Starting fresh! Would love motivating friends :)

Hello! I have just made a new MFP account to tackle my weightloss PROPERLY this time!!
I had an account last year when I lost just over 15kg but in an unhealthy manner.
Since then I have dropped my unhealthy mindset but almost gained back ALL of the weight!!
So today I am keen to start again and lose the weight the RIGHT way!
I want to lose 28kgs/61.6lbs by my birthday next March.

I'd love for anyone who is motivating & looking for support/weight loss buddies to add me as a friend!
We have to remember that we're not alone & we can all reach our goals with patience.



  • KathyTheKiwi
    KathyTheKiwi Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, Im the same as you. I signed into this site about 8 months ago and then did nothing!! I'd love to lose the weight but need the support to help me do it properly. I need to lose about 20kgs.
    What do you think? Be support buddies??
    I live in Dunedin in New Zealand, where are you?
  • kryzzleberry
    I live in Australia! I visited Dunedin in 2010 and I thought it was beautiful, reminded me so much of my hometown :)
    I'll add you as a friend now! x
  • leannerob1984
    leannerob1984 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, good for you on wanting to lose weight and get healthy the right way, i was in the same boat and it took me a while to see what i was doing wasnt good!
    sending a friend request!