

  • Great idea. Focus on getting stronger/faster, and being as healthy as you can be. The important thing is to feel great, especially because you're only 16lbs away. Once you reach that what are you going to do if you can't focus on the scale because you don't want to lose more weight (or it's unhealthy)?
  • I don't think I've ever heard of any risks to taking fish oil (unless for some reason you have an allergy or condition, and/or your doctor recommends against it). I took it for a while then stopped, mostly because I'd forget to take it. Some of them smell or taste weird, so find one that works for you. My friend took one…
  • 1 lb fat = 3500 cals / 7 days per week = 500 cals a day. 1540 - 500 = 1040. MFP is against you eating less than 1200 cals day (I'm really not sure about the science behind this, can someone link me a peer reviewed article that says this is actually dangerous?) Anyway, Try eating lots of protein so you don't lose muscle…
  • When I do this, the water doesn't come out. Or am I not supposed to put my tongue inside? I can't tell from the picture.
  • I am a breakfast eater (I can't function without it!), But if I am going for a run or something and I don't want food in my stomach (sometimes it makes me feel blah or nauseous), I have a glass of orange juice (mostly sugar, but it will get burned off anyway) or a smoothie. Even a meal-replacement shake might do the trick.…
  • New Rules of Lifting For Women (NROL4W). I've been at it for a few weeks now and I can already tell that my butt is a little more lifted and I'm definitely stronger (I can get the heavy racks down at work, yay!) I'm also hungrier. It's awesome!! I can't wait for my workout today... It can be a little confusing at first but…
  • The only way to know for sure would be to log/record with a HRM.
  • Just going to say, don't generalize. Different strokes for different folks and all that jazz. If you start weightlifting you'll get a hot bod. And you'll have to eat more, because you'll be so damn hungry from working out. So try that.
  • I'd work on gaining muscle at this point, since you're near your goal. But if you do that, stop looking at the scale, because muscle is heavier than fat (you'd gain weight). Muscle would take longer to break down than fat would, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn resting. I think that doing this would…
  • I usually ballpark it. If it's not exact, I'm OK with that (I never eat 1,600 calories exactly anyways... I might have 1,539 today and 1,719 tomorrow). It all evens out in the end. I usually err on the side of caution and overestimate what I use rather than underestimate.
  • What are your goals? Weigh less? Look slimmer? Be stronger? Your trainer sounds like he's giving advice to get you to build muscle which isn't a bad thing. You need protein to build muscle, and you can't get those amino acids from fat, so you do need a high-protein diet. Your trainer's advice isn't bad, it actually lines…
  • You have three problems: 1) You're addicted to caffeine 2) You're addicted to the sugar 3) You're emotionally addicted to the drink Wean yourself down. Start with 2 cans a day instead of 3. When you're OK with that, go down to one. When you're OK with that, go down to zero. Cold turkey might not work for you because the…
  • Solid advice here. Find some crunchy snacks that are at least somewhat healthy. A bit of salt is OK and frankly most sodium comes from processed/packaged foods (rather than sprinkling it on yourself). The suggestion about going cold turkey for a bit is a really good one. You'll learn to notice flavours more (or find it…
  • Running/walking outside?
  • Isn't always enough. You need shoes that are right for your feet. So you could get the most expensive, squishiest shoes in the world and they won't be right for your feet. Go to a shoe store that specializes in running/walking shoes and have them fit you. A lot of them have special machines that you stand/walk on that…
  • This site explains how to get dry/cooked pasta yield (Sorry for short link, I'm on my phone)
  • Same here, I measure in two spots as well. And my hips are 7" below my bellybutton (because I think that's where I had to measure for sewing once and that's what I remember).
  • I do Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I'd suggest doing Tues, Fri, Sun, so you still get rest days (if you throw in Monday, you'll have three days in a row which can be difficult). If you want to work out on Mondays still, I'd suggest HIIT as the plan recommends. Otherwise, leave Monday as another day of rest. (You could also do…
  • There's no such thing as starvation mode, your body won't "shut down and store fat". However, if you're not eating enough (especially protein), then you won't gain muscle mass--in fact, your body might burn muscle as well as/instead of fat if there is insufficient energy from other sources. If you're not feeling hungry,…
  • I've heard that it's not that bad for you. The things that could be bad are: 1) Using too much weight. Write down what you do when you're sober and never ever exceed that when you're drinking (reps/sets as well) 2) Bad form. Just be extra careful and only do moves you know well. Maybe using machines would help alleviate…
  • Lie down and put them over your eyes on a hot day (maybe not in the sun or you'll get weird tan lines). I hate cucumber so that's the only thing I do with them :P
  • Well I think it would be pretty hard for you to be in starvation mode since it has been shown to not really exist. How tall are you and how much do you weigh right now? It's possible that at the gym you might be putting on muscle, leading to the weight gain, and if you're not burning much fat, then you might stay almost…
  • The extra calories a pregnant or nursing mother needs is very minimal--I read somewhere it was about 300cal/day extra (discuss this with your doctor!). So see what diet changes you can make and what dietary modifications you can make. A lot of the cravings you will experience are your hormones being nuts and not your body…
  • I'm just going to step in here to say that a child's nutrition early in life can determine their overall health and performance (at school and such) for the rest of their lives. So there might be choices and sacrifices you need to make, but if it were me, I'd put my child's nutrition at the top of the list, no matter how…
  • But if you have like 300 lbs to lose (or whatever, pick a big number), and use a big deficit to lose that weight, you CAN keep it off. But it means you can't go back to your old habits when you're done. You're going to have to slowly build up eating good foods until you find a level that you can maintain your weight. And…
  • 1) you probably lost water weight. This is neither good nor bad, just make sure you're getting enough water. 2) It could be visceral fat that is located between your organs. You can't see it, but it's there. If you're losing it, then it means you're probably extending your life. 3) 10 days is probably not enough to see…
  • I'll try that next time and see what happens. Hopefully me falling off of it doesn't happen ;)
  • No, there's nothing for step aerobics or anything :( My problem with that would be that I'd probably be using momentum to get me up instead of my muscles. I'm only 5'3 and the benches are just a little lower than knee height. Plus they're padded and they seem like they'd tip over if I didn't balance correctly (I have…
  • 23, you can add me! I am lonely on MFP hahaha