leannerob1984 Member


  • Hi, i have been thinking the same thing but thought it was down to exercise (i know, sounds weird) I have always had quite light periods but since i have been trying to lose weight and exercising more my last two have been heavy, extremely painful and exhausting and lasting much longer, which is having an adverse effect in…
  • Hi, im from Cambs and am currently waiting for a blood test to see if im gluten intolerant, so if anyone has any advice or recipes i would really appreciate it, i think my other half is getting annoyed with me refusing to eat bread/ pasta etc and dont know what i can actually eat! Feel free to add me x
  • Sorry to jump into the conversation, but what do you mean by resistance training? which exercises do you recommend?
  • I suppose my ultimate goal is to firstly lose weight and become more toned. I quite enjoy my workout DVDs but the main reason i do them is because with children its very difficult to get to a gym or have time for that matter. Plus when i have been to the gym before i tend to feel uncomfortable and self conscious - hence…
  • Hi, im from Cambs, and could really do with some friends for support and motivation, and advice! And am always willing to do the same. Please feel free to add me
  • Hi, good for you on wanting to lose weight and get healthy the right way, i was in the same boat and it took me a while to see what i was doing wasnt good! sending a friend request!
  • Hi, im from cambs! Always looking for support and friends, please feel free to add me :-)
  • I personally love the Davina workouts, im currently alternating between Ultimate Target and Body Buff and i find they really work for me, i like to feel like ive worked hard so i do both 30min sections plus warm up/ down. The ultimate target one is good coz it has the boot camp section which is mostly strength training…
  • Hi, you will generally lose the weight from all areas of your body but i find the best thing to help with my arms is strength training, i have noticed a vast improvement in my arms in the past few weeks, they look so more defined.
  • Hi, i have exactly the same problem at the moment, all i want to do is curl up on the sofa and eat chocolate and sleep! Mine are quite painful and makes me quite bloated so i dont feel like i have the energy to exercise. Plus its make you gain a couple of lbs during which never makes you feel good about yourself :-( Sorry…
  • Hi, not really made any changes, i have to eat bran (all bran, not flakes apparently) every day as i suffer from IBS so have to keep my fibre intake consistent, not great as this wipes out nearly all my fibre allowance for the day but its do-able most days. i try to have salads or fruit for my lunch to limit carbs then…
  • i dont normally but just wanted to make sure i was doing this right really, and whether what im eating and the exercises i do were correct or whether i need to make adjustments. Im quite new to this so want to ideally get off on the right foot x
  • Hi, im from UK and trying to lose 20lbs - 6lbs lost so far! x
  • Hi, I always work out at home bare foot, except, like you, when using the cross trainer. I find it easier and to be honest have always done it, but my main reason in the beginning was that i have cream carpet and didnt want to wear trainers on it lol! - stupid reason i know :-( but i have never had a problems. Good Luck!
  • Hi, im a mummy to my gorgeous 5 year daughter. ive sent you a friend request :-)
  • Oh my god, you look great! Well done! :-)
  • Well Done! you are doing an amazing job! i love reading posts like this- you are an inspiration to us all! And Happy Birthday! :-) x
  • Hi, i am also a recovering bulimic, i have off the laxatives for nearly two years now and i am so proud of myself for that. I had a wonderful counsellor and doctors who helped me through a really really bad time in my life. Even though i was warned that part of getting better would be to gain weight it was a struggle,…
  • Im resisting getting on the scales too soon - im so tempted to check but know its only been two days so wont have made any difference lol! I was going to weight myself on Monday as that would be exactly a week and intended to keep to that pattern. But as AprilOneFour pointed out maybe weighing myself just after the weekend…
  • Hi, newbie here, only joined yesterday so im hoping to stick to it! Im from Cambs and also have a holiday coming up - Tunisia in August and just want to look half decent by then, the thought of wearing swimwear is filling mw with dread! good luck everyone! feel free to add me as a friend - could do with the support! :-)
  • Thank you all for the advice, and thanks for the link lou-ann - it was really helpful! I never knew a roti would be healthier than a chapatti or poppadom, i will bear that in mind for tonight thanks again
  • my motivation is the fact that my clothes are getting abit too tight and i really dont want to buy a bigger size, to me that is like admitting defeat! Im finding it especially hard to lose the weight now as i have had problems with my eating before, it took me a while to get better and to not rely on anything. Even though…