nice to know there is prospect of a flat tummy at end of this lol Well done you.
  • Hi there, Feel free to add me. I am currently on diet chef program which is similar to Jenny Craig I think with all meals delivered. Only in my third week but loving it and does not feel like a diet. When i started plan my husband was in Afghanistan so only myself and four year old to worry about. now hubby is home I find…
  • I have bought a book 15 Minute home Workout with a DVD has 20 different express exercises, only just got it yet to use it though!
  • I'm on Diet Chef program where all food is prepared and delivered monthly i just have to add fruit and veg and a bit of bread to make up calorie total per day. Managing daily intake and exercise on MFP.
  • Congratulations on 2lb loss. i am on the diet chef progrm and first time i have ever enjoyed being on a diet. Rejoined a gym...had a few different attempts in past. working Mum with hubby in army so difficult to find time...jacuzzi is great though!