I just wanna say...

I hate scales! Hate, hate, hate them!! I really need some self control on stepping away from it. LOL. seriously, I went from weighing myself every day to weighing myself once a week and now my bad habit is coming back with weighing myself every day. I hate seeing the scale fluctuate! But I just won't stop!


  • sallyLunn
    Store it someplace hard to get to.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I know that some say that weighing yourself every day is not a good idea. Maybe, but I do it too. I know it will fluctuate from day to day as I'm losing the weight. But I was able to keep my weight down for years by weighing & checking myself daily. After my surgeries and whatnot a few years ago, I stopped. I was too busy recovering, etc. and did not bother. I wish I had ...now I'm paying for it:sad:
  • knakau
    knakau Posts: 29
    I weigh myself morning and night and I know i am not supposed to, but I find it reassuring how knowing that in one day my weight fluctuates within a 3lb range and the main one I consider as my actual weight is that first morning naked weigh in lol. So in course of a week I don't stress too much over going up and down so long as overall trend is down...