friends?also ayone else a coeliac?

hello,im looking for some mutual support online or locally im UK St Ives cambs area,exercise buddys would be great,need motivation in that area big time!
Also im a coeliac and wondering anyone else on here coeliac? gluten free recipy sharing would be good.


  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member

    I'm a bit further north than you but also a coeliac. There is also a great gluten free group on here. I'll friend request you and i have an open diary and everything I log is gluten, dairy, soya and egg free.
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    Hello, I'm in the UK too but in Birmingham. I'm not coeliac but I do have IBS and so restrict bread/wheat intake and quite often rely on gluten free options when eating out. Feel free to friend me :)
  • tead1
    tead1 Posts: 4
    I'm in NZ, but i have Coeliacs, also fairly new here but you can search and add groups and they have forums which i found interesting/helpful :]
  • leannerob1984
    leannerob1984 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, im from Cambs and am currently waiting for a blood test to see if im gluten intolerant, so if anyone has any advice or recipes i would really appreciate it, i think my other half is getting annoyed with me refusing to eat bread/ pasta etc and dont know what i can actually eat!
    Feel free to add me x