kls13la Member


  • Mine stopped syncing with FitBit about mid-day on Saturday. Hope they get it fixed soon. I also noticed that the MFP app diary entry doesn't seem to be syncing with the MFP website entry. I've been able to enter all my food in the MFP app, but it's not showing up on the MFP website since breakfast on Saturday.
  • I’m having the same issue. Steps stopped syncing in MFP yesterday.
  • ^^^^ This. If the right connection is there, it won't matter when you sleep with them. They will stick around and want to be with you anyway. And the guys who are out just for sex are going to bolt anyway. You wait to have sex in order to weed out the ones who just want sex. I personally think it is better to wait,…
  • No, it's mostly kickboxing type moves, where you are twisting back and forth from side to side. I don't have problems with lunges and squats at all.
  • Definitely getting easier. It's one of the coolest things about this workout is when you think back to how hard it was the first time you did something, and how much easier it feels as you go along.
  • If I recall correctly, the recovery week sessions are about 32 or 33 minutes long. (Core Cardio and Balance). They are slightly shorter than the other workouts, but not easy! Core Cardio and Balance is actually one of my favorite workouts in the set, and I used to do it regularly after the first time I finished Insanity.
  • I don't do hang out dates at all early on. That doesn't necessarily mean I wouldn't invite a guy over for a glass of wine before we went out for the evening, but I do not agree to plans that involve staying in and cooking dinner or watching movies for the evening until at least the sixth date. That's usually about 3-4…
    in dates Comment by kls13la October 2013
  • Usually the person asking does the paying. If he asked you out and chose the restaurant, it is reasonable to expect him to pay for dinner. If he doesn't pick up the bill in a reasonable amount of time and put his credit card in the slot (i.e., indicating that he wants you to contribute), then offer to contribute. If he…
  • My least favorite part of Pure Cardio are the burpees (he calls them something else) he throws in at the end, like it's no big deal. I'm usually ready to die by then!
  • That's great! I also love it how with each workout I feel stronger and can do a little bit more. Although Insanity is sort of advertised as a big cardio workout, you do so many body weight exercises that it really does make you stronger, IMO. I loved the recovery week workout, and it's one I've done frequently since I…
  • I get really hungry during Insanity. I upped my calories the first time I did it by 100 a day. It seems counter intuitive, but I still ended up losing over 10 pounds during the 60 day run. I did Cardio Power and Resistance this morning (Day 3). I remember hating this one the first time I did Insanity, but I didn't mind it…
  • I actually like Pure Cardio because I get tired of doing the circuits three times in a row in the other DVDs. So, I find Pure Cardio to be a nice change. But yeah, it's hell! :)
  • Hi everyone! I am starting Insanity today. This is actually my second time doing it. I did it last year around this time, and when I finished felt like I was in the best shape of my life. So, although I've kept up working out over the past year, I've managed to gain back a few pounds and have lost some strength. So...time…
  • I feel your pain! My boyfriend also likes eating out (and drinking wine), which causes havoc for me! And he can eat so much more than me that it isn't fair! Obviously your best options are to skip the alcohol, appetizers, and dessert and order the healthiest thing you can find on the menu. But that's no fun. :laugh: So,…
  • I would meet guy #2 and decide if you even like him first. If you don't, it's a complete non-issue. You don't owe the new guy anything since you aren't exclusive, and I'm assuming you don't intend to meet guy #2 and immediately have sex with him. I never bring up the "what are we" conversation. I leave that to the man.…
  • I'm 38 and have never had any desire for kids. In fact, being around kids actually makes the feeling not to have any much stronger.
  • I 100% agree with this. I think it's downright strange (and borderline disrespectful) that she would show up to meet his friends and family wearing no make up and dressed uber casual. I think he had every right to be disappointed -- I know I would be. My boyfriend will be meeting my entire family at a wedding in June, and…
  • I had been dating a guy for around six months when I was in my late 20s. "I love yous" had been exchanged, we had met each other's family and friends, we were exclusive, etc. We had a lot of fun together and were very compatible. He typically spent a couple of nights at my house each week. He stayed over at my house on a…
  • Why can't you be both single and happy and willing to jump into a relationship if you meet the right person? I don't see the two as being mutually exclusive.
  • You can want and have companionship and a stable relationship without getting married. Some people (for example, me) just don't see the benefit of being legally tied to another person via marriage. That doesn't mean we don't want companionship or a stable relationship.
  • And another form of societal pressure rears its head! Yes, of course any desire by a woman to not be married must be the result of a woman fooling herself, lying to herself, or deflecting how she really feels. I don't disagree that some women may do this, but I don't and I find it really condescending when people (not you)…
  • Yeah, totally disagree with this. I'm not trying to sound "cool and disaffected" either (LOL, WTF?) Why do you have to be going out somewhere or interacting with other people to legitimately have plans? Why does it make my plans any less important? That makes no sense to me. Why should I cancel my plans for me time because…
  • I totally agree also. But that said, I think if it is truly a dealbreaker, it doesn't matter when you reveal it. Yes, this! Holding back the religion thing is far worse than holding back financial information, and I can't see how that never came up in six months of dating. I've heard Evan Katz talk about this before, and…
  • I think we have to remember the target audience for this book. It isn't written for confident women who don't allow men to treat them like doormats. It's written for women who let men treat them like doormats, accept the crumbs of a last minute booty call in the hopes it will make the guy like them, chase after men who are…
  • Totally agree that it gets worse as you hit your 30s and have never married. People suddenly become invested in wondering why you haven't followed the rest of the herd and gotten married. I've heard "You're so awesome, I can't believe you're not married" so many times. I always just stop them cold by saying "It's fine, I…
  • The Rules were my Bible when I was in my early 20s, and while there is definitely some stupid advice in there, it's overall message is excellent. I never viewed it as "playing games" so much as "get a life." A lot of what they say revolves around making sure you are busy with your own interests and life so you aren't…
  • I love being single. In fact, I'd gotten so used to be single that I'm struggling a bit in my current relationship. Things I love(d) about being single: 1. I can do whatever I want. If I want to spend a day in my PJs catching up on my DVR. that is my choice. There is no one there to try to guilt me into getting off my…
  • I've had way better luck and way less heartache when I've let the guy pursue, but I'm not completely against reaching out with a text message. Knowing me, I probably wouldn't have reached out to him, but I think it's fine that you did. But now your update makes me wonder if he was planning on contacting you at all. (In my…
  • Please tell me you are joking about being miffed about ponying up $7 for a burrito after six months of dating. I'm all about letting the man pursue, being "courted" (for lack of a better word) and all that, but when it comes to paying, I think women should pay (or at least offer) as the relationship gets rolling along. (I…
  • Yeah, even I think once a week is not enough! This is exactly it. I know it will have to move at some point...I'm thinking I probably have 3-4 more months that I can keep going like this. I'm not sure what I will do. I guess I'll just have to see how much more frequently he wants us to see each other and decide if I can…