What diet are you on?

Just out of curiosity - what kind of diet/exercise program do you use? I bought Tom Venuto's BFFM book 5 years ago and lost the weight from my first child with it. Now I am using it to lose weight from my second child and I just love it! But it does require a lot of work - I count calories and food ratios religiously (which is where MFP helps a lot!) and I do cardio and weights 5 times a week. But I am never hungry and don't have any unusual cravings! And I get to have a cheat day (not a crazy all-you-can-eat type) once in every 4 days which is when I can have sushi!


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I follow my own diet regime. I count my calories on MFP, i take my kids for walks, i eat smaller portions, i make healthier choices & voila.
  • knakau
    knakau Posts: 29
    I'm on Diet Chef program where all food is prepared and delivered monthly i just have to add fruit and veg and a bit of bread to make up calorie total per day. Managing daily intake and exercise on MFP.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I basically eat whatever I want except I eat the serving size and stay within my alloted calories for the day :)
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I stay within my calories for the day and choose healthy whole foods.. and i do my best to stay under sugar, fat and carbs as well.. And i exercise (cardio) 6 days a week for an hour a day..
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Weight Watchers.

    I dropped 30 pounds on it two years ago and stopped before I reached my goal. I'm back to take the rest off.

    I do my own exercise "program" (if you can call it that). I do a lot of different things, but mainly:

    Free weights
    Balance ball
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    I'm just winging it. I use MFP to track calories and exercise. I track myself 6 days a week and on the 7th I track exercise, but not food.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I basically eat whatever I want except I eat the serving size and stay within my alloted calories for the day :)

  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I just eat within my allotted calories per day. I must say, life is so much easier this way....After doing Weight Watchers, South Beach Diet, and Atkins, just plain old counting calories seems to be the least stressful.

    Also, I realized from using this site for a few days that this is pretty much the same service Weight Watchers provides, except here you count the calories, instead of "points". I can't believe I've spent so much money on the WW "program", when MFP provides all the same tools for FREE!!!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Something that I made up and MFP encourages. I count my calories and use good judgement on what is okay for me to eat and use portion control.
  • sharonuk10
    I follow my own diet regime. I count my calories on MFP, i take my kids for walks, i eat smaller portions, i make healthier choices & voila.

    Same here!!! Except I don't have kidds to take for walks. I do take walks just with my husband. LOL
  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    Not really on a "diet" I count the calories and eat the right portion sizes. I also try and exercise at least 20 minutes a day...some times more some times less...I've lost 8 pounds since August 25th so something is working. LOL
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    yeah i keep it simple as well. i track my cals on here and choose healthier foods. i also excercise a minimum of 5 days a week. it is the easiest and cheapest i have ever tried to lose weight and so far its the only way that has worked for me. I have done Atkins, Jenny Craig, Rice diets, counting just fat, counting just carbs, as well as the richard simmons deal-a-meal. nothing has ever worked like choosing for myself healthier foods ;)
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I was really excited to see all the people who are learning to eat with in there calorie range. And not doing diets. I was surprised as well. With all the quick weight-loss plans I thought for sure I would see more fad stuff. I too am taking it one meal at a time and trying to watch my sodium and stay under 1400 calories a day.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I do carb cycling and do sports circuit training 3 times a week and run between 10-15 miles a week
  • sutehi
    sutehi Posts: 36 Member
    For weight loss, the only special thing I'm doing is counting my calories and drinking crazy amounts of water. Really, the water is the biggest, and most effective, change I've made.

    For overall health and feeling good, I try to eat mostly whole foods, which I make from scratch myself, and which are more plant-based than animal-based. I also try to get in some form of physical activity every day, ideally spread out in smaller chunks throughout the day, rather than in one big burst. These are the things which make me feel physically and emotionally good. They may also help with the weight loss, but I'd be doing them anyway.
  • camille45
    camille45 Posts: 106 Member
    i am basically trying not to look at this as a diet, diet implies something that is temporary. im trying to do this as a life style change. So i am just trying to incorporate this new change into my life because its gonna have to stay this way. Thats why i am chosing to use real foods, learn to cook and eat healthier.

    i basically try to stay within my allotted calories as MFP suggest. i am trying to watch sodium so this site helps with that. I am excited if i stayed within my sodium limit as well as my calorie limit. I basically eat what i want , just watch my portions and when i can i try to plan meals, look up foods in the database if we are going out to eat so that i can find a dish that i can eat within my caloires. i eat low cal snacks about two a day and drink plenty of water. one of my problems was that i was so addicted to gourmet coffee that i would often drink enough calories for a small meal. Im trying to stay away from that.
    I excecise about 4-5 times a week, i do the Firm workouts and some Windos Pilates to mix it up a bit. The DVDs are great for variety so u wont get bored and i also walk on the treadmill. When i work out i try to do so for about 30-40 minutes each time. i use weights when i work out to firm up.

    Also im trying to not drink so much fruit juice it has a lot of sugar in it. I like eating the actual fruit better because you can get the fiber and the nutrients that way.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I've been on Jenny Craig and started counting calories with that program with mfp. I'm starting to ween myself off of Jenny Craig. Like a baby bird learning to fly. Learning portion control is key with any program.

    I workout a lot with P90X and Insanity as well.
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 242 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I just eat within my allotted calories per day. I must say, life is so much easier this way....After doing Weight Watchers, South Beach Diet, and Atkins, just plain old counting calories seems to be the least stressful.

    Also, I realized from using this site for a few days that this is pretty much the same service Weight Watchers provides, except here you count the calories, instead of "points". I can't believe I've spent so much money on the WW "program", when MFP provides all the same tools for FREE!!!

    I was a WW member as well, and I feel the same way you do!!