Exercise calories

Do i have to eat the exercise calories, I am trying to stay between 1280-1300 calories a day, if i then exercise do i have to eat more? Seems to defeat the purpose of exercising to lose weight. Surely so long as i eat over 1200 i am not in starvation mode and the calories burned is a bonus?


  • mismgl83
    mismgl83 Posts: 24 Member
    If I've completed a really hard workout I use some of the exyta calories because your body needs the extra calories to repair and itself, however I always try to stay under the calorie level, extra or not. I particularly focus on getting extra protein by eating lean means after working out with some veggies.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    As long as you don't go under a net 1200, after exercise, you should be good...at least until you get to maintenance mode. Most people recommend eating about half of the exercise calories while trying to burn weight.
  • kerri76
    kerri76 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't eat my exercise calories. I eat 1200 cals a day. I figure those exercise cals can be my buffer in case I fall off the wagon one or two days. I say...exercise calories are a bonus!!!

    BTW, how many days are you working out and approx how many cals are you burning at every workout?
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You need 1200 NET cals consumed to stay out of starvation mode. It doesn't defeat the purpose of exercising to losing weight, it's fueling your body properly and setting good habits for your metabolism. Not everyone eats all of their calories back but you should at least eat enough to NET over 1200. (ie, MFP gives you 1280 + you workout and Burn 300= you should eat 1500 cals)

    Also consider that sometimes eating all of your calories plus some is good on occasion- it keeps your body guessing and thats what keeps it burning.

    Remember- at about 180 lbs a woman with a sedintary lifestyle burns about 1800 calories perday. So eating 1300 cals is a 500 cal deficit. (this is why 1 lb per week is recommended)
  • betzyrama
    betzyrama Posts: 26 Member
    I'm trying to balance myself around 1200. So on days that I know I'm faced with eating more (like today is payday, there will probably be a couple wines involved), I exercise, so that I can eat what I enjoy. If I stuck with the 1200 I ate yesterday but burned 400 doing Zumba, my net cals would only be 800. That's not good! So yesterday I didn't exercise, and today I did, so I won't feel guit about the wine.

    Exercise isn't just about the calories you're burning that day, exercise makes you fitter and builds muscle
    (which makes you burn more cals at rest), and improves your mood, circulation, and overall well being.

    I would say at least try to eat half of your exercise cals, if not all of them. However, if you're just not hungry, leave it. :bigsmile:
  • AmandaR910
    I don't eat my exercise calories.
  • knakau
    knakau Posts: 29
    only manage two, two hour sessions at the gym a week, burning just over 500 calories using cardio machines and swimming. The two hours includes sauna time and jacuzzi which is relaxation and worth every penny of the gym membership!